
Infinite scenario: When you're afraid of storms

I went crazy again with Woohyun's.....it's basically the same "Woohyun and you " couple from the nightmare scenario.....hope you  like it^^



Infinite had just finished practice when their manager came in


“Did practice go well today, guys?”


“Ne!” they all shouted in unison.


“Good! I just wanted to tell you that the weather has taken a turn for the worst and there's a tornado warning out, so being careful going back to the dorm. And make sure you go straight back to the dorm, arasso?! No extra stops!”


Ne!” they all shouted again, except for Woohyun who came in with a late “N-Ne...” ever since the words “tornado warning” his thoughts instantly flashed to you. Memories of the time you were scared senseless by a simple thunder storm came back to him, now you were home alone with the threat of a tornado......


Ah, I wonder if ______ noona is okay......isn't she scared of storms?” Sungjong asked.


Oh yeah thats right...and her parents are out of town aren't they? Must be scary for her to be home alone right now.” Sunggyu added.


Listening to their conversation only increased Woohyun's worries. He pulled out his cell phone and dialed your number.


We're sorry, the number you are calling cannot be-


“Aish, you pabo, and you scold me for not keeping my phone charged!” he ran a hand through his hair as he tried to think of another way to contact you.


Sunggyu noticed Woohyun pacing and walked up to him “You okay? We're almost ready to leave.”


Woohyun sighed “I'm just worried about ______....her phone must've died or something and I can't reach her.” he let out another frustrated sigh.


Sunggyu thought for a moment and then something clicked “Remember all those times we escaped from Manager Hyung during Sesame Player? Those were fun times weren't they?”


Woohyun gave the leader a confused look “Well...yeah.....that was pretty fun....but what-OH!”


Sunggyu patted his dongsaeng on the shoulder “Go check on your girlfriend, we'll cover for you.”


Woohyun suddenly hugged Sunggyu “Thank you, hyung!” and with that he let go of him and snuck out the door.




He ran up the steps to your house and let himself in with his spare key


“______-ah?!” he shouted for you but got now response “Yah, Gwenchana?!"


He ran down to the basement to find you sitting in the hallway, as far away from any window as possible, in the position they made you sit in for every tornado drill in elementary school, knees brought in to your chest, your head brought down to your knees, and your hands covering the backside of your neck.


He let out a relieved sigh and sat down beside you “Yah, paboya” he poked you and you slowly lifted your head to look at him.


“Woohyun!” you threw your arms around him, beyond grateful that he was here.


He laughed a bit and hugged you back. You suddenly pulled away and punched him hard on the arm


“OW! Well it's good to see you too.....” he said as he rubbed his arm.


“Yah, what are you doing here?! Why are you running around when there's a tornado warning, huh?!”


“It's just warning! The tornado hasn't even been spotted yet...”


“What would they say if Infinite's Woohyun got caught in a tornado?!”


“What are people gonna say when they see a huge bruise on my arm from my violent girlfriend?!”


“You deserved it!”


“Did not!”


“Did too!”


The familiar sound of the tornado siren made you both go silent, you let yourself shrink back into Woohyun's embrace.


He sighed “I had to make sure you were okay......” he looked around to find the hallway surprisingly empty “Which you obviously aren't.” he let go of you and stood up.


“Where are you going?” you asked as he was already disappearing down the hallway.


“Just sit there and look pretty! I'll be back!” he shouted as he ran up the stairs.


A few minutes later he returned with his arms full.


“Pabo, don't you know what you need during a tornado?” he sat the stuff down and began to go through it “A flashlight, some food for survival.” he held up a couple bags of potato chips causing you to shake your head and giggle“A phone that's always charged.” he held up his own cell phone and you scoffed.


“Always charged my as-”


“And most importantly, your amazing boyfriend who you would never survive without.” he smiled innocently and you giggled, You had to admit that you had forgotten a lot about tornado survival 101.


“Thank you, Woohyun.” you quickly stole a kiss on his lips


He smiled and kissed your forehead “Anytime, jagiya. Oh! The flashlight is my favorite! You know why?” you shook your head “ 'Cause you can do this.” he the flashlight and started making shadow shapes with his hand, sending you into a giggle fit.


“Aigoo, how old are you again?”


“Shut up, you know you love it! Oh, look! This one looks like Sunggyu Hyung when he's angry!”


The storm was completely forgotten, even after it passed you and Woohyun spent all night goofing off in the hallway and eating junk food.

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Think! Think! Think! What would Sungjong do during a storm??


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Chapter 6: Dongwoo T_T
Chapter 6: i cried so hard at dongwoo's version... TT.TT
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 7: hahahahahaah Sungjongie still venting out his anger on the poor bear....
Chapter 6: I cry so hard .i was really touched
Chapter 4: Ohmy! Soooo cute. Myungsoo~ *fanning myself* :D Nice one.
Chapter 7: LOVE SUNGJONG'S PICTURE!!! <3_<3
yuck...hail...but sungjong to the rescue!!!!...hangs head...malfunctioning phones...ugh...
Chapter 6: i'm sobbing TT
Mo0onyDolls #9
Chapter 6: No words will do this scenario it justice!! * sobs * I loved it!!! The letter will forever keep me strong!! It was beautiful!! * eyes full of tears * toto baby you are such a great author! Saranghae <3