Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 16)



Chapter 16



Kyuhyun went inside the room bringing his wife’s breakfast


“Baby, it’s time to eat”


Sungmin stop reading and pouts upon seeing Kyuhyun




Sungmin frowns at her husband


“I hate you”


Kyuhyun sits beside her and place the tray of food on the bed


“But I’m not doing anything. I’m being a good husband here”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“What’s wrong? Do you want something? You’re being moody again”


“Do you really need to go to your work today?”


Sungmin frowns harder while staring at his corporate attire


“Baby, just stay here with me”


“But I need to go. I really need to attend that meeting then I’ll be home after”


Kyuhyun brushes his fingers on her beautiful face


“I told you that I’ll be home right after the meeting. That’s a promise”


Sungmin shook her head


“Just let your Vice-President attend that meeting for you”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Baby, my Vice- President went in London today. He will be the representative of Cho Corporation in a business expo since I can’t leave you alone here”


Sungmin lay down on Kyuhyun’s lap


“Ok. Then let me just go with you”


“No. Just stay here and take a rest”


“But I don’t want to stay here without you”


Kyuhyun frowns at her


“Minnie, please listen to me. You need to take a rest for our baby Kyumin”


“But I’m fine”


“But you still need to take a rest. You’ll just stress yourself if you’ll come with me”


“I don’t want to stay at home without you”


Kyuhyun sighs


“What will I do to you?”


Sungmin pouts while staring at him with puppy eyes


“Let me go with you, please. I promise to behave and be a good girl”


Kyuhyun stares at her




“You eat your breakfast first before we go”


Sungmin flash a bright smile and sit on the bed


“You feed me now”


Sungmin opens like a little kid


“Baby, don’t act so cute because I’m falling for you even more. You know that I can’t even resist your cuteness”


“Yah! You feed me now because I’m hungry”


Kyuhyun pinches her cheek


“Arasso brat Princess”


Kyuhyun smile and start feeding her








The employees of the Cho Corporation are all gathered in the lobby as Kyuhyun officially introduce Sungmin to them


“Thanks for being here”


Kyuhyun smiles at them while holding Sungmin’s hand tight


“I just want to officially introduce my wife to all of you. I know that some of you already saw her since she visited me a long time ago, but I’m sure that some of you still don’t know her”


Some of his junior and senior executives nod at him




Kyuhyun smiles at Sungmin who smiles back at him


“All of you, I’m presenting my beautiful wife Lee Sungmin”


They all clap their hands as Sungmin bows at them


“It’s nice to meet you all. Please take care of my husband for me. I know that he’s a very strict and short tempered man, but he’s also sweet and nice. Please understand him when he’s being grumpy”


Sungmin told them causing them to laugh softly


“Do you really need to tell them that?”


Sungmin nods happily


“So they can understand you when you’re on your menopausal stage”


Sungmin whispers to him


“One more thing before we go back to our work...”


Kyuhyun flash a bright smile


“Please attend our engagement celebration on Saturday. Minnie and I want to see all of you there, arasso?”


They all nod at their President


“My secretary will just give you the invitation. Thank you”


They all bow at Kyuhyun and Sungmin as they left the lobby. Kyuhyun went inside the elevator exclusively just for him. He notice Sungmin staring at him


“Yes baby?”


“What engagement celebration?”




Sungmin nods at him


“Well, I just want to celebrate our engagement. Actually, we need to have a celebration for it”


Kyuhyun smiles at her


“It will be a double celebration Minnie. It will be our engagement celebration and at the same time a thanksgiving celebration because our baby Kyumin already arrive in our life”


Kyuhyun embrace her


“I’m the luckiest man living on earth. I have a very beautiful wife, successful life and a wonderful baby Kyumin. I can’t ask for more”


Kyuhyun kissed her lips


“You better take care of our little angel inside your womb, arasso?”


Sungmin nods happily. Sungmin notice her husband’s pale face




She holds Kyuhyun’s forehead


“You’re sick”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m fine”


“Are you sure? You don’t look so good. I mean, you look so pale”


“I’m just tired of walking yesterday”


Sungmin stares at him sadly


“I’m sorry”


“It’s not your fault. You’re just teaching me a lesson and I learn from it”


Kyuhyun starts coughing


“Baby, are you sure that you’re ok?”




Kyuhyun manage to smile


“Don’t worry about me. I’m fine”


Kyuhyun lied


“Oh, we’re here”


Kyuhyun went out of the elevator with Sungmin. They went inside his office. His secretary bows at them


“Kindly give the invitations for my engagement party with Sungmin on Saturday to all the employees of Cho Corporation”


“Arasso Mr. Cho. By the way...”


He hands Kyuhyun a folder


“The meeting will start within fifteen minutes”


Kyuhyun nods at him and went inside his office with Sungmin


“Just stay here ok? Just call my secretary if you need something”


Sungmin sits on Kyuhyun’s chair


“I’ll be back after the meeting”


Sungmin nods at him. Kyuhyun walks towards her and kissed her lips




“I will”


Sungmin covers with her hand. She suddenly wants to puke upon smelling Kyuhyun’s perfume


“What happen to you?”


“I think I’m going to puke”


Kyuhyun stares at her with worried face. Sungmin stand up and went at the bathroom




Kyuhyun knocks on the door


“Are you ok?”


“I’ll be there in a minute”


Kyuhyun sighs and sits on his chair. He rests his head on his desk as he feels so weak


“I can’t be sick right now. Nobody will take care of Minnie and I don’t want to give her a hard time taking care of me”


Kyuhyun starts coughing


“I’m really not feeling well today”


Kyuhyun raised his head when Sungmin went out of the bathroom


“Are you ok?”


Sungmin nods at him


“Morning sickness?”


Sungmin nods again. Kyuhyun stand up and walks towards her, but Sungmin step back




“Baby, don’t go near me. I’m feeling dizzy because of your perfume. I hate the smell of it”


Kyuhyun smells his coat


“But I’m still using the same perfume. You love my perfume so much, right?”


Sungmin nod


“But I already hate it now. I’m really dizzy because of it”


Kyuhyun pouts at her


“Just don’t spray some perfume for the meantime because I really hate the smell”




Sungmin sits on his chair


“Are you not going to be late for the meeting?”


Kyuhyun stares at his watch


“Oh damn it! I forgot about it”


Kyuhyun sigh and walks away




Kyuhyun turns around to face Sungmin




Sungmin shows him the folder that his secretary gives him


“You forget this”


Kyuhyun holds his forehead


“What’s happening to me?”


He walks towards Sungmin and gets the folder on her hands


“I’ll be back after the meeting. Just stay here and don’t go somewhere ok?”


Sungmin nod


“Don’t play around”




Kyuhyun kissed her lips and walk away




Sungmin calls him


“I forgot to tell you something”


Kyuhyun look at her


“I love you and good luck on the meeting. Fighting”


She gives Kyuhyun a flying kiss


“Thank you”


Kyuhyun smiles brightly and went out of his office. Sungmin gets her husband’s back pack


“Honestly, he’s the only CEO I know who brings back pack. Others bring leather briefcase while he brings back pack. Is he a preschool? So cute”


Sungmin laughs softly. She opens Kyuhyun’s back pack and gets his PSP inside. Sungmin was about to play when she heard Kyuhyun’s mobile phone ringing


“It’s Oppa”


Sungmin answers the call






Sungmin laughs softly


“My hubby is in the meeting right now, why?”


“You’re with him?”


Sungmin nods happily


“Yes. I insist on going with him today”


“Please tell him that I can’t attend the meeting later. I need to do an important matter”




“Thank you”


Donghae hangs up. Sungmin stares at her husband’s mobile phone


“Oppa sounds so happy today. I wonder what happen to him or what did he eat awhile ago in breakfast”


Sungmin place Kyuhyun’s mobile phone on the desk and puts the back pack on the chair. Sungmin starts playing on Kyuhyun’s PSP when her mobile phone rings


“How come there are a lot of people disturbing me?”


Sungmin stares on her mobile phone


“He’s calling me again. What does he want this time?”


Sungmin sighs and answers the call




“It’s good that you answer my call baby girl”


“I’m sorry Appa. I’m just busy lately”


Mr. Lee raised his eyebrow




“Ah...well, I’m busy doing my work...the thing that you told me to do”


Sungmin lied


“Good and it’s nice to know that your fiancé already introduce you to all the employees of Cho Corporation as his future wife”


Sungmin’s eyes widened




She heard her father laughs. Sungmin stand up and went outside. She starts walking on the hallway, hoping to find her father


“Where are you Appa?”


“Baby girl, don’t be afraid. Your mom and I are here in LA”


“You’re lying. How did you know about it if you’re not here in Seoul?”


“I told you that I know everything my baby girl”


Mr. Lee smile


“Are you not going to invite me and your mom to your engagement celebration this coming Saturday?”


“Oh no please”


“Why? We’re your parents and we have the right to attend that party”


Sungmin shook her head


“Appa, please don’t do this to me”


Sungmin takes a deep breath


“I don’t want you and Umma to be there”


“You’re being so harsh on us baby girl”


“But you need to understand. It’s not that I don’t want you to come, but please...”


Sungmin holds her head


“You’re going to kill me Appa. Just don’t show up on my engagement party. We’re going to be in trouble if you will come because my husband’s parents might be there too and if that happens you guys will see each other”


“But it’s a masquerade party. We can hide our face through the mask”


“What masquerade party?”


“How come your father knows more about your engagement party than you do?”


Sungmin takes a deep breath


“Appa, please...if you want us to get caught then go ahead and show up on my engagement party. Look, I’m trying to do my job here”


“Stop lying baby girl. You can’t fool me. I know that you’re not spying on him”


Sungmin’s eyes widened. She can’t believe everything. She can’t understand how his father knew everything


“Appa, are you spying on me?”


“Listen to me Lee Sungmin”


Mr. Lee takes a deep breath


“I’m warning you baby girl. If you will disobey me, I’m going to show up in your engagement celebration and let’s see what will happen to you if your loving husband knows that you’re spying on him”


“Appa, please...”


“Now, if you don’t want to get caught you will do the things that I told you to do. I want the complete details about that ten billion contract”


Sungmin’s knee starts trembling. She leans on the wall, feeling so nervous


“Appa, who told you about that ten billion dollar contract? How did you know about it?”


“It’s none of your business baby girl. I want you to give me the full details about that contract and if you can convince Cho Kyuhyun to drop the deal into three billion dollar, please do it. I don’t want to risk a lot of money to get that deal. I don’t have that kind of money, so please do something for him to drop the deal into three billion dollar”


Sungmin sighs


“You’re my only hope baby girl. Please do this for your father. Are you going to be happy seeing your loving father suffer because of your brat husband? You need to choose between us, who is more important to you? Is it me or him? Don’t make the wrong choice baby girl”


Mr. Lee hangs up. Sungmin holds her head


“What the hell is going on?”


Sungmin takes a deep breath and start walking slowly


“How did Appa know about that ten billion contract? How did he find out about it? I’m not giving him any information?”


Sungmin bites her lips


“I think someone is spying on me or maybe...”


Sungmin accidentally bumps to someone




“I’m sorry Mrs. Cho”


He bows at Sungmin to apologize


“It’s ok. No need to apologize. It’s my fault. I’m not looking on my way”


He stares at Sungmin


“It looks like you’re thinking so deep”


Sungmin flash a weak smile


“By the way, I’m Shindong. I’m one of the Junior Executive of President Cho”


“Nice meeting you”


Sungmin bows at him and starts walking again while thinking about her father. She’s starting to get confuse about the situation. She can’t understand how her father knew everything. She goes back in the office and saw an invitation on the desk of Kyuhyun’s secretary


“What is this?”


She picks it up. It was the invitation for their engagement celebration on Saturday. Sungmin opens the black envelope and saw a pink Venetian mask inspired invitation




Sungmin smiles while reading the invitation


“This is so lovely”


Sungmin’s eyes suddenly widened


“Wait a second...”


She returns the invitation on the black envelope and put it back on the desk. She went inside Kyuhyun’s office and sits on his chair


“There’s something very suspicious going on here and I need to find it out as soon as possible. I think someone is spying the Cho Corporation. I bet that one of the employees here is a spy. How will Appa know about the deal and about the full details of our engagement celebration if nobody is telling him about it?”


Sungmin rest her head on the desk


“Aigoo! My hubby is in great trouble and I need to do something about it before Appa find out the full details about that deal. I won’t let him destroy my husband’s company. Aigoo! Lee Sungmin, what the hell are you doing? You need to do something. You need to hurry and do something about it”


“Do something about what?”


Sungmin’s heart jumps upon hearing Kyuhyun’s voice. She raised her head and stares at him nervously


“Are you ok baby? You look like as if you see a ghost”


Sungmin’s heart starts beating fast because of fear




Her voice starts trembling


“Baby, are you ok?”


“When...when...when...did you”


Sungmin sigh


“You scared me. Since when did you get there?”


Kyuhyun close the door


“Just now, why?”


Sungmin shook her head. Kyuhyun walks towards her


“Baby...don’t go near me”


Sungmin holds her head as she starts feeling dizzy because of Kyuhyun’s perfume


“I can smell your perfume again. Go away”


She rests her head on Kyuhyun’s desk


“I’m feeling so dizzy because of it”


Kyuhyun smells his coat


“I can’t understand you. It smells so good”


“But I hate the smell of it. Aigoo! You’re going to kill me, please go away. Don’t torture me like this. Kyu, please, I’m begging you. I really can’t stand the smell of your perfume”




Kyuhyun walks away and stand a distant away from Sungmin


“I won’t go near you or should I say let’s have a space between us”


Sungmin raised her head and stares at him


“And what’s the meaning of that?”


Kyuhyun smile


“No skin ship at all or maybe we can sleep separately for the meantime since you don’t want me to go near you”


“What? I just hate the smell of your perfume, but I didn’t tell you to set a distant between us”


“I’m not going near you again”


Kyuhyun teases her


“I won’t kiss you and hug you again”


Sungmin stares at him with teary eyes


“OMO, she’s going to cry now”


“I hate you”


Sungmin was about to cry, but Kyuhyun run towards her and embrace her in his arms


“I’m just kidding baby. Why are you so sensitive?”


“Kyu, please go away. I can smell your perfume again”




Kyuhyun let go of her


“I’ll just change my clothes”


Kyuhyun went inside his dressing room to change his clothes. Sungmin holds her nose while frowning


“What the hell is wrong with my nose? I really hate the smell of his perfume. It smells so awful and I’m feeling so dizzy because of it”


Sungmin get the PSP on the desk and starts playing while waiting for Kyuhyun. Sungmin stops playing when she saw a folder on top of the desk. She turns off the PSP and put it inside the back pack. She gets the folder on the desk


“This is the folder that Kyu brings to his meeting awhile ago”


She opens the folder to find out what is inside




Sungmin’s eyes widened


“This is...”


Sungmin keeps on reading. The folder contains some important documents about the ten billion contract. It contains some of the information about the deal. She was busy scanning the folder. She didn’t notice Kyuhyun go out from his dressing room. He smiles brightly while watching Sungmin


“Are you ready to be my student?”


Sungmin almost jumps on her seat




She holds her chest feeling her heart beat


“You scared me baby”


“I’m sorry”


Kyuhyun walks towards her


“What is this thing?”




Kyuhyun kneels in front of her


“That’s the...”


He rest his head on her lap because he feels so weak and his head is aching


“That’s the information about the ten billion contract”


“Is it final or just a draft?”


“That’s already final”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun and starts his hair gently


“Are you sure about this deal?”


Kyuhyun nods at her




Sungmin notice his sad face


“I need to get that deal. It’s a very important deal for me. I need to prove Appa that I can make this company grow on my own because some of his business partners think that I still need to learn a lot of things and they don’t trust me. They think that I still lack some knowledge in handling a big corporation like this. I want to prove them wrong. I know that I still need to learn because that’s part of life. We don’t need to stop learning. I don’t want to disappoint Appa that’s why I’m working hard to get the deal and extend the company in Switzerland”


Kyuhyun sigh


“I need to prove them wrong. I need to prove them that I can stand on my own and I can be the President of this corporation. If I fail then I lose everything. All my hard work will be put into nothing and I might lose this company and the worst scenario is, I’ll put Appa’s name in shame”


Sungmin holds his face between her hands


“I know that you can do it. I’m here to support you”


Kyuhyun smile and hold her hand


“I don’t mind losing everything as long as you’re always here beside me I know that I can stand up again no matter how many times I fail”


Kyuhyun starts coughing again




Sungmin stares at him with worried face. Kyuhyun looks so pale and sick. She holds his forehead


“OMO! You’re burning”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m fine”


“Let’s go home. You need to take a rest”


“I’m fine baby”


Kyuhyun manage to smile


“You’re sick”




“Don’t be so hard headed”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I’m not. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me”


Kyuhyun brushes his fingers on her beautiful face


“If you’re not going to smile then I’m not going to be fine”


Sungmin stares at him with worried face


“I’m worried about you”


“I’m fine. Just give me your sweetest smile and I’ll be fine”


Sungmin flash her sweetest smile and kissed his lips


“That’s better. I feel stronger now”


Kyuhyun laugh softly. He holds Sungmin’s hand and smile


“Come on. Let’s have our lunch now. I’m sure that our baby Kyumin is hungry now”


“Oh by the way”


Sungmin hands him his mobile phone


“Oppa calls awhile ago”




“He told me that he can’t attend the meeting later because he will do something important”


Kyuhyun’s eyes widened




Kyuhyun holds his forehead


“That fish is killing me. Aish!”


Kyuhyun immediately calls Donghae




“Yah! Where are you?”


“I’m driving my car right now. I’m going somewhere”




“I’m going to do something. It’s really important. Did Minnie already told you that I call awhile ago?”




Donghae smile


“Fish, you need to attend that meeting”


“But I can’t”


Kyuhyun frown


“Why not?”


“I’m going to do something important”


“How important it is that you’re going to exchange that meeting with Mr. Erizawa?’


“You can attend it for me since we’re business partner”


Kyuhyun sigh


“We already talk about it right? You know that I need to take care of Minnie and you told me that you’re the one who’s going to attend it. Hae, don’t be childish. Mr. Erizawa came all along from Japan just to have a business partnership with us. You can’t put our company in shame. Aigoo! You’re making my head ache”


“But Kyu I really need to do a very important matter. It’s urgent. I trust you. I know that you can do it. I’ll see you around”


Donghae hangs up


“Yah! Yeoboseo...Lee Donghae”


Kyuhyun bury his face on Sungmin’s lap


“Your brother is killing me”


He stares at his watch


“What will I do now?”


He stares at Sungmin


“Baby, can you wait for me here? I just need to go in Incheon and attend the meeting with Mr. Erizawa. Hae can’t attend it. I need to go or else we will lose the deal”


Sungmin nods at him


“I promise to be back soon. I’m really sorry”


Kyuhyun stand up


“Aish! I need to change my clothes again. That fish is killing me”


Kyuhyun went inside his dressing room to change his clothes. Sungmin rubs her tummy


“Baby, we’re going to wait for your daddy ok? Let’s just play first while waiting for him”


Sungmin starts playing on Kyuhyun’s PSP


“I don’t want to play anymore. This is so boring”


She turns off the PSP and put it on the desk. She saw Kyuhyun’s laptop on the desk and turns it on




Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun


“I’ll be back later”


“Be safe. I love you”


Kyuhyun kissed her


“I love you too”


He grabs his mobile phone on the desk and run outside. Sungmin was scanning Kyuhyun’s laptop


“There’s nothing I can do with this laptop. It’s all about business. So boring”


Sungmin click the folder about the ten billion dollar contract


“This is the full details about that contract”


She sends it to her email address


“I got it”


She smiles brightly


“Ha! I’m really a genius”


Sungmin rubs her tummy


“I’m hungry. I want to eat watermelon”


Sungmin stand up


“I’ll just go around and look for food”


She gets her hand bag on the couch and was about to go out when she remembers something


“I think I need to bring it”


She walks towards the desk and gets the folder


“I need to learn more about this deal”


Sungmin smile and went out of the office








Donghae smile brightly upon seeing Lee Hyuk Jae


“I’m sorry. I’m late”


“It’s ok. I didn’t wait that long”


Donghae told her. He stands up and pulls the chair for her


“Please have a sit”




Donghae smiles brightly and go back to his seat


“Let’s start our lunch?”


Hyuk Jae nods at him. They start eating their lunch peacefully. Donghae cough to break the silence between them. Hyuk Jae stares at him, but he only smiles at her. He wants to speak, but he doesn’t know how to start a conversation. He wants to call Kyuhyun to ask for help, but he’s sure that Kyuhyun will only kill him if he finds out that he exchange the important meeting with Mr. Erizawa in order to have a date with Lee Hyuk Jae




Donghae try to speak. Hyuk Jae stares at him




Hyuk Jae just nods and bows her head to avoid his eyes. Donghae drinks his wine. He takes a deep breath before talking


“This is so awkward right?”


Hyuk Jae nods at him


“I’m really sorry, but I’m not really good in courting or dating a girl. That’s the reason why I can’t grab a girlfriend. Well, it’s not that I didn’t have a girlfriend before, but they are the one who’s courting me and...”


Donghae sighs


“It was a long time ago. After I break up with my ex-girlfriend, I didn’t have the chance to date someone and I’m still single. How about you? Do you want to be my girlfriend?”


Hyuk Jae stares at him blankly


“Oh...that was fast right?”


Hyuk Jae just nods at him


“I still need to court you right?”


Hyuk Jae suddenly laughs


“Why are you laughing?”


She pinches Donghae’s cheek


“Why are you so cute?”


“I’m handsome, not cute. Cute is only for dogs”


“But you look like a dog”


Donghae frowns at her


“I love cute guys rather than handsome guys”


Donghae suddenly smile


“So you like me?”


Hyuk Jae nods happily


“It only means that I have a chance”


“What chance?”


“To be your boyfriend”


Hyuk Jae stares at him blankly


“But I thought we’re already a couple?”




“You just kissed me when we first met in the hospital. A boy will never kiss a girl if she’s not his girlfriend”


Donghae giggles happily


“So, you’re my girlfriend now?”


Hyuk Jae smiles brightly


“You don’t want?”


“Of course I want”


Donghae smiles brightly


“I’m really lucky. You’re really charming Lee Donghae and women are falling for you”


Donghae whispers


“Excuse me, but are you saying something?”


Donghae shook his head


“By the way my dear goddess”


Donghae gets the bouquet of flowers on the table and give it to Hyuk Jae


“That’s for you. You’re beauty is like a flower that always bloom”


Hyuk Jae blush


“Thank you”


Donghae blush when Hyuk Jae kissed his cheek


“That was the best thank you ever”


Hyuk Jae giggles happily and continue eating her lunch




Sungmin go back at Cho Corporation after buying watermelon smoothie. She went inside Kyuhyun’s office happily. She sits on the chair and places her watermelon smoothie on the desk. She suddenly frowns when she notice that the laptop is already off


“I didn’t remember turning off the laptop. If my memory is still sharp, I left the office without turning it off”


Sungmin gets the telephone and press the number one button




“Can I ask something?”


“Yes Mrs. Cho”


“Did you happen to turn off my husband’s laptop?”


Kyuhyun’s secretary shook his head


“I’m not yet going inside Mr. Cho’s office. Is there any problem Mrs. Cho?”


“Oh...it’s nothing. Thank you”


Sungmin hangs up


“I supposed to lock the door before I left”


Sungmin bite her lips, thinking so deep


“Did I turn it off or not? I suddenly get confused”


Sungmin sigh and just drink her watermelon smoothie. She stares at the wall clock


“Where is he? It’s already one in the afternoon”


Sungmin gets her mobile phone inside her bag. She calls Kyuhyun




“Baby, where are you?”


Kyuhyun enters his office happily


“I’m here. Did you miss me?”


Sungmin hang up


“I’m hungry”


“I know. Let’s go?”


Sungmin nods and fix her things. She puts the folder inside Kyuhyun’s back pack. She stands up and walks towards her husband and gives him his bag


“What happen to your meeting?”


Kyuhyun smiles at her


“I get the deal”


 “That’s great”


“Hae owe me one. I’m really going to kick his . He’s making my head ache”


Kyuhyun holds Sungmin’s hand as they went out from his office


“Please lock my office before you go home”


Kyuhyun told his secretary before leaving with Sungmin





Kyuhyun and Sungmin went at Battered Sole to have their lunch. They went inside happily. Sungmin suddenly stop walking and holds Kyuhyun’s hand tightly


“Baby, what’s wrong?”


Sungmin point her finger somewhere






“Look, over there. It’s Oppa, right?”


Kyuhyun look around. His eyes widened upon seeing Donghae with Hyuk Jae


“So that’s the important thing that he’s telling me”


Kyuhyun smirk


“I can’t believe this fish. He exchanges that important meeting to a girl. Aish!”


The receptionist assists them to their table. Kyuhyun gets his mobile phone inside his pocket and calls Donghae




“Hi fish”


Sungmin bite her lips to control her laughter


“I just call to say that I get the deal. We need to go in Japan next month because Mr. Erizawa wants to introduce his company to us, but since Minnie is pregnant, I think I can’t go with you”


“Ok. Then I’ll be the one who will go in Japan”


“Thank you”


Kyuhyun cough


“Where are you?”




Donghae paused for a moment


“Well...I’m on my way to Busan. I told you that I have some important matter to do for my company, right?”


Kyuhyun nods his head


“How important it is?”


Kyuhyun smile


“Very important because my company’s future lies on that important matter”


“I see. Well, good luck. See you tomorrow and enjoy your day”


Kyuhyun hangs up


“What did Oppa tells you?”


Kyuhyun laugh softly


“You know baby? It’s good that we accidentally saw him here or else I’m really going to believe him that he’s on his way to Busan to attend some important matter for his company”


Kyuhyun smirk


“Ha! Since when did a date become an important matter for a company? Aigoo! That fish is really good in lying”


“Is that his girlfriend?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“I don’t know. Hae never told me anything”


Sungmin drinks her lemonade


“What do you think?”


Kyuhyun laugh


“Do you want me to tell you the truth?”


Sungmin nods at him while chewing her food gently


“You come closer”


Sungmin leans closer. Kyuhyun gets the table napkin and wipes her lips


“You eat like a kid”


Sungmin drinks her lemonade


“Yah! I’m asking you something”


“I really don’t know. Why not ask Hae? Am I the one who is dating that girl? Seriously, I thought Hae is a gay”


Sungmin cough causing her to spill out the lemonade that she’s drinking on Kyuhyun’s corporate attire


“Oh...thanks for the lemonade Minnie”


“I’m sorry”


Kyuhyun wipes her face with a table napkin


“Oppa, is a gay? Since when did he become a gay?”


“I’m just kidding. I just think that he’s a gay whenever he kissed me”


“And you love it?”


Kyuhyun shook his head


“Of course not”


Kyuhyun starts feeding Sungmin


“If I were you baby, just eat because you’re being so talkative again”




Sungmin pouts and starts eating like a kid


“Umma and Appa will arrive on Friday”


“That’s good”


Sungmin flash a bright smile


“I miss them”


“Umma is really excited to see you. I already told them the good news”


Kyuhyun laugh softly


“She starts screaming like a crazy woman. She’s really weird”


“That’s because she’s really excited to have a grandchild”


“How about Umma and Appa?”


Sungmin gulps nervously


“What about them?”


“When are you going to tell them about our baby Kyumin?”




Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun


“They are busy right now. I try calling them awhile ago, but they don’t have time to talk to me”


Kyuhyun gives her a weird glare


“Baby, they can’t attend our engagement celebration on Saturday?”


Kyuhyun frown


“Why not?”


“I told you that they are busy”


“Minnie, I hate liars and you know that”


Kyuhyun cups her face


“I actually called Appa awhile ago. He told me that you’re not answering all his calls and you don’t want them to attend the party on Saturday”


Sungmin’s eyes widened


“He tells you that?”




Sungmin bites her lips because of anger. She can’t believe that her father will tell it to Kyuhyun


“Is there something wrong? Are you hiding something from me?”


Sungmin shook her head


“Then why don’t you want them to attend our party on Saturday? They need to meet Umma and Appa so we can talk about our wedding”


“Baby, no”




Sungmin takes a deep breath


“I mean...we’re not yet deciding for the exact date of our wedding. I mean, don’t you th—“


Kyuhyun holds her lips


“We can discuss that with our family. Our parents need to meet each other and we can decide about it with our parents”


“You don’t understand”




Sungmin sighs


“Arasso. I’ll tell Umma and Appa to attend our engagement party on Saturday”


Sungmin holds her forehead


“I’m in trouble now”


She whispers


“I bet our parents will get well along with each other”


“I hope so”


Sungmin smile weakly and drinks her lemonade








Kyuhyun parks his car at the parking lot of Oakwood Seoul


“What are we doing here?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. He went out of the car and opens the door for Sungmin


“Let’s go inside”




“Don’t ask a lot of question”


Sungmin went out of the car. She notices Kyuhyun’s pale face and he looks so cold. Kyuhyun holds her hand. Sungmin can feel his cold hand. They went inside. The receptionist bows at Kyuhyun


“Hi Mr. Cho”


Kyuhyun manage to smile. He enters the elevator with Sungmin


“Baby, are you ok?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer. Sungmin stares at him with worried face. Kyuhyun leans his head on the wall and closes his eyes


“What are we doing here? Are we going to visit someone?”


The elevator stops at the 20th floor. Kyuhyun went out with Sungmin. He walks towards unit 205. He presses the unlock button


“Please input the security code”


Kyuhyun inputs the security code


“Security code accepted. You can now enter the room. Thank you”


Kyuhyun opens the door and went inside. Sungmin follows him. Kyuhyun went inside a room and lay down on the bed


“Where the hell are we?”


Sungmin sighs and follows Kyuhyun inside the room. She saw him lying on the bed




Sungmin sits beside him


“Where are we? What are we doing here? Are we not going home?”


Kyuhyun starts coughing


“This is my condo. Let’s just stay here for the meantime. I really can’t drive now. I feel so weak and our house is really far. Just let me take a rest for the meantime and we will go home later. I just can’t drive anymore”


Sungmin holds his forehead


“Aigoo! You’re burning. What to do?”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes. Kyuhyun opens his eyes when he heard Sungmin crying like a kid


“Why are you crying?”


“What is happening with you? I’m scared”


“I’m not going to die”


“But you’re burning. You have a very high fever. I don’t know what to do”


Sungmin keeps on crying


“Baby, don’t die”




He holds Sungmin’s hand


“I’m not going to die. I just need to take a rest. I’m just tired and it’s just a fever. Stop crying now ok?”


Sungmin wipes her tears


“Don’t cry baby. I’m worried about you. Crying will be bad for your pregnancy. I’m going to be fine later. You need to take care of yourself because I don’t want to do if you start bleeding there”


Sungmin nods at him


“I’ll just get some medicine for you”


“I’m fine, just stay here. Don’t tire yourself”


“Just let me take care of you or else I’ll be crying the whole time”


Sungmin stand up and went out of the room. She looks for a small basin and fills it with water. She saw a medicine cabinet inside the bathroom. She looks for a medicine for fever and cough. She went at the kitchen and cooks some porridge for Kyuhyun. She brings it in the room




Sungmin place the hot porridge on the table and help Kyuhyun to sit on the bed. She puts a pillow on his back so he can sit comfortably


“I cooked porridge for you”


“I don’t have appetite Minnie”


“Just eat some because you’re going to drink your medicine”


Sungmin blows the porridge to cool it down and starts feeding Kyuhyun


“I don’t want to eat”


“Please. I’m the one who cooked that. Don’t be hard headed boy”


Kyuhyun stares at her before eating the porridge


“You need to eat, drink a lot of water and take enough rest so you’ll be fine again”


Sungmin continue feeding him


“Baby, don’t stress yourself too much. I’ll be fine later”


Sungmin pouts


“Just let me take care of you. You’re just going to give me stress if you don’t want me to take care of you because I’m going to worry about you all the time. Don’t worry about me and baby Kyumin. We’re fine”


Sungmin gets the medicine and gives it to Kyuhyun


“Please drink it now”


Kyuhyun drinks his medicine and lay down on bed. Sungmin covers his body with a thick blanket and gets the wet the towel in the basin and puts it on his forehead


“You need to sleep and have a proper rest”


She sits beside Kyuhyun


“I’ll call Nanny Ahjumma later and tell her to ask Driver Ahjusshi to drop some of our things here. Let’s just stay here for the meantime. Let’s just go home tomorrow so you can take a lot of rest”


Sungmin holds his hand tight


“I’ll cook a delicious dinner for you so you better get well soon so you can enjoy it”


“Minnie, I’m going to sleep now. Stop talking”


Sungmin holds her lips


“Oh, sorry. I’ll just sing you a lullaby”


Kyuhyun smile upon hearing Sungmin singing him a nursery rhyme


“Is that for me or for our baby?”




She holds Kyuhyun’s lips


“Just sleep now while listening to my beautiful voice. Don’t you dare laugh or I’ll kick you. I don’t care if you’re sick”


Sungmin starts singing again. She gently Kyuhyun’s hair while watching him sleep peacefully





Sungmin was walking around the living room while talking to her father over the phone


“What do you want Appa?”


“You know what I want baby girl”


Sungmin sigh


“We have a deal right? How come you tell my husband that I don’t want you and Umma to come in our engagement celebration this coming Saturday? Why are you so rude?”


Mr. Lee smirks


“Because you’re not doing the things that I told you to do”


“I’m doing it, just don’t pressure me”


“I’m getting impatient my dear daughter and you know what it means”


Sungmin holds her forehead as tears start forming in her eyes


“Appa, please don’t pressure me”


“I need the full details about the ten billion contract immediately. Don’t make me lose my temper baby girl because you know what will happen once I open my mouth and speak”




“Don’t forget to convince Cho Kyuhyun to lower the deal into three billion dollars”


“I’m going to talk to him but not now”


Mr. Lee raised his eyebrow


“Lee Sungmin”


“Appa, can you give it a break just for today? My husband is sick. Are you really that rude? I’ll talk to him when he’s fine, but not today. Arasso?”


“Ok. But don’t keep me waiting Lee Sungmin”


“Yah! I already get the copy of the information about that ten billion dollar contract. I’ll send it to you tomorrow when I get home. We’re currently staying in Kyuhyun’s condo and I left my laptop at home”


Mr. Lee laughs softly


“That’s my baby girl”


“Just stop disturbing me, arasso?”


“Ok. I’ll call your husband and tell him that we can’t attend the party on Saturday because of a very serious matter. A deal is a deal”


Mr. Lee hangs up. Sungmin stares at her mobile phone


“Aish! Honestly, I hate being your daughter”


Sungmin dials her brother’s number


“Your call has been transferred to a voice mailbox number”


Sungmin sits on the sofa


“Aish! How can Oppa turns off his phone right now?”


She holds her head


“What will I do now? If I give it to Appa then the Cho Corporation will be over. Aigoo!”


Sungmin sighs


“Arasso. I’m going to do it. That’s the only option that is left for me”


Sungmin went inside Kyuhyun’s room. She sits on the bed and stares at Kyuhyun who is still sleeping peacefully




Sungmin stares at him with teary eyes


“I hope you can forgive me, but...I must do it. I really need to do it because that’s the only option left for me. I’m sorry, but I really need to do it”


She takes a deep breath


“Lee Sungmin you can do it. Fighting!”


She holds Kyuhyun’s hand tight


“I love you Kyu. I really do. I know that you will understand me someday. I know that you will understand why I did it”


Sungmin kissed his lips before going out of the room to cook their dinner

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu