I really like this caring Kai

The father of my child is back
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They are now in their new house and Junseok was happily playing with his toys.

Kai was taking care of his son as Hara was busy unpacking her things in their room.

''Papa.'' Junseok call out for Kai.

''Yes, Junseok-ah?'' Kai look at him.

''Papa, do you lub mama?'' Junseok ask out-of-the-blues.

''Eh? Of course I LOVE your mama. Why do you ask?'' He say as he raise one eyebrow.

''Nothing, papa.'' he say as he continue playing with his toys.

Kai wonder why his son ask him all of sudden but just shrug it off.

Suddenly Kai's phone rang and it was a call from Chanyeol.

He then pick it up.


''Yo! Kai, are you busy?'' Chanyeol ask on the other line.

''Not really. Why?''

''Well we thought of going to your house.''

''Well I am in my own house that I bought for my family.''

''Eh?! You didn't tell us that you got your own house and you didn't give us your address.'' Chanyeol pout on the other line.

''Hahaha.. Sorry about that, hyung. Later I text you my house address.''

''Okay so how's you and Hara?''

''Well we are doing fine. I think she is now realising my love for her.''

''Really?! Well congrats man.''

''Haha... Thanks, hyung.''

''No prob. Oh well don't forget to send us your new address cause we are going there later.''

''Okay, hyung.'' He say as he end the call and text Chanyeol his new address.

As Hara was done unpacking her things in her room, she then head downstair to the living room to join Kai and Junseok.

Hara then sit beside Kai on the couch.

''Hara-ah, the guys are coming here.'' Kai say as eyes were glue on the tv.

''Oh okay. Wait! WHAT?!'' she look at him.

''They are coming here.'' he now facing her.

''H-how? I mean they don't know where we are staying.''

''Well Chanyeol just call me and he say that they want to come over so I say okay and say that I am staying at my own house and he say what?! You didn't tell us that you got your own house and you didn't tell us your address then I say sorry, hyung. He say it's okay and don't forget to text us your address cause we are coming over later.'' Kai say and continue watching tv.

''Uh okay.'' Hara say and then look at Junseok who is so happy playing with his toys.

''Okay only?'' Kai look at her in disbelief as she okay with them coming over.


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 37: oh okay. and please update i finally caught up. ^_^
sjlover19 #3
Chapter 35: Please update
Chapter 35: Yeay!! Kai tryin' to be sooo fluffy >_<
Love it!! Update soon
What will Kris doin'?
Chapter 35: Bluberi ice cream KILLED IT! >.>
Chapter 35: What kind of waitress is that . They're having a family time there (-____-)
Chapter 35: Flirting failed for the waitress hahaha
guan-yin #8
Chapter 35: they are so cute and sweet~~~~
i wish my future boyfriend would be like that X<
please update soon~~~XD
guan-yin #9
Chapter 34: aigooooo~~~ kai and hara are sooooo sweeeeeettt~~~<3<3 XD
i wish i had a boyfriend like kai~ ~T^T
jeonjungcock #10
Chapter 34: Kai is so sweet towards hara <3