The father of my child is back
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Hara rest her chin on her palm and look outside of the window.

Well today the first four period of her class is kinda boring as Jiyeon is not in same lesson as her.

Suddenly someone take a seat beside her and she could sense that the person was looking at her.

She turn her head to the left and saw Sehun smiling at her.

''Hello Hara.'' he say.

She just kept quiet and turn back to look at the window. Sehun then leaned and whisper to her.

''Hara-ah, Kai and D.O hyung are the same class as we.'' he whisper.

Her eyes widen but she put on her poker face.

She look at him and show him are-you-ing-kidding-me face.

''Woah. Chill, girl. It's true. Look over there.'' He raised both his hands up for surrender then points Kai and D.O sitting at the otherside.

She look at where he is pointing and was shock but kept her poker face on then turn to the window.

Sehun sigh as he look at her.

'She is different.' he thought to himself.

Suddenly Hara felt her phone vibrate. She took it out from her uniform pocket and it was a message from Ms Baek.

To: Hara

Hara-ah, I know you are at school and sorry to disturb you. Can you come to Junseok's school now? I try calling your house phone but there's no one at home and I try to call your mum or dad's phone but they didn't pick up.

To: Ms Baek

It's okay, Ms Baek. What's wrong, Ms Baek? Is there something wrong? Sorry to inform you that appa went to a business trip in Japan if I'm not wrong at Tokyo and he had to bring umma with him.

To: Hara

It's okay. Well Junseok is having a fever. Can you fetch him from school?

To: Ms Baek

What?! He have a fever?! Okay, Ms Baek. I'll be right there.

She then put her phone inside her pocket then pack all her notes and books into her bag. Sehun look at her.

''Hara, where are you going?'' he whisper.

''I have to go home.'' she whisper back.

''What for?'' he ask.

''There's something urgent at home.'' she say as she stood up from her chair.

Ms Choi look at her.

''Ms Hara, why are you standing?'' she ask as she raise her eyebrow.

Everyone were now looking at her.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 37: oh okay. and please update i finally caught up. ^_^
sjlover19 #3
Chapter 35: Please update
Chapter 35: Yeay!! Kai tryin' to be sooo fluffy >_<
Love it!! Update soon
What will Kris doin'?
Chapter 35: Bluberi ice cream KILLED IT! >.>
Chapter 35: What kind of waitress is that . They're having a family time there (-____-)
Chapter 35: Flirting failed for the waitress hahaha
guan-yin #8
Chapter 35: they are so cute and sweet~~~~
i wish my future boyfriend would be like that X<
please update soon~~~XD
guan-yin #9
Chapter 34: aigooooo~~~ kai and hara are sooooo sweeeeeettt~~~<3<3 XD
i wish i had a boyfriend like kai~ ~T^T
jeonjungcock #10
Chapter 34: Kai is so sweet towards hara <3