chapter 33

The father of my child is back
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As Hara left the cafe, Kai was panic and he stood up and quickly left the cafe, and straight away went into his car. Hara had arrived home, she closed the door. Junseok was reading a story book with the maid, as he heard the front door closed, he put down the book and went to Hara.

He smiled and ran to her, "Mama," he said as he hugged her knees.

She smiled as she pat his head, "Where is your papa?" she asked him.

He shrugged.

"Hmm... Let's wait for your papa to come back home."

Junseok nodded his head, they then walked to the living room and took a sit on the couch, Hara saw Junseok's story book was open and was on the coffee table, she picked it up.

"Did you read it by yourself?" she asked him as she looked at him.

He smiled as he noddded his head.

"Or the maid help you?" she asked.

He shooked his head.

"Okay then, why don't you read to mama?" she smiled.

He nodded his head and start reading.

Suddenly she heard the front door closed and she knows that Kai had come home. 'Acting start.' she thought to herself as she giggles, as she tries to act as she was ignoring him. He straight away walked to the living room just to see Junseok reading his story book with Hara. He waited for her to asked him anything but what he receive was nothing.




They were having dinner together in silenceand she still didn't ask him anything. He can't stand it and wass about to spoke but Hara stood up and she took her plate to the kitchen. Junseok look at Hara then Kai in confusion as to why are his parents are acting like that.

Kai sighed as she walked out of the kitchen and took Junseok out from his baby sit and carried him upstair. Hara had bath Junseok and put him, his pyjamas on. She slept beside him on his bed and then both of them fall asleep. A few minutes later, Kai take a peek in Junseok's room to see Hara and Junseok had fallen asleep.

He took the blanket to cover till Junseok's shoulder. He then quietly carried Hara to their share bedroom. He gently place her on the bed and took the blanket to cover till her shoulder then plant a kissed on her foreh

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 37: oh okay. and please update i finally caught up. ^_^
sjlover19 #3
Chapter 35: Please update
Chapter 35: Yeay!! Kai tryin' to be sooo fluffy >_<
Love it!! Update soon
What will Kris doin'?
Chapter 35: Bluberi ice cream KILLED IT! >.>
Chapter 35: What kind of waitress is that . They're having a family time there (-____-)
Chapter 35: Flirting failed for the waitress hahaha
guan-yin #8
Chapter 35: they are so cute and sweet~~~~
i wish my future boyfriend would be like that X<
please update soon~~~XD
guan-yin #9
Chapter 34: aigooooo~~~ kai and hara are sooooo sweeeeeettt~~~<3<3 XD
i wish i had a boyfriend like kai~ ~T^T
jeonjungcock #10
Chapter 34: Kai is so sweet towards hara <3