December 17th, 2006.

❖ Doppelgänger: Darkness Before Light ❖


December 17th, 2006.

                The girl came again last night. She’s been appearing in her dreams since she left her house six years ago. Before this, the dream only came to her once in a while.


                But, since last month she had been having it every night. It made her afraid to sleep. It was horrible. What she saw in that dream, it was beyond words.


                 It made her wants to run away.


                 She’s afraid for that girl, and she hate the ‘horrible being’ that does the unthinkable towards that girl.


               Eun Jae walked towards the old table in her room. She took out the letters she’s been writing for the past few days. She needs to give this to Sang Hyun, there is no one else that she could trust now. She knew that the horrible being is coming after her soon.


                Very soon.


                She saw the ‘horrible being’ 2 days before in the book café where she worked at. That was the reason why she quit her job. She knew that she can’t say anything to Sang Hyun or he’ll be worried.


                That’s why she needs to be ready. When he comes to her soon, she won’t run like before. She’ll make the ‘horrible being’ pay for his deed. She definitely would.



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I've decided to submit this story to the "the sky is the limit" contest, just for the fun of it. but, wish me luck (i guess) ^^v


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Calidafly #1
It was much different than the stories I've been reading, but I liked it. Will read the sequel as well when you get chance to post it :).
MilkyCouple4ever #2
Chapter 8: I cried so much :((((( so sad!!!
HanSang #3
Chapter 8: that would be good!!! the story's good, I'll wait for the sequel!!! :D
Ahaha, I'm the one who voted^^
exotichigh #5
Chapter 8: jkhek it finish \O/
and a sequel? please post the link to the sequel soon!
Chapter 8: a sequel? do give me the site. also i liked the ending yet i thought it wud hav been better if u just ended it wth the letter only.
Chapter 6: u have to update soon. i think the little girl is eunjae herself or she can see the dead. or maybe girl was someone close to her
Chapter 1: the chapter are quite short but it is nice so better updater!
exotichigh #9
update soon~
midnightrainbow #10
Chapter 2: This is good. But the chapter is a little bit too short. Can't wait for next chapter ^^