Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 5)


Chapter 5



Kyuhyun and Sungmin arrive in Seoul after having their vacation in Maui, Hawaii. Kyuhyun immediately went out of the car. He walks inside, leaving Sungmin inside the car


“Aish! What’s wrong with him?”


Sungmin went out of the car and start unloading their things


“Young lady”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun’s driver


“It’s ok, just leave it to me. Young master will get mad at us. Just go inside”


“But driver ahjusshi, I am his nanny. This is my duty”


Kyuhyun’s driver shook his head


“Young lady, don’t be a hard headed girl. Young master doesn’t want you to do household chores. You’re not his nanny. That boy really loves you. He’s just making an excuse when he’s calling you nanny dear. He actually gives all of us an orientation on how are we going to treat you”




The driver ahjusshi smiles at her


“You’re young master’s wife so you’re our young lady”


Sungmin cough


“Who told you that I am the wife of that evil monster?”


“Young master told each of us about you”


“Aigoo! But I’m not yet married to him”


“Just go inside, arasso?”


Sungmin nods at him


“Before I go inside, who is Seohyun?”


“Oh, that girl is young master’s fiancée”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“How can he tell everyone here that I’m his wife when he has a fiancée?”


The driver ahjusshi shook his head


“He doesn’t love that girl”


“How did she become his fiancée?”


The driver ahjusshi moves closer


“Just ask young master. It’s really a long story”


He whispers to Sungmin




Sungmin smile and went inside. She stands at the corner when she heard Kyuhyun’s angry voice


“Who told you to come here?”


Sungmin’s eyes widened when the girl kisses Kyuhyun’s lips


“I miss you baby. Do you miss me too?”


Kyuhyun pushes her away from him


“Yah! Just leave my house, arasso?”


Seohyun pouts at him


“How can you treat your fiancée like that?”


“Just leave my house now”


She shook her head and smiles at him


“I’m going to stay here whether you like it or not”


“Umma and Appa was the one who told you to go here in Seoul, right? Seriously, you have a house. Why do you need to stay here? I don’t need a housemate”


Seohyun frowns at him


“Your parents doesn’t know that I’m here”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Stop lying Seohyun baby. I didn’t come out from my mother’s womb yesterday”


“Fine. They told me to have vacation here in Seoul since this is my hometown and I need to practice being your wife then I told them that I will be going here”


Seohyun walks towards him. She wraps her arms around his neck and smile brightly


“We need to get used in living together because we’re going to be husband and wife soon”


She kisses his lips and notice Sungmin standing at the corner, staring at them


“And who the hell is she?”


Seohyun points her finger towards Sungmin. Kyuhyun turns around and look at her. He walks towards Sungmin and drags her towards Seohyun. Sungmin bows at her. Seohyun stares at her from head to foot


“Who is she?”


Seohyun ask Kyuhyun while focusing her eyes upon Sungmin


“She’s my nanny”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun blankly


“You’ve got yourself a new nanny?”




“She looks so young and how come she doesn’t even wear maid clothes?”


“Because she’s a very special nanny”


Seohyun frowns when Kyuhyun wraps his hand on Sungmin’s waist, pulling her closer to him


“She’s my nanny and she only follows my order. I don’t like her wearing those clothes ok”


Seohyun shoot Sungmin a deadly glare


“Are you insane baby? You already have a nanny, so why do you need to hire another one? Look at her. She looks like a and Ahjumma is still better than this ”


Sungmin just smile at her, controlling her anger. She takes a deep breath and bows at her. He pushes Kyuhyun away and goes upstairs. Seohyun focus her attention to Kyuhyun


“Who does she think she is to act like that? Such an arrogant woman, she suppose to pay respect to me because I will be her young lady soon”


Kyuhyun raises his eyebrow


“Who told you?”


He holds Seohyun’s chin tight


“I’m warning you Seohyun. If you touch her then I’ll be your enemy. Stop insulting my nanny before I cut your sharp y mouth. Get that?”


Seohyun nods at him




He pushes her away


“Is that the way you welcome your soon to be wife?”


Kyuhyun laugh sarcastically


“Who told you that you will be my wife? I will never marry a girl like you. I don’t love you at all. If you want you can marry Umma and Appa since they like so much. You guys will be great couples”


Kyuhyun pats Seohyun’s cheek


“I want you to leave my house as soon as possible. I don’t need you here and seeing your face really irritates me”


“Yah! That’s so mean”


“That’s why you need to leave now because I won’t treat you right”


Kyuhyun frowns at her before going upstairs. Seohyun throws the figurine on the floor


“Aish! That girl will really get what she wants. She’s such a flirt. I must push her away from my Kyuhyun. I hate her”


Seohyun bites her lips because of anger. She stares at Kyuhyun’s driver


“Yah! Bring all my things upstairs, arasso?”


Seohyun shoot him a serious glare before going upstairs


“Who does she think she is?”


Kyuhyun’s driver whisper and stares at Seohyun’s things


“She’s the one who suppose to bring her things in her room. She’s not even invited here”


Kyuhyun’s driver sighs and carries all Kyuhyun and Sungmin’s things upstairs





Sungmin was lying on her bed, thinking about Kyuhyun


“Why am I jealous of her?”


Sungmin sigh


“Of course you should be jealous of her because she’s that evil brat’s fiancée. It only means that they will soon get married”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“And you’re really stupid to sleep with that man. It’s good that he didn’t impregnate me or else....AHHHHH!!! MY LIFE IS COMLETELY RUINED BECAUSE OF CHO KYUHYUN!!!”


Sungmin bites her lips because of anger


“I hate him this time. I really really hate him this time. How can he flirt with that girl in front of me?”


Sungmin hits her forehead


“Pabo! Lee Sungmin, that’s his fiancée. He has the right to flirt with her and who do you think you are?”


Sungmin sadly sigh


“I’m just his nanny and slave or whatever you call it. He introduces me as his nanny and not even his girlfriend or wife. That hurts. I’m really stupid to flirt around with him”


Sungmin stand up when she heard a knock on the door. She run towards the door and opens it. She was shock to see Seohyun standing outside her room


“Surprise to see me?”


Seohyun flash a sarcastic smile and went inside the room. Sungmin close the door gently


“What do you want from me?”


Seohyun elegantly sits on the bed. She stares at Sungmin who is standing at the doorway


“Please come closer. I’m not going to bite you sweetheart”


Sungmin walk towards her


“Is there anything that I can do for you?”


Seohyun stares at her seriously


“Who the hell are you? What are you doing here in my fiancé’s house?”


Sungmin didn’t answer. Seohyun raise her eyebrow


“I’m asking you sweetheart”


Sungmin smiles at her


“Are you scared that I might steal your fiancé away from you?”


Seohyun smirk


“Of course not, why am I going to be scared of you? I’m superior to you. Do you really think that Kyuhyun loves you? I’m telling you sweetheart, his standard is very high. He will never love a girl like you. A girl like you and I feel sorry for you because you fall on his trap”


Sungmin slaps Seohyun’s cheek


“Who the hell are you to insult me like that?”


Seohyun bites her lips because of anger. She immediately stands up and slaps Sungmin’s cheek


“Who told you to slap me?”


She holds Sungmin’s chin tightly


“You don’t have the right to lay your hands on me because you’re just my fiancé’s nanny. I will be his wife soon and you need to respect me if you don’t want to get hurt. Do you understand me?”


Sungmin didn’t answer


“Don’t you ever go near Kyuhyun or you will see what will happen to you nanny dear. Don’t try me girl because you’ll get more than that if you will disobey me. Kyuhyun is mine and we’re getting married soon. You’re just his playmate”


Seohyun smile and pats Sungmin’s cheek


“That’s the truth sweetheart. You’re just his nanny because no matter what happen Kyuhyun will marry me”


Seohyun pushes her hard on the floor


“You need to go back to your work nanny dear”


Seohyun steps on Sungmin’s left hand. She flashes an evil smile before going out from Sungmin’s room


“Ouch! What the is that?”


Sungmin holds his left hand


“That girl is really a . She’s evil like Cho Kyuhyun. They are the evil couple”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes because of anger and sadness


“What did I do to suffer like this? Honestly, I’m supposed to be enjoying my life, partying all night with my friends. Aish! OPPA! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!!!”


Sungmin lay down on the carpet


“I hate you Cho Kyuhyun! I really hate you! Why are you doing this to me? Why did you ever invite your evil fiancée here? It hurts but you don’t even care. You’re telling me that I’m a great player, but you’re the one who’s playing on me. I really hate you”


Sungmin close her eyes as tears start falling from it





Kyuhyun was sitting at the living room while reading a business magazine


“Young master”


Kyuhyun didn’t raise his head to look at his nanny


“Your driver told me that you want to talk to me”


Kyuhyun nod without looking at her. His attention was focused on the magazine that he’s reading


“Is there something wrong young master?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I just want to ask...when did Seohyun arrive here?”






Kyuhyun’s nanny nods at him


“Did Umma and Appa already call?”




Kyuhyun close the magazine that he’s reading and look at his nanny


“Please tell Minnie to go down. We’re going to have dinner now”


“How about your fiancée?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I don’t want to see her face. Please throw her away tomorrow morning”




Kyuhyun smile at her


“And please take care of my wife”


“Yes young master”


Kyuhyun’s nanny bows at him before going upstairs. Kyuhyun gets his mobile phone on the table and dials his mother’s number




“Who told you to send Seohyun here in my house?”


“Hi sweetheart. I miss you so much. It’s good to hear your voice”


Kyuhyun smirk


“I’m asking you Umma, who told you to send Seohyun here in my house?”


Kyuhyun’s mother flash a wide smile


“It’s our decision sweetheart. Are you surprise to see your loving fiancée? I’m sure you miss her so much. Your father and I are really great, right?”


Kyuhyun’s mother giggles happily


“Oh yes you are so great”


Kyuhyun told his mother sarcastically


“See, I told you that you will like her too. Seohyun is really a sweet girl and that’s why we like her as our daughter in law. She’s a very classy girl and she’s the only girl who deserves to be your wife”


“Then marry her if you want”




“Umma, this will be the last time that I’m going to tell you this. I’m warning you, if you and Appa will keep on insisting her to be my wife then you need to forget that I am your son. Do you understand me Mrs. Cho?”


Kyuhyun’s mother’s eyes widened


“How dare you talk to me like that?”


“And how dare you too to bind me with that girl? Are you crazy? I can’t even understand why you and Appa keep on deciding for me”


“Because Seohyun is the rightful girl for you. I can’t understand why you hate her so much. You can never find another Seohyun in your life because she’s one of a kind”


Kyuhyun laugh sarcastically


“Of course I can never find another Seohyun because she’s a very unique girl. Very unique girl. I feel so disappointed because my parents have a very low standard when choosing a girl for their son. So what if she’s living a classy life? I don’t even care if she’s rich or what. Her attitude is something that irritates me and that’s the thing that I can’t handle, especially his y face”


“YAH! CHO KYUHYUN! You’re going beyond the limit”




Kyuhyun shouts, releasing his anger


“If you won’t tell her to go back in Australia now then I shall drag her outside my house. I’m going to throw her out of my house like a beggar”


“How can you be so mean?”


“I’m not a very nice son and you know that. I won’t marry her and if you and Appa will still insist then I’m going to hire a wedding planner to arrange and prepare your wedding to her. Get that Mrs. Cho? Don’t push me so hard Umma. I really mean everything and you know that. Just choose between your Seohyun and your son. And don’t forget to tell that to your loving husband”


Kyuhyun hang up


“Aish! They really pissed me off”


“Is that the way you talk to Umma and Appa?”


Kyuhyun stares at the owner of the voice. Seohyun was standing at the stairs while staring at him


“Is that the way you suppose to talk to your parents?”


“Shut up. It’s none of your business”


Seohyun smile and walk towards him


“Of course it is my business”


She wraps her arms around his neck


“Because I’m your fiancée and we’re getting married soon”


Kyuhyun raised his eyebrow


“Stop dreaming Seohyun. That thing will never happen”


Seohyun brushes her fingers on his soft lips


“Honey, I know that you’re still in a shock mode. I also can’t believe that I’m going to be a bride soon. But I’m happy because you’re going to be my husband and you need to get used to that”


Seohyun stares at him while smiling brightly


“Don’t worry honey. I will always fulfill your need and I’ll be a good wife to you”


Seohyun kisses his lips, inserting her tongue into his mouth. Kyuhyun wraps his arm on her waist and pulls her closer to him and deepen the kiss. Kyuhyun’s nanny coughs to catch their attention. Kyuhyun’s eyes widened as he stares at his nanny standing at the stairs with Sungmin


“Did we arrive on time?”


Sungmin ask Kyuhyun while shooting him a deadly glare. Seohyun flash a devilish smile


“You’re actually late nanny dear. You didn’t witness everything. I never knew that my soon to be husband is such a great kisser. I wonder who taught him to kiss like that”


Seohyun smile while staring at Sungmin whose eyes are focus on Kyuhyun. Sungmin stares at him seriously before focusing her attention to Seohyun who is smiling brightly at her


“I guess your future husband didn’t even tell you”


“Tell me what?”


Sungmin smiles at Seohyun


“He didn’t tell you that I’m the one who taught him to kiss like that”




Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun seriously


“Why young master are you afraid of your fiancée? Are you afraid to tell her what happen to us at Shilla Hotel?”


Seohyun stares at Sungmin. Tears starts forming in her eyes because of anger


“What are you talking about ?”


“Should I tell you the complete scenario?”


Sungmin smirk


“I’m sure you wouldn’t love to hear it. You wouldn’t love to hear how your future husband makes love to me at Shilla Hotel”




Kyuhyun raises his voice while shooting Sungmin a serious glare




“Why? Are you afraid to tell your fiancée who am I in your life?”




Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes because of those words


“Just shut your mouth and don’t speak. I don’t want to hear anything from you. Do you understand me?”


Sungmin didn’t answer him


“You should know where to place yourself nanny dear”


Sungmin stares at him with teary eyes


“Arasso young master”


“Now, let’s have our dinner”


Sungmin shook her head


“You don’t need to drag me along. Why not ask your fiancée to feed you? I’m tired of following your damn rule! And beside I don’t eat together with players like you”


Sungmin emphasize the word ‘players’. She shoots him a serious glare before going upstairs. Seohyun holds Kyuhyun’s arm


“Don’t mind that . Let’s just have our dinner together honey”


Seohyun kisses his lips and drags him at the dining room





It was already eleven in the evening. Sungmin is still awake. She can’t sleep because of thinking about Kyuhyun and his evil fiancée Seohyun.




Sungmin throws a pillow on the floor


“I’m really going to kill you Cho Kyuhyun. Damn it! How can you do this to me? What kind of heart do you have? Can’t you feel that you’re hurting me huh?”


Sungmin heard her mobile phone ringing. She grabs it on the table and stares on it


“What the hell do you want now?”


Sungmin takes a deep breath before answering her mobile phone


“What the hell do you want now brat ?”


“Go to my room now”


Sungmin laugh sarcastically


“I don’t have time to flirt with you. Are you done playing around with your fiancée that’s why you want me to go in your room and flirt with you?”




Kyuhyun shouts over the phone


“Don’t shout at me! I’m not deaf”


“You’re pissing me off! Listen to me! I want you here in my room within ten minutes or else I’ll drag you with my own hands”


Kyuhyun hang up. Sungmin bites her lips because of anger


“Who does he think he is?”


Sungmin takes a deep breath


“Arasso. You really want to play with me Cho Kyuhyun, then I’ll give you a good and nice game”


Sungmin gets her ponytail inside the drawer and ties her beautiful hair


“Lee Sungmin, fighting. Go and kick that brat ’s ”


Sungmin pouts and went out of her room




Kyuhyun was sitting on his bed. He was waiting for Sungmin when his fiancée went out from the bathroom, wearing her nightgown


“I told you to go out of my room. Is that really hard to understand?”


Kyuhyun stares at her seriously. Seohyun shook her head and walks towards him


“We need to practice sleeping together. There’s nothing wrong if I sleep with my future husband”


Seohyun sits beside him


“What shall we do tonight?”


Kyuhyun stares at her blankly


“Honey, this is our first night sleeping together”


“Who told you that you’re going to sleep here? Go out before I lose my temper to you”


Seohyun shook her head


“Honey, are you not excited seeing me wearing only my nightgown?”


“Are you really that ?”


Seohyun crawls towards him


“I’m not wearing anything underneath, only my nightgown”


She whispers seductively to him. She sits on his lap and wraps her arm around his neck


“Do you want to have an early honeymoon?”


“Go out”


Seohyun kissed him


“Kyu, don’t play hard to get. I know you also want me”


Kyuhyun was shock when Seohyun rubs her hand on his crotch


“I want you Kyu and you know that”


Seohyun flash a seductive smile


“Let’s just have some flirty night and enjoy each other’s company”


Seohyun whispers to him. Kyuhyun stares at her lips


“Please kiss me honey”


Kyuhyun stares at her


“Do I need to beg you for you to do that?”


Seohyun moves closer. She brushes her fingers on his soft lips


“I’m good than her and I’ll prove that”


Kyuhyun slide one strap of Seohyun’s night gown on her shoulder. He gently brushes his lips from her. Seohyun his hair gently when Kyuhyun start kissing her neck. He starts caressing Seohyun’s making her moan softly


“Evil brat —“


Sungmin was shock on what she saw. Kyuhyun stop when he heard Sungmin’s voice


“I’m....welll...I didn’t mean to...sorry”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Do you know how to knock first before you enter?”


Kyuhyun told her




“Go out!”


Sungmin nods at him while controlling her tears from falling. She immediately go out and close the door. Kyuhyun stares at his fiancée


“Shall we continue honey?”


Seohyun was about to kiss him, but Kyuhyun move away. He stands up and stares at her


“Go out and leave me alone”


Seohyun frowns at him


“But honey”




Kyuhyun shout at her. He grabs her wrist and drags her towards the door


“You leave my house tomorrow morning. I don’t want to see your face. Go back in Australia and tell Umma and Appa that I’m not going to marry you”


Kyuhyun pushes her outside and shut the door




He punches the wall so hard


“What the hell am I doing?”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath and go out from his room. He went at Sungmin’s room to talk to her. He holds the doorknob and tries to open it, but it was lock


“Minnie, open the door”


Kyuhyun start knocking


“Minnie, open the door”


Sungmin was sitting on her bed while crying


“Baby, please open the door. I can explain everything”


Sungmin wipes her tears and walk towards the door. She sits on the floor and leans her back on the door


“You don’t need to explain”


Kyuhyun heard her trembling voice


“Baby, please open the door. I want to talk to you”


Sungmin shook her head while controlling the tears from falling


“We don’t need to talk”


“But I want to talk to you. Just open the door ok?”


“You need to sleep now. You still have work tomorrow”


“How can I sleep if you’re mad at me?”


Sungmin flash a weak smile


“Then what do you want me to do? You want me to laugh and congratulate you from flirting with other woman?”


“Of course not, baby please. Don’t be like that”


“You’re just playing on me. After you get what you want from me, you’ll just leave me like a trash”


“Of course not, you know that I love you”


Kyuhyun keeps on knocking at the door


“Please open the door now. Let’s talk”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes


“You don’t need to explain anything because I’m not your girlfriend and you’re not my boyfriend. We don’t have any relationship. I don’t have the right to get mad at you and get jealous of your fiancée. I don’t have right to do that because I’m just your nanny and you’re my young master...that’s all”


Kyuhyun lean his forehead on the door




“I’m just placing myself on the right position. You’re the one who told me that awhile ago. You don’t need to worry about me. I am nothing to you right? I’m just the party girl who makes love to you at that night, that’s all”


“I love you”


“Stop playing on me. You’re just hurting me ok”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m not playing on you. I am true to my feelings towards you. I love you and you know that. You’re the one who’s playing on me”


“Since when did I play with you?”


“Baby, just let me go inside. We can talk about this”


“We’re already talking”


Kyuhyun sigh


“But not like this”


“I hate you and I don’t want to see you”


“Minnie please...I love you so much”


“Stop telling me that you love me because if you really love me, you’re going to be sensitive enough to my feelings. If you really love me, you will never hurt me like this”


Sungmin bury her face on her knees. Kyuhyun can hear her crying


“Please don’t cry”


“But you’re making me cry. I hate you baby because you didn’t even care about me. You’re hurting me don’t you know that? I can’t understand why you’re doing this to me. Was it really easy for you to play on my emotions because I’m just a party girl?”


“Baby, it’s not like that”


Sungmin wipes her tears


“Come on. Just open the door and let me in. Please”


“You go to sleep now. I need to sleep too. I’m already tired and I still need to wake you up early young master. We don’t need to talk anymore. Good night young master and have a good night rest”


Sungmin walk towards her bed. She lay down and hugs a pillow


“I hate you Kyu...I really hate you. You break my heart into pieces”


Sungmin bury her face on the pillow and start crying hard

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu