Aunty and uncle!

The father of my child is back
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Kai end his call and put his phone back in his pocket then head towards Junseok and handed him his milky.

''Thwank you, papa.'' Junseok say as he took his bottle before he the teat of his bottle, he look at Kai.

''What's wrong, Junseok-ah? Is the milk taste disgusting again?'' he ask.

Junseok shook his head.

''Then?'' Kai raise an eyebrow.

''When ish mama going to come home?'' he ask.

''Not sure but she will be home later.'' he say.

''Wokay, papa.'' he say and then the teat of his bottle.

Kai carry Junseok to the living room.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

''Hmm? Who could that be?'' he ask as he look at Junseok.

Junseok was drinking his bottle of milk and shrug.

Kai put Junseok on the couch and switch on the tv which has Junseok's favourite show Pororo.

He then head to the door and open it and there was two couple outside of the door.

The two couple eyes widen in surprise.

''W-who are you?'' they ask.

''Ermm... Kai? And who are you?'' he ask.

''I am Sunhwa, cousin of Hara and this is my fiance Kwanghee... Btw why are you in my cousin house?''

''She went out with erm.. my mum.''

The couples' eyes widen.

''Are you her boyfriend??'' Kwanghee ask.

''Erm... No but I am her fiance.''

''WHAT?!'' the couples say in disbelief.

Junseok heard someone say 'WHAT?!' in front of the door so he get down from the couch and head there.

He smile widely at the sight of the couples.

''Aunty and Uncle!'' he say as he ran to them and hug their legs while one hand hold his bottle for support.

Kai look confused like a stray cat lost in the streets.

''Aigoo.... My nephew.'' the couple say as they smile at Junseok.

Junseok look up at them and giggles.

Kai smile at them and suddenly cough as he was still there.

They look at him.

''Would you like to come in?'' Kai ask.

''Yes.'' they say as they head in.

They then head to the living room.

''Ermm.. Would you like any drinks?'' Kai ask.

''It's okay, Kai. You should take a seat.'' Sunhwa say.

''So Junseok, do you know this person?'' Kwanghee ask Junseok.

''Yesh I know.'' he say as he smile.

''Who is he?''

''He ish papa.'' Junseok smile.

''WHAT?! PAPA?!'' the couple say in disbelief.

''Haha... Yeah...'' Kai say. -Insert ^_^' face-

They then ask tons of questions to Kai as they are curious.

Kai had no choice to answer all of their questions.

'Hara-ah, please hurry. Your cousin and her fiance are killing me.' he thought to himself.


As Hara and her soon mother-in-law had done shopping and they are now in a cafe.

''So Hara-ah, do you like Jongin?'' Mrs Kim ask out-of-th blue.

Hara almost choke on her drinks and cough.

''Are you alright, dear?'' Mrs Kim ask.

Hara nod her head and cough again.

''Well Mrs Kim, I don't know how to say this but I do once got a crush on him.'' she say as she look at her drink.

Mrs Kim raise an eyebrow then put her hands under her chin at look at Hara with her eyes that are sparkling.

''Then?'' she ask.

''Erm... Then I stop having a c

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 35: Can't wait for more ☺
Chapter 37: oh okay. and please update i finally caught up. ^_^
sjlover19 #3
Chapter 35: Please update
Chapter 35: Yeay!! Kai tryin' to be sooo fluffy >_<
Love it!! Update soon
What will Kris doin'?
Chapter 35: Bluberi ice cream KILLED IT! >.>
Chapter 35: What kind of waitress is that . They're having a family time there (-____-)
Chapter 35: Flirting failed for the waitress hahaha
guan-yin #8
Chapter 35: they are so cute and sweet~~~~
i wish my future boyfriend would be like that X<
please update soon~~~XD
guan-yin #9
Chapter 34: aigooooo~~~ kai and hara are sooooo sweeeeeettt~~~<3<3 XD
i wish i had a boyfriend like kai~ ~T^T
jeonjungcock #10
Chapter 34: Kai is so sweet towards hara <3