I stalked you because I like you

Stalker [Oneshot]

Sungmin slammed the cafeteria table and startled Yesung and Kyuhyun. "AISH!"

"Eii, waeyo? Who made our Sungmin bunny mad?"

Sungmin took out a picture of shirtless him sleeping soundly with a cute face and showed it to his friends. "That stalker came again."

"Conclusion: that guy's a total ert. Just live on like that, Min." Kyuhyun patted his friend's shoulder and consoled him.

"Live on like that? I want my old, free days back!" Sungmin's eyes start to water. "I... I don't want this to continue... I want my privacy back..." He covered his face with his hands and start sobbing.




Sungmin, 18 years old, is one of the most unknown student in his school. Unlike the flowerboy Choi Siwon, no one ever notices his appearance except for his besties--Yesung and Kyuhyun.

Everyone in the school are jealous of Siwon, but Sungmin preferred to be free and invisible so he can have fun with no problems.


But one month ago, a stalker came into his life. That person snapped Sungmin's every single move. Recently, the stalker creeped in to Sungmin's house and took a picture of him sleeping. 


Sungmin went back to his house and locked every single door and closed every window. He locked himself in his room and cried hard.

He starts to imagine what picture will come out next. His aegyo? His try-to-act-boyish-and-y self-timer? Before he goes to shower?

All of those thoughts slowly brought him to sleep.




After a month of investigation with Eunhyuk and Donghae


"Jinjja?" Sungmin can't believe the result of the investigation. His best friend Kyuhyun was the final suspect.

"It's up to you to believe, Min," Donghae said. "that's the final result. After a long time of hacking, It shows that the location with the highest rate of logging in is Kyuhyun's house! Plus, don't forget Kyuhyun lives alone."


"No buts, hyung. You have to ask him about it. It's the only way to find out and stop this whole thimg! Don't you want to hang out with us again?" Eunhyuk advised his friend. "Does he know your address?"

"I never gave anyone mine, remember?"

"Then you can invite him to your house with an excuse! If he knows how to go, then you can be sure he's the guy."

Sungmin thought of the idea his friends gave him and decided to give it a try.




Next day, class ended


"Hey... Kyuhyun-ah..." Sungmin approached to Kyuhyun who is still jotting notes down.

"Ne?" Kyuhyun looked up to his hyung and answered him.

"Just wanna ask... umm... You're good at digital stuff, right?"


"Well, can you come to my house tonight? I don't know how to install an antivirus software, so I needed your help. you've got my address, right?"

"Sure. 8 o'clock tonight, then?"

"O.K. I'll see you then. Bye!" Sungmin said goobye and walked away quickly. He planned a "surprise" for kyuhyun tonight.


X X X X X X X X X X 


That night


Kyuhyun rang the bell and saw his friend open the door."Annyeong!"

"You're here! come on, let's go in to my room." Sungmin greeted his friend warmly. As soon as he turned back, he clenched his fist tightly.




"So, this is your room?"


"...Hyung?" Kyuhyun looked at his furious friend. Suddenly, Sungmin pushed Kyuhyun on the wall.

"HYUNG! What are you doing?"

"Why did you stalk me? YOU WERE THE STALKER, RIGHT?" Sungmin yelled at Kyuhyun like how a Lion would roar at its prey.

"I did that because--" Kyuhyun stuttered. He don't know whether should he explain the reason he stalked his BFF or not. In the end, he still explained everything while looking down with guiltiness. "I... like you."

Sungmin stared at his friend and slowly let go of his hand. "You... like... me?"

"Yes! I like you! Everyday, I took pictures of you secretly and made a collage of them. I went into your house that day because you left you door open, so..." Kyuhyun answered softly. He then held on to Sungmin's hips and let him lie down on the bed. "So... can you accept my propose?"

"I..." the cute boy on the bed couldn't say a thing. Should I accept, or decline?

"I love you, Sungmin. I really hope you could say yes," Kyuhyun whispered in Sungmin's ear and kissed his cheek lightly. "I really do hope so."

"But Kyuhyun... We're all guys..." Sungmin hesitated.

"If that's your answer, I can't force you." Kyuhyun got up.

"NO! I mean, I like this special relationship..." Sungmin held on to Kyuhyun's wrist. "But how will the public see us?"

"We don't need to bother about how they think, as long as we love each other, Min." Kyuhyun sat on the bed and said with a smile when a power failure suddenly occured. That brought Sungmin with the fear of darkness a big fright. He screamed of fear and hugged Kyuhyun tight. 


"It's okay, Min," Kyuhyun placated his crush. "I'm here."


They lied down on the bed while waiting for the darkness to leave. Suddenly, Sungmin felt a hand carressing his face. Next is something pressing lightly on his lips.


"Shh... Don't ruin the atmosphere with only the two of us..." Kyuhyun let go of his lips and kissed his hyung again.

"......" Sungmin couldn't do anything but keep silent. What is he going to do next? Tear off my clothes, pull off my jeans and me?

"Pabo... I won't do that... Don't ever think I'll hurt you that way, sweet." Kyuhyun seemed to read Sungmin's mind and calmed him down with a charismatic voice. "Just enjoy this moment with me."


Sungmin slowly closed his eyes and enjoyed it like how Kyuhyun asked him to. 








Don't ever light up, my house. I love this moment, and it will never change.

I know the ending's a little stupid and all... but believe it or not it took me forever to think of this ending... o_o''


Well, hope you enjoyed it though...

Wanted to update it before 5, but THANKS TO THE STUPID WIFI BREAKDOWN... GRHHHHHHH


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Chapter 1: Detailing is important. Talk about their hair, their clothes, the noisy(or not) cafeteria of their...uh...high school? university? work place?

Maybe you should have a greater comparison between Siwon's and Sungmin's life to emphasize his invisibility.

And suddenly Eunhae are present! It would have played out better if I knew their relationship to sungmin. Are they besties too? You hinted they might have hung out together before...

And why did he go to them for the investigation?

why didn't kyu...since he is a BF...know where Min lived? Does Min live alone too?

ok...he fell for the trap...hey it happens...stalkers can get sloppy too...kkkk
....buuuuuuuutttt...he could have tried to deny it before admitting...to build up to the tension

The ending was...strange or maybe it's because I didn't expect them to be lying in bed together to soon...kkkkk

cute fic though ^_^
venzsuju #2
Chapter 1: auww sweet ahahaha XD
little-dreamer #3
Chapter 1: dont ever light up my house... kkk min always be min
Chapter 1: Woaaaa what do you mean?
I love the ending,your story was amazing
Chapter 1: Damn... Love it!
Chapter 1: Don't thinking to much minnie
ichathoriqlover #7
Chapter 1: Wow, cute and sweet just like our sungminnie that captured maknae!kyu's heart....love it
Chapter 1: The ending is good ^^ and cuteeee!~ haha...thanks for the one-shot ;)