
Minkey Drabble and Oneshot Collection ~


Minho retraced his path through the busy streets of London. He felt guilty – no, guilty was an understatement. He felt horrible, like he had just kicked a puppy.

“Key, stop following me!” he had cried, speed-walking away.

“Oh, Minho!” Key exclaimed, tugging on his elbow. “Look!”

Minho barely spared a glance in his direction, shaking him off and then jogging away.

Minho sighed heavily, ashamed. He had practically felt Key’s hurt expression staring after him. How could I? He passed by the music store his former companion had tried to show him, noticing a few records on display. ‘The Ramones’ it stated in bold lettering. He walked in, choosing one of the records he was sure Key didn’t already own, and paying before resuming his search.

He didn’t have to walk too much farther when he saw a familiar head of blonde and pink hair, huddled over what he knew was an iced coffee, which he drank religiously, regardless of the weather. Pushing open the coffee shop door, he hesitantly paced to where Key sat, gently placing a hand on his shoulder. “Key?” he asked, light a questioning.

The other male looked up, his expression crumbling when he saw who it was. “Hi,” he responded, his voice cracking on that one syllable. He swallowed, discreetly clearing his throat. “What do you want?” His tone no longer portrayed any emotion, but Minho knew him better than that.

“I’m so sorry,” he apologized, kneeling so he was eye level with the blonde. “I’ve been such a jerk and I ruined your vacation.”

He saw Key’s chin tremble, the only warning he received before he launched himself into his arms, tears soaking his shirt upon contact.

He simply held onto his boyfriend, blinking his own tears away. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered into Key’s ear. “So, so sorry.”

Key pulled away, laughing a bit as he scrubbed at his eyes with his sleeve. “Just don’t do it again, okay?”

Minho breathed a sigh of relief, laughing lightly as well. “Promise.” He felt around his feet, feeling for his plastic shopping bag. Seizing it, he offered it to Key. “I bought you something.”

The latter took the bag, opening it. “Really?” he gasped, pulling out a record. “Oh, wow.” He grinned, passing the delicate object between his hands, the cover with his fingertips. “Thank you,” he breathed, placing a kiss on the corner of Minho’s mouth.

“You missed,” the brunette teased, turning his head to press his lips to Key’s.

Key laughed softly, kissing him back. “You’re forgiven.”



i'm assuming we've all watched or seen clips of Wonderful Day with SHINee?

well i thought that minho was being a bit of a jerk to key when they were together but because my ship will never sink this happened. 


that is all xD



i might've possibly absolutely fallen in love all over again and love it O.O

what are your thoughts? ^^

thanks to all those who have subscribed and commented

until next time<3

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Chapter 2: *whistles* wow that was perfect!
Chapter 10: I've heard it . And it's so AWSOME .
They look cool . They're so cool ..
I love infinite H ..

Update soon for another fluffy
Chapter 9: love this. more pls~
purrrah #4
Chapter 8: aww... hello cute and fluffy minkey ♡
Chapter 8: They are so adorable in the morning... :)
Chapter 7: too much fluffy minkey is not good for my health..
people will start to think that im crazy bcoz im smiling alone while reading this.
but i LOVE this.
minkey is my life
salome620 #7
Chapter 7: so cuuuute! what better way to the start the new year than having MinKey spend it together.

happy new year!
Chapter 4: How cuteeeeeee ♥ aaaa
Chapter 3: Fluffy minkey is awesome and full of love... :)
Chapter 3: Sweeettttt :3
Update soon please :D