
Infinite scenario: When you're afraid of storms

Sunggyu sighed as he listened to the thunder outside.He slid his key into your door, knowing what would be waiting for him on the other side.

He walked in, seeing no sign of you. "Babe?" He called, setting his bags on the floor, "You home?"


"Maybe she had to work late..." he pulled out his phone to call you when he saw movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned his head to see you, messy hair, eyes red and puffy from all the crying you've been doing. "______?"

"S-S-S-" you couldn't get his name out before breaking out into sobs again.

He walked over and took you in his arms, rubbing your back soothingly. "(Insert your full name here) you are freezing cold! Are you trying to catch a cold without even going out into the storm??" He let go momentarily to grab a blanket off the couch and drape it over your shoulders. "There, is that a little better?" You gave a small smile and nodded, "There's that beautiful smile I've been waiting to see! I missed you." You tried to say that you missed him too but as soon as you opened your mouth more tears escaped. He cupped your face and wiped your tears, "Shh please don't cry anymore..." he bit his lip as he tried to think of ways to distract you from the storm.

Suddenly he scooped you up and set you on the couch. He walked over to your movie collection and selected a DVD that you couldn't make out. Once he put it in the DVD player he disappeared into the kitchen. You sat there slightly dazed until you realized he had put in your favorite movie. You smiled and a couple more tears rolled down your face.

A few minutes later he returned with a bowl of popcorn. He plopped down beside you and draped an arm over your shoulder,pulling you to him,"Ohh I love this part! Popcorn?" You stared in his eyes for a bit before kissing his lips, "Thank you." You whispered. "I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about....but you're welcome." He kissed your forehead, "Now say "ah". " you giggled as he tried to feed you a huge handful of popcorn. And with that you forgot about the storm and your final tear fell.

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Think! Think! Think! What would Sungjong do during a storm??


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Chapter 6: Dongwoo T_T
Chapter 6: i cried so hard at dongwoo's version... TT.TT
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 7: hahahahahaah Sungjongie still venting out his anger on the poor bear....
Chapter 6: I cry so hard .i was really touched
Chapter 4: Ohmy! Soooo cute. Myungsoo~ *fanning myself* :D Nice one.
Chapter 7: LOVE SUNGJONG'S PICTURE!!! <3_<3
yuck...hail...but sungjong to the rescue!!!!...hangs head...malfunctioning phones...ugh...
Chapter 6: i'm sobbing TT
Mo0onyDolls #9
Chapter 6: No words will do this scenario it justice!! * sobs * I loved it!!! The letter will forever keep me strong!! It was beautiful!! * eyes full of tears * toto baby you are such a great author! Saranghae <3