
Infinite scenario: When you're afraid of storms

Not really an "you're scared of stroms" scenario but I don't care because I FINALLY came up with a story line for -ish but I hope you like it!





Your walking slowed down a bit when you heard the sky above you rumble. On your way home from school you had noticed the weather quickly declining.


Suddenly your phone started ringing.




“Jagi!” It was Sunjong, his voice was a combination of concern and annoyance, “Where are you?! Why haven't you replied to any of my texts?!”


You flinched and held the phone away from your ear as he yelled, “Sorry, Sungjong. My phone's been having issues lately. For some reason it won't let me send or receive texts.”


He sighed dramatically, “Well, have you called the phone place to have it fixed?!”


“I'm going to! Now, reign in the Diva and tell me why you called me!”


He sighed again, calming down, “I kept texting you during school to tell you that I was coming to pick you up today but you never replied.”


“Why would you pick me up? You know I always walk home.”


“Yeah, I know. But there's a big storm heading this way and I didn't want to risk you getting caught in it.”


“ Sungjongie is worried about me? Kyeopta!” You .


“Yah! It's my job to be worried about you! That's why I became your boyfriend! So I can take care of you.”


You giggled and blushed, “Arasso.”


“So where are you right now? I can pick you up from there.”


“I'm in the middle of an intersection.” You laughed, “I don't think you want me to wait there.”


“Don't get smart with me, you know what I mean!”


“There's no point, really. I'm already halfway to my house. You can meet me there if you want.”


“Alright...” he sounded a bit unsure, “But if the weather starts to get really bad I want to find some shelter and then call me!”


“Yes, sir! I'll be sure to find a nice, big tree to hide under!”


“Aish, this girl...” he mumbled before he hung up.


As soon as you ended the call, a raindrop fell onto your screen. You looked up to the sky and several more fell on your face. You sighed and continued your walk home.


It's only a fifteen minute walk from bad can it get in fifteen minutes?


Within two minutes you were soaked from the pouring rain. Your attempt to use your backpack as a shield proved useless.


“Just a little need to call Sungjong over a little rainfall.”


Lightning and thunder cracked across the sky causing you to jump and scream. Okay....Now I really wish Sungjong were here.


You pulled out your cell phone and dialed his number.


“______!” He picked up on the first ring, “Why aren't you here yet? Are you okay?”


“Um, actually....could you come pick up please?”


“Of course I will.” His voice was gentle, “Where are you?”


“Just a minute.” You had to walk closer to the street sign to read it, you couldn't see it through the rain, “I'm at-” more thunder boomed. It made you scream and jump again, but this time your phone flew out of your hand. You watched in horror as it was washed down the gutter.


“Oh, nonononono!” You dropped down to you hand and knees to see if you could save your phone.


Suddenly, something hard hit your back, “Ow!” then another blow to your leg, “Ow!” it happened again and again and soon the rain storm had become a hail storm.


You stood, shielding your head with your arms, frantically looking around for shelter. The only place you had seen that would be a good place to hide was down the street.


You started running as fast as you could but your foot caught on something and you tripped. When you tried to stand up again your ankle wouldn't support you.


You were scared, alone, and in pain. You curled up into a ball on the sidewalk with your arms covering your head, taking the continuous blows from above.


You could feel the strength leaving your body when you heard a car's horn honk loudly. You looked up to see bright headlights racing your direction. The car stopped in front of you and a familiar figure stepped out, lifting you off the ground, placing you into the back seat of the car and then climbing in with you.


You sighed in relief, you hadn't realized how cold you had been out there. But the heater wasn't the only thing that was giving off an amazing warmth.


“Jagi...oh, Jagi...” Sungjong had you in his lap, gently pressing you to his chest. Right now, he was just enjoying the feeling of holding you in his arms, he had been so worried.

“Sungjong-ah....” you turned your head to press a kiss on his neck, “Thank you.”


Your eyelids began to feel heavy and he pulled back to look at your face.


“J-Jagi? Yah! Stay awake!” he gently patted your face.


“But I'm so tired.....”


“No! Don't sleep until we've taken you to a doctor! What if you have a concussion?!”


“Concussion from what?”


“I don't know! Maybe one too many pieces of hail fell on your head! Just....don't go to sleep....what if you never wake up?”


You heard him sniffle, “Cry baby, worry too much....” you snuggled into his chest and gave in to exhaustion.


You woke up in your bed. Your body was stiff and sore.


You could Sungjong's high pitched yelling outside of your door and smiled at the sound of his voice.


He walked back into the room, a serious expression on his face.


You bit your lip to keep from giggling, “Why so serious?”


His head snapped up and looked at you, “________!”


He jumped on the bed and gathered you in his arms.


“Ow....yah, Jagi, be gentle! I have bruises everywhere from that stupid hail.”


“Sorry!” he let you go and cupped your face in his hands, a huge smile on his face, “You woke up!”


“Of course I did, Pabo! Did you really think I was going to die?”


“I didn't know what to think! You screamed and then the call got cut you know how worried I was?? All these horrible scenarios were running through my head and...and..” he pulled you in for another hug.


You laughed and hugged him back, ignoring the pain, “So who were you yelling at just now?”


“Your cell phone company.”


You pulled back to look at him with confused eyes.


“What? I don't have my bear! I had to find something to take my anger out on. And I'm getting you a new cell phone with a more reliable company....this is never going to happen again!”


You smiled and rested your head on his chest. Nobody could take better care of you than Sungjong.



I'm happy.

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Think! Think! Think! What would Sungjong do during a storm??


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Chapter 6: Dongwoo T_T
Chapter 6: i cried so hard at dongwoo's version... TT.TT
LovelyShayang #3
Chapter 7: hahahahahaah Sungjongie still venting out his anger on the poor bear....
Chapter 6: I cry so hard .i was really touched
Chapter 4: Ohmy! Soooo cute. Myungsoo~ *fanning myself* :D Nice one.
Chapter 7: LOVE SUNGJONG'S PICTURE!!! <3_<3
yuck...hail...but sungjong to the rescue!!!!...hangs head...malfunctioning phones...ugh...
Chapter 6: i'm sobbing TT
Mo0onyDolls #9
Chapter 6: No words will do this scenario it justice!! * sobs * I loved it!!! The letter will forever keep me strong!! It was beautiful!! * eyes full of tears * toto baby you are such a great author! Saranghae <3