A Fresh Start

Minkey Drabble and Oneshot Collection ~

Key floated from the kitchen carrying a metal tray piled high with sugar cookies and two glasses of egg nog. The only light in the nearly empty room came from the strings of christmas lights strung across piles of boxes scattered across the floor. Minho admired the way the sparkling colours reflected off his boyfriend's pearly skin.

They had just moved in that morning and had had no time to unpack their boxes, but Key had insisted on some kind of decoration considering new years was tomorrow. "It will feel more festive," he had said.

And he was right.

The sofa cushion sank beneath the lithe boy's weight, then inflated back to its normal volume once its occupant was fully seated. "Drink?" he offered, holding out a glass of a thick liquid piled high with whipped cream and cinnamon.

"Yes, please," was the reply as a lightly tanned hand reached out to take the beverage. "To a new life together," he toasted, raising his drink to the others.

"To a new life together," Key confirmed, clinking their glasses together before taking a sip.

They each took in their surroundings: the windows bare of coverings, offering breathtaking views of the city below; the wooden floors smooth and well trodden; the paint with barely visible cracks; the cardboard boxes holding everything they owned; the teal blue sofa, their only piece of furniture.

Key set his glass down on the floor, tucking his knees up to his chest. "We can do this, right?"

Minho set his own glass beside Key's before pulling the latter closer, his head resting against his chest. "We can do anything," he confirmed.

Church bells could be heard chiming in the city square, signaling midnight.

"It's January 1st," he mused aloud, tightening his arm around the smaller boy's shoulders.

The only response he recieved was a light puff of air against his neck. A gentle smile graced his features as he gazed upon the sleeping boy in his arms. Brushing a lock of hair out of his eyes, he pressed his lips to a blemish free check.

"Happy new year, love."

hello ~

I know I had said I would have an update before christmas, but i guess i lied because i got sick and you know how that is

so now you have a new years update /yay

is anyone going to be watching gayo daejun?

I watched it last year on kbs and it was really good but i think i missed their showing of it so i'll be waking up at 3 am to watch it on sbs cuz ya know dedication or no life

i don't know why i'm telling you this...

do people even read these things...?


thank you all for reading and subscribing and just generally being awesome this past year

I just started posting my fanfiction in june and i can't believe all the feedback i've recieved so just wow gold stars to you all

if i don't talk to you again before 2012 is over i wish you all a fantastic and joy filled year in 2013

happy new year<3

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Chapter 2: *whistles* wow that was perfect!
Chapter 10: I've heard it . And it's so AWSOME .
They look cool . They're so cool ..
I love infinite H ..

Update soon for another fluffy
Chapter 9: love this. more pls~
purrrah #4
Chapter 8: aww... hello cute and fluffy minkey ♡
Chapter 8: They are so adorable in the morning... :)
Chapter 7: too much fluffy minkey is not good for my health..
people will start to think that im crazy bcoz im smiling alone while reading this.
but i LOVE this.
minkey is my life
salome620 #7
Chapter 7: so cuuuute! what better way to the start the new year than having MinKey spend it together.

happy new year!
Chapter 4: How cuteeeeeee ♥ aaaa
Chapter 3: Fluffy minkey is awesome and full of love... :)
Chapter 3: Sweeettttt :3
Update soon please :D