
Minkey Drabble and Oneshot Collection ~


“Minho!” Key called from the kitchen, dusting his flour covered hands on his apron.

“Yes, love?” the brunette replied, placing a swift kiss on his cheek.

Key frowned, brushing him off. “Don’t call me that.”

“But I love you,” came the reply, almost pleading.

“Yes, I love you too,” Key sighed impatiently. “I’d love you more if you went to the grocery store and bought some more milk, though.”

Minho smiled, his eyes lighting up. “It is my pleasure to help you in any way possible,” he said brightly, reaching for the other boy’s hands.

“You’re kidding, right?” Key snapped, snatching his hands back. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes before speaking again. “Just…go,” he breathed, exasperated.

Minho pranced out the door, but not before yelling “Bye baby!”

Key smirked, shaking his head at Minho’s retreating form. “Kiss-.”


because everyone writes drabbles when they're bored in math xD

on another note, have you guys heard Infinite H's new song 'Special Girl'? 

idek if anyone here listens to Infinite, but omgs do go check their new song out.

it's been on constant reply since it came out O.O

anyway, thank you all for reading and commenting and subscribing; much appreciated<3

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Chapter 2: *whistles* wow that was perfect!
Chapter 10: I've heard it . And it's so AWSOME .
They look cool . They're so cool ..
I love infinite H ..

Update soon for another fluffy
Chapter 9: love this. more pls~
purrrah #4
Chapter 8: aww... hello cute and fluffy minkey ♡
Chapter 8: They are so adorable in the morning... :)
Chapter 7: too much fluffy minkey is not good for my health..
people will start to think that im crazy bcoz im smiling alone while reading this.
but i LOVE this.
minkey is my life
salome620 #7
Chapter 7: so cuuuute! what better way to the start the new year than having MinKey spend it together.

happy new year!
Chapter 4: How cuteeeeeee ♥ aaaa
Chapter 3: Fluffy minkey is awesome and full of love... :)
Chapter 3: Sweeettttt :3
Update soon please :D