Lee Sungmin is my Maid (Chapter 22)



Chapter 22



Sungmin was watching her brother sadly. Donghae was packing her things




Donghae looks at his sister


“Do I really need to go in California?”


Donghae answers her with a nod


“But I don’t want to. I just want to stay here”


“You will go whether you like it or not”


Sungmin starts crying like a kid




“I don’t want to go Oppa. Please don’t do this to me”


“You will go”


“No. I don’t want”


Donghae takes a deep breath




Donghae raised his voice because of anger. He was trying to control his anger, but he fails


“Why are you doing this to me? I don’t want to leave. I want to stay with Kyu”


“Damn it!”


Sungmin start feeling scared when Donghae throw her luggage on the floor. He stands up and stares at his sister seriously


“Damn it Lee Sungmin! Kyuhyun don’t love you anymore. Why do you want to hang on? You already lose the baby and that jerk already abandons you!”


Sungmin shook her head


“That’s not true. Kyu is just mad at me, but once I talk to him. He will apologize and go back to me. He still loves me and I know it”


“He doesn’t even want to listen to you. How can you talk to him if that doesn’t want to listen? Come on Minnie. You need to move on. Even if you already lose Kyu and the baby, you still need to move on and live a new life”


Sungmin shook her head again while tears keep on falling from her eyes


“Oppa, why are you telling me this? You’re such a liar”




Sungmin holds her tummy


“You’re lying as well as my doctor. All of you are lying. My baby is not dead. He’s sleeping inside my womb. He’s not dead, right? He’s not dead. He wouldn’t leave me because he loves me”


Donghae stares at his sister sadly


“Minnie...please, you need to accept the fact that baby Kyumin is no longer inside your womb”


“Stop lying Oppa”


“But I’m not lying. You need to accept it Minnie. I know it’s hard for you, but you need to accept the truth”


Sungmin covers her ears


“NO! He can’t die. My baby can’t die. Kyu will get mad at me if he finds out that our baby died. Stop lying Oppa. I’m not playing on you. Baby Kyumin is still alive. I can feel him moving in my womb. He’s not dead!”


Donghae hugs his sister tight




Sungmin keeps on crying hard


“Baby Kyumin is not dead, right?”


“Shhh, Minnie...”


Sungmin cry on her brother’s chest


“Why is it so hard? Why does baby Kyumin need to die? I’m such a bad mommy because of me, my baby dies. I didn’t take care of him that’s why he dies. Why are they leaving me? First, it was baby Kyumin and then Kyuhyun. Why are they leaving me Oppa? They don’t love me that’s why they leave me, right?”


Donghae shook his head


“Of course that’s not true. It’s not your fault that baby Kyumin died. It’s nobody’s fault. Nobody wants it to happen”


Donghae stares at her sister and wipes her tears


“He needs to go. I know it’s hard for a mother to lose her own child, but you need to accept. You need to accept that baby Kyumin already leave us. He’s no longer with us Minnie”


Sungmin shook her head


“Stop lying Oppa. I’m begging you, stop lying. My baby is still alive”




Donghae holds her face between his hands


“Look, I know that it will hard for you. But it’s also hard for me to see you like this. We’re trying our best to help you recover, but you must help yourself as well”


“Just kill me Oppa. Please, just kill me. I’m begging you. I don’t want to live anymore”


“You need to live and you’re going to live”


“My life is already ruined. How can I still live if my baby is already gone and my husband leave me? They already leave me. My life has no meaning at all”


“But we’re still here for you. Fany, Hyukkie, Siwon, Sunny and Oppa are still here for you”


Donghae stares at his sister sadly, controlling his tears from falling. He wants to cry as hard as he could because he feels so sad for his sister. He thinks that his sister doesn’t deserve to experience the pain. It’s their father’s fault, but the one who is suffering is his sister


“We won’t leave you. We’re going to stay by your side”


Donghae holds her hands tight


“Oppa is really sad...”


Donghae stops talking because his voice starts to tremble. He was controlling his tears. He can’t cry in front of his sister because he believes that Minnie will only be sad if she sees him crying




Donghae takes a deep breath, controlling his emotion


“We can do this, arasso? You’re going to start your own life away from Seoul and away from Kyu”


“But I want him. I don’t want to leave him”


Donghae nod


“I know, but you need to go. You need to start over. Just do it for baby Kyumin and for yourself. He will be very sad if he sees his mommy crying everyday and suffering like this. You see, baby Kyumin is already in heaven and I’m sure that he’s already guiding you”


Sungmin hugs her brother tight


“Baby Kyumin is already an angel. You need to move on and start your new life, so he will continue to be happy in heaven. Do you understand me?”


Sungmin nods at him


“I know that you’re a very strong girl and you can do it”


“Oppa, please don’t leave me. I can’t do this alone. You’re the only one I’ve got”


“Oppa will always stay by your side. I will always protect you and take care of you. Oppa will never leave you”


Sungmin slowly close her eyes




“Yes honey dear?”


“Do you think....”




“Do you think, Kyu will love me again if....”


Donghae stares at his sister. He carries her on his arms and carefully lay her down on his bed. He sits beside her and gently her hair


“You’re crying a river everyday because of him. He hurts you so much and already leaves you. He left you just when you needed him most”


Donghae flash a weak smile


“But after all what he did to you, you didn’t even have any grudge towards him. Why is your heart so pure? You’re not even mad at your jerk husband after everything that happens. You still love him and you will always remain loyal. If only that brat know, but I’m going to make sure that he will regret it. He will never see you again and I won’t let him hurt you again. Let’s see how far he can go to bring you back in his life, unless I didn’t see his effort, I’m not going to give you back to him”


Donghae stares at his sister’s innocent face


“I’m sorry Minnie. I’m just doing this to protect you. I know that I’m being selfish, but Oppa love you so much. It really hurt me whenever you shed tears because of that jerk. You don’t deserve to suffer and I think he’s being unfair. How come you’re the only one suffering while that jerk acts as if nothing happens?”


Donghae covers her body with a thick blanket


“I hope you will understand me someday. It’s only you and me. We can no longer rely on our parents because from this day on, I’m already denying them as our parents. They don’t deserve to be our parents. They are an . But don’t worry, I will take care of you. Sleep tight. Oppa just need to go to work and I’m going to talk with my lawyer. Hyukkie and Fany will be here later. I love you honey dear”


Donghae kissed his sister’s forehead before leaving his room








Kyuhyun throws all the newspapers and magazines on the floor. He stares at his parents seriously


“What the hell is that?”


“We just ask your advertising company to spread the news about your new fiancée”


Kyuhyun takes a deep breath, controlling his temper


“Who told you that I’m going to marry Seohyun?”




Kyuhyun stares at his father seriously


“Who are you to decide whom I’m going to marry?”


“I’m your father”


“I’m not going to marry that girl!”


Mr. Cho slaps his son


“You’re going to marry Seohyun whether you like it or not. She’s the rightful girl for you”




“What? Do you still love Lee Sungmin? Do you still love the girl who betrays you?”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“You can’t love a girl like her. I don’t want to have a traitor daughter in law. She doesn’t deserve to be a part of our family. I don’t want to have a daughter in law. You will marry Seohyun at the end of the month whether you like it or not”


“I’m not going to marry her”


“Are you really stupid? You already disappointed me a lot of times”


Mr. Cho shoots his son a deadly glare


“You have to choose. Are you going to marry Seohyun or I’ll take this company away from you”


“This is so unfair”


Mr. Cho shook his head


“I’m just giving you the best. Lee Sungmin is not the best for you. Seohyun is the rightful girl and she will be your wife”


“Why are you doing this to me?”


“You will follow me because I’m your father and you’re just my son. You’re nothing without me”


Mr. Cho stares at him seriously before going out of Kyuhyun’s office. Mrs. Cho walks towards her son and pats his cheek


“Just follow your dad. We’re doing this for your own good”


“And you think marrying Seohyun is good for me?”


Mrs. Cho raised her eyebrow


“Of course because Lee Sungmin is just a trash and trash is not welcome in our family. Don’t you ever dare oppose us sweetheart or you will see what will happen. Beside you don’t love Lee Sungmin anymore. You must be mad at her because she ruins everything and she will ruin your life if you will still hold on to her and...”


Mrs. Cho smirks


“The baby already died. You no longer have any connection to her”


Kyuhyun clenches his fist


“Go out!”




Kyuhyun drags his mother and pushes her out of his office. Kyuhyun shut the door


“Damn it!”


Kyuhyun stares at the newspaper on the floor


“There’s no way I’m going to marry you. Aish!”


Kyuhyun kicks the newspaper before returning to his seat. He grabs Sungmin’s picture on his desk


“Why did you do this to me.? I trust you, but why?”


Kyuhyun throws Sungmin’s picture on the wall. He buries his face on his desk as tears start falling from his eyes





Donghae was sitting inside his office with his lawyer. They are talking about a serious family matter


“We can issue an injunction against your parents. Since harassment will fall under orders of protection, the court will immediately grant you an injunction against your parents. It will refrain them from doing specific acts and they can’t touch you and your sister because if they did that they will immediately pay the damage or you can file a criminal case against them”


Donghae nods at his lawyer


“We need to process it as soon as possible as well as renouncing our own parents”


“Arasso Mr. Lee”


“Thank you”


Mr. Lee enters his son’s office without knocking. Mrs. Lee follows him inside. Donghae stares at his parents and flash a sarcastic smile


“Miss me?”


“Tell the security to let us enter your house. I need to talk to your sister”


Donghae stand up and show them some documents


“What the hell is this?”


Donghae raised his eyebrow


“I thought you’re smart Mr. Lee?”


“Mr. what?”


Mr. Lee stares at his son seriously


“Who teach you to talk to me like that?”




Donghae smiles


“I forgot to inform you that you and your wife are no longer my sister and I’s parents”


“What the hell are you talking about?”


Donghae stares at his lawyer


“My lawyer can explain”


Mr. and Mrs. Lee stare at their son’s lawyer


“Well, my client already files an injunction against you. The court is already processing it as well as the renouncing of the parents law”


Mr. Cho smirks


“Are you kidding me? How can a child renounce his own parents?”


“A child has a right to renounce his parents if the parents are abusing the child’s right and in this case both of you will fall under harassment and harassment will fall under the violation of a child’s right. Once the court grants the injunction and approves the renouncement, you can no longer touch your children and you’re responsibilities as their parents are no longer valid and once you violated the rules, Mr. Lee Donghae and Ms. Lee Sungmin can file criminal case against you”


Donghae smiles at his parents


“Get that Mr. and Mrs. Lee?”


Mr. Lee shoots his son a deadly glare


“You can’t do this to us”


“But I’m already doing it”


“If that’s the case, you will never inherit anything”


Donghae laughs softly


“We don’t need your money Mr. Lee. I just want to remind you that we’re the heir of grandfather’s wealth because he renounces you as his son and that’s the reason why Minnie becomes the President of Lee Corporation. If we’re going to compute it, we’re richer than both of you”


Mr. Lee was about to punch Donghae, but he holds his father’s arm and stares at him seriously


“Punch me and you’re going in jail”


“Why are you doing this?”


“I’m just protecting my sister. You will never hurt her again. Because of you my sister’s baby died and because of you her relationship with her husband has been ruined”


Tears starts forming in Donghae’s eyes




Donghae holds his father’s arm tight because of his anger


“And I’m not going to let you ruin her life again, get that? Now”


He pushes his father away


“Go out before I drag you with my own hands”


Mr. Lee shoots him a deadly glare


“We’re not yet over Lee Donghae”


“I’ll see you and your wife in court”


Donghae stares at them seriously before going back to his seat. Mr. and Mrs. Lee stares at him and his lawyer before going out


“I’m going to win, right?”


“Hundred percent sure”


Donghae flash a smile and continue discussing the case with his lawyer





Sungmin was sitting on her brother’s bed while watching television sadly. She was staring at the television while crying


“Kyu, please come back to me. I need you so badly”


She starts looking for her mobile phone


“Where is it?”


Sungmin wipes her tears. She keeps on looking for her mobile phone


“I need to call him. I’m sure that he will listen to me now”


Tears start forming in her eyes


“Where is my mobile phone?”


She sits on the bed


“Aigoo! I bet Oppa hide it from me so I can’t contact Kyu”


Sungmin stares at the television sadly. Her eyes suddenly widened when she saw the breaking news




Sungmin starts crying again while watching the breaking news about Kyuhyun and Seohyun’s engagement and their wedding at the end of the month


“This can’t be happening. Kyu will never marry other woman. Why is this happening to me?”


Sungmin saw the telephone on the table. She immediately grabs it and dials Kyuhyun’s office number






Kyuhyun’s eyes widened upon hearing Sungmin’s voice


“Baby, it’s me”


“What do you want from me?”


“Please tell me that the news is not true”


“I’m sorry, but it’s true. I’m going to marry Seohyun”




“Because I love her and that’s the right thing”


Kyuhyun hangs up


“Yah! Yeoboseo?”


Sungmin put the telephone back on the table


“Stop lying Kyu. Why are you doing this to me? Stop hurting me”


Sungmin wipes her tears. She immediately changes her clothes and run outside


“Young lady, where are you going?”


Sungmin ignores her. Her nanny tries to stop her from leaving


“Young lady, you can’t go. Young master Donghae will get mad at us”


“I need to talk to Kyu. He can’t marry other woman. He just can’t marry her. Just let me go”


Sungmin saw scissors at the living room. She grabs it and holds it in front of her tummy


“Yah! I’m going to kill myself if you will not let me out”


“Young lady...”


“Tell the security to open the gate”




Sungmin stares at her seriously




Sungmin’s nanny starts to tremble when Sungmin slash her wrist




Her nanny runs outside. Sungmin follows her


“Open the gate!”


“But young lady”


“Open the gate!”


The security shook their head


“Mr. Lee told us not to let you out”


“I need to talk to my husband”


Tears start forming in her eyes


“I need to stop him from marrying other woman. Just open the gate for me, please. I’m begging you. Open the gate. Let me go. I need to talk to Kyu. JUST LET ME OUT!!!”


“No. I’m sorry, but we can’t do that”


“Fine, then you leaves me no choice”


Sungmin was about to stab herself when her nanny opens the gate


“You can go now young lady. Please promise to comeback”


Sungmin ignores her and went out. She calls for a cab. She throws the scissors before going inside


“Please drop me at Cho Corporation. Please hurry because I need to talk to my husband”


The taxi driver stares at her


“Why are you staring at me? Just drive”


“Are you ok? You’ve got a cut on your wrist”


He hands Sungmin a handkerchief


“Tie it around your wrist to stop it from bleeding”


Sungmin bows at him and ties the handkerchief around her wrist


“Please drop me at Cho Corporation. Please hurry Ahjusshi. I really need to talk to my husband”




“Thank you”


The taxi driver nods at her and starts driving fast




Sungmin arrives at Cho Corporation. The securities block her way, preventing her to go inside


“I’m sorry, but intruder is not allowed to enter”




Sungmin stares at them with teary eyes


“I need to talk to Kyuhyun”


“Do you have any appointment with Mr. Cho?”


Sungmin shook her head sadly


“I’m sorry, but we can’t let you in unless you have an appointment with Mr. Cho”


“Please let me in. I just need to talk to him”


“We can’t let you in. We’re just following an order from Mr. Cho”




“Just go away”


“Can I ask for a favor?”


They stare at Sungmin


“Just tell Kyu, that I’m here. Tell him that I’m waiting outside”




“Thank you”


One of the securities walks away to go at Kyuhyun’s office. Sungmin stand outside the company to wait for Kyuhyun. It’s starting to get cold as the sky starts to get dark


“It seems that it will rain today”


Sungmin stares at the dark sky sadly


“Kyu, please talk to me. Don’t marry that girl. Don’t hurt me like this”


Sungmin’s tears start forming in her eyes


“Ms. Lee Sungmin”


Sungmin stares at the security




“I’m sorry, but Mr. Cho told us not to let you in. He said that he doesn’t have time to talk to you and he wants you to leave now. He don’t want to see you”


“Can I stay here?”


The security stares at her blankly


“I’m not going to cause any chaos. Just let me stay here outside. I just want to talk to him, that’s all”


“But he doesn’t want to see you”


“I know. I’m going to wait for him outside. Can I just stay here? I’m not going to do anything, please”


The security sighs


“Ok. You can stay outside, just don’t cause chaos here or we’re going to call a police to drag you in jail”




The security bows at her before going back inside


“I need to wait for him”


Sungmin sits at the corner


“Yah! You supposed to tell her to go away”


“But she doesn’t want to go”


“Mr. Cho will get mad at us”


“I can’t just drag her away. It’s a bit rude you know. She promise not to cause chaos and beside she’s waiting outside and not inside”


One of the security guards sighs


“Seriously, she looks like a beggar. Why does she need to wait for Mr. Cho? The weather is cold. She might catch cold”


“Let’s just leave her alone”




They stare at Sungmin sadly. They want to let her in, but they need to follow their President or else they will be fired for sure




It’s already eight in the evening and the rain is pouring hard while the weather gets colder. Sungmin is still sitting outside, waiting for Kyuhyun


“I can’t believe that girl, it’s already eight. She haven’t eaten anything”


“She didn’t even move. She just stays there the whole day”


“When did she plan to go?”


One of the security guards shook his head. Sungmin was already trembling because of the cold weather and the rain keeps on pouring hard


“Kyu, please talk to me. Please go out now and talk to me”


Sungmin buries her face on her knees




Sungmin raised her head and stares at the owner of the voice


“What are you doing here?”


Sungmin flash a weak smile while staring at Kyuhyun’s Vice-President


“I’m waiting for my husband”




Sungmin nods sadly


“Why not go inside? The rain is pouring so hard and it’s cold out here”


Sungmin shook her head


“The security guards don’t want me to go in”


“Then I’m going to let you in”


“No thanks. Kyu will fire them all if you let me in. I don’t want that to happen. It’s his order not to let me in”


Kyuhyun’s Vice-President stares at her sadly




“I’m ok. I can wait for him outside”


“Are you sure?”


Sungmin nods at him. Kyuhyun’s Vice President removes his jacket and gives it to Sungmin


“Wrap it around you, you’re already trembling”


He smiles at her before going inside. He go straight at Kyuhyun’s office. He knocks on the door first before going inside




Kyuhyun ignores him as he types on his laptop


“Minnie is outside”


Kyuhyun stop typing and stares at him


“She’s still here?”


“Meaning, she’s already waiting for you the whole day”


Kyuhyun didn’t answer


“She just wants to talk to you”


“I don’t care about her. She’s a , liar and traitor”


Kyuhyun’s Vice-President sighs


“Cho Kyuhyun, how many times do I need to explain that Minnie is not a traitor? She didn’t sell your company to her father?”


“I’m not going to believe you”


“I’m already telling you the truth. Why are you so stubborn?”


“Shut up”


Kyuhyun continue typing on his laptop


“How can you hurt the girl you love most?”


“Shut up”


“When will you stop hurting her?”


Kyuhyun stares at him seriously


“Are you going to shut up or I will cut your tongue?”


“Even if you cut my tongue you can’t erase the fact that you’re hurting your own wife. What kind of husband are you? Minnie just had a miscarriage. She’s still weak and she’s suffering so much, but you don’t care about it and you dare to leave her at time like this. I know that you’re mad and you hate her so much, but will you please hear the people who are trying to tell you the truth before you judge Minnie?”


Kyuhyun’s Vice-President sighs


“You’re such a loser”


He told Kyuhyun before going out from his office. Kyuhyun stares at his watch




He takes a deep breath and went out to talk to Sungmin. He saw her sitting outside while watching the rain that keeps on pouring hard. He walks outside and stands besides her


“What do you want from me?”


Sungmin stares at the owner of the voice. Her tears start forming in her eyes while staring at Kyuhyun




Sungmin stands up


“I’m sorry”


“If you’re here to apologize, you can leave now because I’m not going to forgive you”


She holds Kyuhyun’s hands, but he pushes her away from him


“Don’t touch me traitor”


“Please don’t marry Seohyun”


“Who are you to tell me that? I just want to remind you Lee Sungmin that we’re already over. I’m going to marry the girl whom I love and you can’t do anything about it”


Sungmin’s tears start falling from her eyes


“Why are you hurting me like this?”


“That’s because I don’t love you on the first place. I just find you seductive and I just want to fulfill my lust, that’s all”


“Stop lying”




“You’re just mad at me”




Sungmin covers her ears


“Stop lying! Please, stop lying”


She stares at Kyuhyun. Tears keeps on falling from her eyes


“Stop hurting me. Why are you doing this to me? Why do you need to hurt me like this? I never betray to you. I never do that. I never do that. I’m not asking you to believe me. All I’m asking is for you to listen. It’s ok if you push me away from your life, just don’t hurt me like this”


Kyuhyun stares at her pale face. Sungmin is trembling because of cold. He notice the handkerchief tied on her left wrist


“It’s too late to explain Minnie. You already hurt me and you already ruin everything. I trust you, but what did you do?”


“I’m sorry”


“You will never bring back everything even if you ask for forgiveness hundred times. I hate you and I’m really mad at you. I don’t want to see you anymore. Just let go of me. I don’t love you, is that hard to understand? I’m going to marry Seohyun, so please stop bothering me. Let me be happy with my life away from you”


“Is that really what you want?”


Kyuhyun nods at her


“I don’t need you in my life. Let’s just forget each other because that’s the right thing to do. Let’s just pretend that nothing happen between us”


Sungmin slaps him


“How can you tell me all of this? It’s easy for you to tell me to pretend that nothing happen between us because you’re a man. You’re not going to lose anything, but how about me? Do you think it’s easy for me to pretend that nothing happen between us? I lose my ity, I lose myself and I lose my baby. I lose everything, and you’re telling me to pretend that nothing happen between us?”


“It’s your fault, not mine. Please leave me alone”


Sungmin nods at him


“Arasso. I’m going to give you what you want. I’m sorry for loving you so much. Can I just hug you for the last time?”


Sungmin didn’t wait for his answer. She run towards Kyuhyun and hugs him tight


“I’m sorry Kyu. I just want to protect you from my father. I just want to protect you and your company. I never betray you. I never give the deal to my father. I never did that. I only want to see you happy and I want to protect your dreams. I know how much this company means to you and I know how much your work for it. I’m sorry for lying. I’m sorry for being coward, but I just don’t have that strength to tell you about my father. I’m just scared to lose you. I’m sorry. I didn’t know that everything will turn out like this”


Sungmin holds Kyuhyun’s face between her hands


“Promise me that you will take care of yourself always. You don’t need to be busy all the time so you won’t be sick. You need to have time for yourself and your wife”


Kyuhyun stares at her. He wants to wipe her tears and hug her tight. His heart is breaking into pieces while watching Sungmin cry


“You’re going to be a good husband and a great father”


Sungmin drops her head


“I’m sorry because I can no longer give you baby Kyumin. I’m sorry because of me our baby is gone. I’m so sorry Kyu. Our baby is gone because of me. I’m sorry”


“Just go now. I don’t want to see you anymore”


Sungmin stares at him


“Good luck on your wedding. Love Seohyun with all your heart and soul”


“Don’t worry because I’m going to love her more than I love you. I’m sure that I’m going to be happy with her because Seohyun is always better than you”


“I’m happy for you”


Sungmin stares at Kyuhyun’s eyes


“Baby, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for disappointing you and for loving you so much. Thank you. I will always be thankful to you. Thank you for making me believe that you love me though it’s just a lie, I’m still happy and will forever be grateful to you because once upon a time a brat young master like you let me experience how to be a princess. Thank you for making me feels that you love me even just for a short period of time. You see, though you don’t love me for real, I’m still thankful that you fool me and make me believe that you love me because...”


Sungmin manage to smile


“I feel accepted and loved by someone like you though I’m a lazy girl, , stubborn, the girl who will always bring head ache, wild and a party girl and because of you I become like this. I change because of you and I will always be thankful for that”


Sungmin wipes her tears. She kissed Kyuhyun’s lips. She stares at him and holds his hands


“I love you Kyu. I love you so much. I love you yesterday, today and will continue loving you tomorrow and will forever love you so much. You don’t need to believe me if you don’t want. Just don’t take away my right to love you because if you did then you’re going to take away the only hope that I’m keeping for me to go on with my life”


Sungmin flash her sweetest smile though her heart is aching badly. She was controlling her tears from falling again


“I will always love you baby”


Sungmin let go of his hands


“I love you so much, but I need let you go now so you’ll be happy. Good bye baby. Good bye Kyu”


Sungmin turns her back away. Tears start falling from her eyes again. She takes a deep breath and starts walking on the rain without looking back. Kyuhyun wants to stop her from leaving, but he just can’t do it. Tears start falling from his eyes while watching Sungmin walk away on the rain





Tiffany and Hyuk Jae are walking back and forth at the living room. They keep on staring at the wall clock


“Where is she?”


They start feeling so nervous when Donghae arrive at home


“Where is Minnie?”


Tiffany and Hyuk Jae just stare at him


“Who let her out?”


They shook their head


“Honey, she’s no longer here when we arrive”


“Damn it! Where the hell is she?”


“Fany and I keep on calling her, but her mobile phone is always off”


“I throw away her mobile phone”




Tiffany and Hyuk Jae shout in unison


“Why did you do that?”


Donghae stares at his cousin


“That girl will only calls Kyu and will try to beg again”


Tiffany sighs


“I bet she went at Cho Corporation again to beg in front of Kyu”




Tiffany stares at him sadly


“How’s the injunction going?”


“The hearing will start tomorrow”


 Sungmin arrives at home. She was soaking wet. She’s feeling so weak and tired. Her eyes are puffy because of crying. Tiffany run towards her




Sungmin falls on her arms


“Aigoo! Minnie”


Hyuk Jae runs towards them. She holds Sungmin’s forehead


“Aigoo! She’s burning. We need to bathe her and change her clothes”


Donghae carries his sister on his arms. Sungmin stares at him while she breaths hard






“I already made up my mind”


Donghae stares at her blankly


“I’m going in California tomorrow with Fany Unnie and Siwon Oppa. I’m going there and forget about Seoul”


“Arasso. I will always support you”


Sungmin flash a weak smile before she loses her consciousness





Kyuhyun arrives at home. Seohyun welcomes him with a smile


“Hi honey”


Kyuhyun stares at her


“Why are you here?”


Seohyun wraps her arms around his neck


“I’m back. Are you not happy to see me?”


Kyuhyun just stares at her


“Just leave me alone”


Seohyun pouts and kissed Kyuhyun’s lips


“I love you Kyu. Come...”


Seohyun smiles at him and holds his hand


“Let’s eat our dinner now. I cook your favorite food”


Kyuhyun pushes her away


“If you want to eat then go ahead, I’m not going to stop you. I don’t have an appetite”


Kyuhyun walks away. He went to his room. He locks the door and throws his back pack on the floor. He lay down on his bed


“Why do I feel so empty? This house feels so lonely without Minnie. Those tears are falling from her eyes because of me and it breaks my heart into pieces”


Kyuhyun sighs. He slowly closes his eyes while thinking about Sungmin. He didn’t even realize that his tears are slowly falling down from his eyes



Preview to the next chapter: The brat young master will finally find out the truth. Aigoo! Mr. Park, why do you need to arrive in Seoul so late? Pabo :(

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ahhh want to read this again pero huhu di ko sya ma-save offline :--((
korinna26 #2
Chapter 30: I love the ending
ladyrapunzel08 #3
Chapter 28: Tengeneng push and pull to oo hahahahahaha.
ladyrapunzel08 #4
Chapter 27: Kainis ka. Kahit na naiinis ako sayo nakakaawa kaaa. Tengeneng cho kyuhyun ka naman oh
ladyrapunzel08 #5
Chapter 25: Bago mi mapigilan ang kasal UMIYAK KA. YESS UMIYAK KAAAA!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #6
Chapter 24: Pagsisihan mo ng mabuti walanghiya kaaa
ladyrapunzel08 #7
Chapter 22: Putanguna mo talaga kyuhyun sarap mong sakalin!!!
ladyrapunzel08 #8
Chapter 21: I shouldn't have read this part. My tearsss my tearrrsss why are u falling like thiiissss :((( CHO KYUHYUN PUTANG INA MO PAKYU KA
ladyrapunzel08 #9
Chapter 20: Hay dito talaga nagsimula lahat ng inis ko kay kyuhyun at papa cho. Akala ko ba hindi nya rival si mr. Lee bakit kailangan ng break up? Nakakalito kayo aneeebeee
ladyrapunzel08 #10
Chapter 14: Isa kang kawawang nilalang cho kyuhyun hahaha pero angsakeeet ag papahard to get ang nga tukmol na too huhuhuhu