
The father of my child is back
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As lesson are going on, Kai can't help but to take a glance at his phone as he was waiting for Hara's phone calls and any messages from her but what he got was none. He frowned as he got no news from her. On other hand, Sehun saw his hyung taking a few glance of his phone then frowned. Sehun sighed and whisper to his hyung.


''Yah! Hyung, why are you frowning and taking few glances of your phone?''


''Nothing, Sehun. Just concentrate on what the teacher is teaching and it is none of your business.''


''As if I can concentrate while you keep on taking few glances of your phone. Is it because you are worry for Hara?''


''Psst.. Me? Worry? For Hara.. Nah I am not... I know that she can take care of herself.''


Sehun roll his eyes.


''Yeah right. Then stop glancing at your phone if you don't want the teacher to take your phone away.''


Kai sighed and put his phone in his jacket pocket.


'Sehun is right. I am worry cause of Hara. I didn't get any call or any messages from her if she is safe.I am just worry that she would disappeared like those 3 years again and I don't want that to happen again.' He thought to himself as he took down some notes.






Hara heard her son called out her name. She then looked at him.


''Yes, Junseok-ah?''


''You are not calling papa?'' he hugged his teddy bear and tilt his head.


''Oh yeah, you are right. I almost forgot to call him cause of your grandparents and uncles.'' she pout as she took out her phone from her handbag.


Junseok giggles as his mother cuteness.


''It's wokay, mama.''


Hara took her phone out

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 37: oh okay. and please update i finally caught up. ^_^
sjlover19 #3
Chapter 35: Please update
Chapter 35: Yeay!! Kai tryin' to be sooo fluffy >_<
Love it!! Update soon
What will Kris doin'?
Chapter 35: Bluberi ice cream KILLED IT! >.>
Chapter 35: What kind of waitress is that . They're having a family time there (-____-)
Chapter 35: Flirting failed for the waitress hahaha
guan-yin #8
Chapter 35: they are so cute and sweet~~~~
i wish my future boyfriend would be like that X<
please update soon~~~XD
guan-yin #9
Chapter 34: aigooooo~~~ kai and hara are sooooo sweeeeeettt~~~<3<3 XD
i wish i had a boyfriend like kai~ ~T^T
jeonjungcock #10
Chapter 34: Kai is so sweet towards hara <3