
Infinite scenario: When you're afraid of storms

I am so sorry this took so long!! LIfe is crazy right now and not in the good "Get your Crayon" kinda crazy. But anywho I had a lot of trouble with this one for some reason....I started writing it and the plot was really complicated and I just thought I wanted to make it more relatable to you the readers(all my 13 amazing readers<33)soooo this is what I came up with...I'll shut up now so you can read keke hope you like it <3



You screamed and buried your face in a pillow to protect yourself from the image on the screen.

"Calm down. It's just a movie."

You glanced over at your boyfriend who was sitting on the opposite side of the couch. His expressionless mask unphased by the gruesome images on the television.

You stared at him for a while, observing his handsome features until another scream and a fit of thunder from the storm outside(yes on top of watching a scary movie there was a strong thunderstorm outside)made you jump, scream, and throw your pillow at Myungsoo's face.

"Aish! I'm trying to watch the movie!"

You shrank back at his harsh voice. Tears formed in your eyes, you were so scared and being yelled at wasn't helping. After a dew moments of silence you made an excuse to leave for a bit.

Myungsoo felt guilty for snapping at you. He had seen how scared you were but he didn't know how to comfort you. He finally decided to find you and apologize.

He hadn't taken more than a couple steps when the storm caused the power to go out.

"Oh, great." He muttered as he fumbled around for a flashlight.

"MYUNGSOO!!" He heard your scream from somewhere in the darkness. He dropped what he was doing and tried to get to you as fast as he could.

"______?! Are you alright?!" Had you somehow injured yourself in the darkness? How would he call for help with the power out?

"Myungsoo!" He could now hear your quite sobs.

"Where are you?!"

"M-My room!" Your voice sounded so close now. He felt his hand along the wall until he felt a door. He ripped the door open just as a flash of lighting produced enough light for him to see you curled up into a ball on your bed.

He walked over and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump.

"Hey." He said in a soothing voice "It's just me."

You looked up at him with puffy eyes and immediately threw your arms around his waist, sobbing into his chest

He let out a relieved sigh as his arms wrapped tightly around you, gently pressing you into  His chest. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

You shook your head.

"Are you really just this scared?"

You nodded and. Muffled a few sobs in his shirt.

"I-I thought something was gonna kill me!"

He tightned his hold on you and kissed the top of your head "Pabo.. I would never  let anyone or anything hurt you."

You were starting to relax when thunder shook the house again. Myungsoo just held you tight, gently your hair, hummed Infinite songs in your ear.

He didn't let you out of his arms through the whole storm. As long as you were there he knew he could, and would, proctect you from anything.

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Think! Think! Think! What would Sungjong do during a storm??


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Chapter 6: Dongwoo T_T
Chapter 6: i cried so hard at dongwoo's version... TT.TT
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 7: hahahahahaah Sungjongie still venting out his anger on the poor bear....
Chapter 6: I cry so hard .i was really touched
Chapter 4: Ohmy! Soooo cute. Myungsoo~ *fanning myself* :D Nice one.
Chapter 7: LOVE SUNGJONG'S PICTURE!!! <3_<3
yuck...hail...but sungjong to the rescue!!!!...hangs head...malfunctioning phones...ugh...
Chapter 6: i'm sobbing TT
Mo0onyDolls #9
Chapter 6: No words will do this scenario it justice!! * sobs * I loved it!!! The letter will forever keep me strong!! It was beautiful!! * eyes full of tears * toto baby you are such a great author! Saranghae <3