
Infinite scenario: When you're afraid of storms


“AH!” Both you and Dongwoo screamed as thunder shook your bedroom. The two of sat in the middle of your bed, your arms wrapped around eachother as the storm raged outside.


“I-It's's just a bit of t-thunder.” Dongwoo tried to comfort you with a shaky voice. You knew he was just as scared of storms as you were but he tried so hard to hide it so he could be strong for you.


“Y-yeah...just thunder....” just at that moment the lights flickered before leaving the two of you in total darkness. You pressed your face into Dongwoo's chest and let a few tears escaped.


“Are you crying? Pabo _____.”


“Oh yeah, like you've never cried during a storm before.” you sniffled at the end.


He let out a light chuckle and kissed the top of your head. A few moments of silence passed before- “Oh! I can't believe I never thought of this before!” Dongwoo's sudden exclamation made you jump.


It was suddenly very cold as Dongwoo released you from his arms and left the bed.


Dongwoo?!” You blindly reached your hands out into the darkness looking for some sign of him. Then you felt a hand intertwine itself with yours.


“Shhh, it's okay. I promise I'll only be gone for a little bit, okay? I promise.”


“But I'm so scared Dongwoo-ah....” there were two things you hated and feared most: Thunder storms and being alone in the dark. Now he was asking you to face them both.


“I know, I'm sorry. But I promise I'll be right back. Just close your eyes and imagine you're somewhere else....find your happy place and I'll be back before you know it, okay?”


You sighed, swollowed your tears, and shut your eyes. “Okay...but....hurry back to me will ya?”


He laughed “Always.” he kissed your hand and then he was gone.


You had to admit that closing your eyes helped supress your fear. You pictured yourself on a hill, with Dongwoo, having that picnic that the two of you had always planned but never actually did. A crack of thuder shook you from your daydream. You started to make out an oranage colored light from behind your eyelids.


“Dongwoo?” You called out. “Dongwoo is that you?” although he didn't answer you could tell he was there. You could hear things moving, almost the sound of fabric, like someone was making a bed.


“Okay, ______, give me your hand.” you reached out your hand and he quickly found it.


“Don't open your eyes yet.”



You did as he said and he guided you off the bed. He led you to a spot on the floor, “Oh, watch your head.” he gently pushed your head down as he guided you into.....something.


The orange light from before had returned and you were growing anxious. “Can I open them now?”


“Alright, now you can open them,”


You gasped as you opened your eyes. Dongwoo had built a little fort out of sheets on the floor, you could feel yourself being instantly comforted by the childlike aura the tent and the light of the flashlightgs gave off. Your eyes finally met his, he smiled and handed you the second flashlight.


When I was a kid and there was a thunderstrom at night, I would be so scared that I couldn't sleep. My mom would come into my room and build a fort just like this one. She would stay with me in it until the storm passed...playing games...telling stories....and I would forget about the storm outside.....I thought it might do the same for you.”


It's beautiful, Dongwoo. Thank you.” you leaned over and kissed him on the mouth. “I love you.”


He laughed and pressed his forehead against yours, “I still don't know how that happened....I love you, too.....forever.”





Grandma!” The little boy screamed from his bed, frightened by the storm outside.


Yes, dear?” You entered your Grandson's bedroom.


The storm is too scary.......I can't sleep.”


Oh, well I think I know what I can do about that.” you smiled down at him, “take my hand.”


You led your grandson to the room you and Dongwoo shared.....used to share.


Wow, Awesome!” You laughed at his reaction upon seeing the huge sheet tent that was set up.


Well, go on! I'll join you in a bit but there are games in there to keep you busy, now shoo!” The little boy took off running towards the tent.


You turned around and made your way to the living room. Where there sits a picture of Dongwoo, a young Dongwoo, from back in his infinite days.


So I had to let our grandson in on the tent secret.....I wish you could have been here long enough to see his would've made your day.” you were now trying to choke back tears, “It's my favorite whenever he visits,espicially now.....this house feels so big and empty without you.” you laughed and you expected to hear Dongwoo laughing with you, like he always did, “I miss you, Dongwoo. Why'd you have to leave? The storms are so much scarier and harder to get through...” Your hand found its way into the pocket of the robe you wore, searching for tissues to wipe your tears. What they found instead, was a piece of paper.


You took out the worn out letter, the letter you had almost forgotten.


My beautiful _________,


I'm afraid I don't have much time left. I'm aftaid that when I leave you'll cry(and you call me a cry baby)and I won't be there to comfort you. I'm worried because I've heard there are lots of storms coming this way......but Jagiya, I won't be there for the storms anymore. So you have to be strong, okay? No matter what kind of storms come your way you have to be strong for our kids, and grandkids. And if it ever gets too hard you can always build a fort, close your eyes, and escape the storm. Maybe you'll get to spend some time with me, though I don't think that's how it works. I'm going to miss you. I don't care if I am going to heaven. If I can't take you with me it might as well be Hell. Don't forget that I love you, always and with all my heart.


Until we meet again, Jagiya,








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Think! Think! Think! What would Sungjong do during a storm??


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Chapter 6: Dongwoo T_T
Chapter 6: i cried so hard at dongwoo's version... TT.TT
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 7: hahahahahaah Sungjongie still venting out his anger on the poor bear....
Chapter 6: I cry so hard .i was really touched
Chapter 4: Ohmy! Soooo cute. Myungsoo~ *fanning myself* :D Nice one.
Chapter 7: LOVE SUNGJONG'S PICTURE!!! <3_<3
yuck...hail...but sungjong to the rescue!!!!...hangs head...malfunctioning phones...ugh...
Chapter 6: i'm sobbing TT
Mo0onyDolls #9
Chapter 6: No words will do this scenario it justice!! * sobs * I loved it!!! The letter will forever keep me strong!! It was beautiful!! * eyes full of tears * toto baby you are such a great author! Saranghae <3