Chapter 2

OM NOM NOM{Hiatus}

 Chapter 2: Hidden Fanboy.


 Author's Pov:


Nights later after Suju interviews with the girls, little was known to them a new fanboy emerged hidden with the cover of liking another member in the same group. But it sprouted a mini fan war of who is better looking with the attractive new fanboy. Fan sites for rooted for ' jaedara & jaebom ' as the war waged on, the person who was taking everything in was interested in story sites, to be more specific ' jaebom fics'.


"This is nuts, did I cause this much controversy with pairings?" Jaejoong sighed, looking at the site before his eyes. All of them were the same ' Jaedara vs Jaebom', he got tired of reading it but, mulling through it something caught his eye something must have gotten into his mind because where he clicked lead towards a jaebom fanfiction a rated one at that. It was something with . His eyes widened, the topic was so taboo, yet it held his interest. "I am a sick freaking man. But wait, the hell I am not related to her in any which way. So I am not that sick, am I??"  [A/N Jae yes you are! Jae: -.- I will get you. Me:Merong -sticks out tongue- Jae: Childish! Me:Old man! Jae:One you find smexy. Me: -rolls eyes- back to the story]


On the girls side both Bom and Dara were looking at the same thing, they were in the same place as Jaejoong, but Bom was mind boggled at the fanfiction, it was actually quite um hot to her. Dara on the other hand was into reading it,she felt the emotions just jump off of the page of the fiction. Bom just sat there thinking that the fans were a tad odd for writing like that, but it was there freedom to write like that.


"Bommie, I think you would suit Jaejoong more then I do.." Bom couldn't believe what she was hearing from her younger member, even though it maybe be only a couple of months still she was older. "Really look he looks like a doll male version, and you are the female version, but more dorky." There it was she couldn't help but giggle at her other half of a sister with a incredulous look.


"Gosh, you make me so good. Even if I am feeling all weirded out, thank you!!!" Rushing over so fast Dara couldn't even prepare to get ready to react, they went down with each other on the bed. A bang hit the door startling the both of them.


"Unni's shut it please, we are trying to sleep!!" They nodded, then realized that the door wasn't a glass door.


"SORRRY!!! We'll be more quiet." Mhmmm said that younger, then silence filled the complex.


Where as with Jaejoong, he was hooked on JaeBom fics, he kept having to read more and more. "DAMN IT. They need more of these fics." That's when it struck him, he was addicted to Bom. It was official he mindeffed himself. That wasn't just it he was looking at every site for those fics. Till he stumbled on fan drawings of the both of them.


His eyes were glued to them, as he hit the save button on the picture, he knew  that now he was in deep addiction. His blood was rushing to his head, with the thought of trying to meet 2ne1 any which way possible. Again he stumbled onto something with Jaebom,  this time it was fan made videos of the two.


Overwhelming feelings had emerged from just a nights investigating, he knew almost everything about Bom that was on the net, now he just need to wait on when he could be able to use the information.


Where as Dara and Bom were just giggling at the fact that fans were so adement with their shippings. Dara was still on reading JaeBom fics. "Dara I think you are addicted to JaeBom fics, it's odd because hello the real Bom is here infront of you, look at me I am not oggling the computer like you are." Dara didn't even react, instead she just kept reading.


"Bom I am sorry, but it just so interesting. I think I ship JaeBom now, wait I know I shipp JaeBom..." Bom couldn't do anything with that statement, but instead just went to be with the notion of a fangirl of the best friend, researching for more JaeBom.


"Well get to bed soon, okay?" Dara nodded, as Bom left the room for her own she couldn't help it but to think that was so weird. "Jeez JaeBom shippings are creating a monster in this house, and it's not even me." You could hear a little squeal from Dara's room. "Goodness this woman, she better be sleeping soon or else she will be in trouble in the morning."


Jaejoong was just like Dara, fanboying over JaeBom, until his dongsange pounded on the door telling him to pipe down. "This is my secret, I will reveal it at the better time not now, so I will be a secret fanboy." As he kept talking to himself the members switched on music to drown out his fanboying, the thing was they all thought he was fanboying over Dara, not Bom.




 So this is Jaejoong's Chapter.

What do you think?

Me: I am happy how it came out.

Jae:YEAHHH me too!!! -mumbles- besides you fighting with me.

Me:YAH I can hear you old man.

Jae:You know you love me.

Me:Uhhh huh, keep at it love.

Jae:Aishh Comment please :D I'll love you forever, subb, and add -points at author-

Bom:-sings U-kiss's Obssession-

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m0zarts0nata-- #1

Yay you updated this =^.^=. I kinda thought you had forgotten about this fic.
Nice chapter btw
Onew And Bomi~ Lalalalala.. Lol, Surprise update. Jaejoong just like Dara? Weird. Hahahahahah... I smiled wen Onew said that e wasn't afraid of admitting he loved chicken cos of Bom. (: So sweet!^.^
Oh noes!!! Bommie!!!! =>_<= update soon.<br />
<br />
Thanks for the shout out =^.^= btw.<br />
I will continue to read your fanfics, especially this one and radio romance.
i'm a gbom shipper! ^.^ But I love this idea of Jinki and Bomi! Wah! I hope Jinki comes in already! I wanna know what's gonna happen!!! BOON FIGHTING!! ^.^
I love the second chapter =^.^=b
bomtaro_tabi #8
Though I am a topbom shipper, I just simply must read your story cos I think Onew and Bom look kinda good together as well.<br />
Update soon!
Re-doing the fic ^^?ALRIGHT THEN!Keke ^^!Can't wait for the first chap!!!!!
@ All commentee's <br />
I will be re-doing this fic :D