Cable Cars Can Make or Break a Person(s)

Lost Love In Seoul

"It's ridiculous that they moved the whole date later! I mean, I like to sleep at 8:30, not go out." Taemin complained speaking into the phone to Taeyeon. "Loser, it's a Saturday night; who else sleeps that early, old people? The boys wanted to move it later since the lines are usually long to get up to the tower, and today they're keeping the place open until 10 or something like that, so when we go there won't be as long of a line. I guess they're doing some sort of couple special." the girl said tapping the "speaker" option on her phone as she started to curl her hair with a wand. "You're just happy because you weren't even ready yet." Taemin said guessing correctly. "Psh! No! I'm totally ready. just need a few touch ups." Taeyeon explained.

"Whatever you say. But it's good you let me know before I got ready an hour and a half earlier, now I have time to think and rest." Taemin said throwing back on his shirt that he took off for a shower just a mintute ago. "You're welcome then. But think about what? You aren't telling me things lately." Taeyeon paused to lean into the phone, just in case Taemin wanted to admit the truth to her. "I-I, uh, nothing. Don't worry about it; it's a personal ordeal." the girl only sighed and wondered more about what she had heard between Key and Taemin.

"But what's this couple thing about at the tower?" Taemin asked, he'd never heard of this before. "Kyuhyun said that as you travel up and down the cable cars, there are beautiful lights set up in the trees. You're boyfriend is great, he can find out about these things." Taeyeon put on a fake smile lightly fanning over her cheeks with thick brush, spreading light pink over the apples of her cheeks. "He's not my boyfriend. Remember, I'm only going on this date for you. I don't even see why I need to be there, you and Minho seem perfectly comfortable with each other." the man frowned.

"Ah, we'll see about that. You two should date, just flirt with him today and see how you feel about him. But wait, do I sense a bit of jealousy?" she sniggered. "Me, jealous of you guys?! Why would I be jealous of you dating Minho? He's not that great." All of that was a lie. A flat out lie. He was jealous, but Minho wasn't great. He was amazing, from what Taemin remembers.

"Ah, ah, ah! I never said you were jealous of me dating Minho, you said that yourself. Well, look at what you've gotten yourself into now." Taeyeon was pleased confusing the boy and having him indirectly admit, but she wasn't fully satisfied just yet. She wanted a direct answer from him, that she would soon get from him. 

 Taemin sighed, mad at himself. "I'm gonna go now. I'm gonna eat dinner and then get ready. I'll see you at the bridge." Taemin said sitting up from the armchair in his room. "Okay, see you later." said Taeyeon is a strange voice as she concentrated on drawing on her eyeliner. Multilpe beeps were heard from Taeyeon's speaker after Taemin had hung up. The sharp ringing scratched along the walls of her ear canals, messing up her focus and leading a trail of black liquid down the corner of her right eye. "." she cursed sitting back from her shining vanity desk.

She huffed out of all the frustration she's been through the past couple days and looked at herself in the eyes. "I can't leave them alone at all tonight. There's no way Taemin will take Minho away from me. No chance." she said to herself out loud.

The man stretched his muscles and let out a moan that could have been taken wrongly. Whoops. He thought and laughed to himself for being so immature.  As soon as he started walking down the hall from his room, he could tell that it was going to be a long night by the way his eyes were half closed. Maybe he should take a nap? No, he gets way too groggy to do anything, then he'd cancel the date and sleep the whole night. , might as well just take a shower to wake me up. 

He then made a quick U-turn and headed back for his room to resume what he was doing before the call from Taeyeon. Taemin stripped himself of his shirt  and dropped it as he made his way into his bathroom where he twisted he hot water knob to warm it up. Then he stood in front of his sink and mirror  examining the way the muscle on his stomach sharpened and smoothed again with every breath that he took. Yeah, he had nice abs, but they were nothing like Minho's. How the does Minho even get so buff? He questioned as he flexed his own body in comparison. Whatever, whatever. Taemin then continued to drop his sweat pants and boxers at the same time.

Like routine, Taemin slid open the glass door and stepped inside of the cubicle to be welcomed and engulfed by water vapor. He had to admit that the steam made it just a tiny bit unpleasant to breathe in, but he liked his showers hot.... and his thoughts hotter. Taemin grabbed his yellow sponge sitting in a container in the corner of the shower, topped it with body wash, and lathered himself in tiny bubbles. All the while comparing the part of the body he was scrubbing, to Minho's more manly and muscular figure.

No what the hell am I thinking? He thought slapping himself in the face with the sponge. "Ugh." he said placing a hand to the wall with the shower head, and let the bubbles water down into nothing. This shower wasn't helping at all, it was becoming harder and harder for him to do easy tasks without Minho poofing into his mind. I need to get out of here. And with that, he squeezed a quarter size of shampoo and conditioner into his hands, and created a sudsy white mass on top of his head. Taemin ran his fingers through his hair and started humming a tune to try and keep Minho out of his mind.

Unfortunately, the song didn't keep him busy. And soon enough, Minho and his glistening, body projected itself on the walls of Taemin's brain. Aish, I'm going crazy. 

As fast as his hands could, he washed away the foam from his hair, wrapped his lower half in a towel, and ran for his cell phone. To call Jinki and listen to his lame voice to help calm down the raging member hidden behind a fuzzy cloth.


"Taemin, it's nine! Come on, I said 8:30." Taeyeon said with a mad face. "Yeah, I'm sorry I'm running late. I barely had time for dinner, and walking took a while." Taemin explained walking towards the bundled up Khyuhyun, Taeyeon, and Minho. "Ah! You walked through the town without a jacket?" Khyuhyun said concerned rubbing the biceps of Taemin hard enough to get a fire going. Minho rolled his eyes and turned away. "Can we just go? What if more couples got there?" he said worrying about the line.

"Here, Taemin, take my jacket." Khyuhyun said ignoring Minho, and placing the warm inside fabric over Taemin's shoulders. "Oh, thank you." he said with a smile. "Minho-ah! I'm cold too~" she whined in her cutest voice with a pouty lower lip. "Well what-" Yah, stupid. This is a perfect time to show Taemin what he's missing. Minho never finished his words and wrung an arm around Taeyeon's waist, pulling her close to his body. "Stay here, I'll keep you warm babe." he said adding a kiss on top of her head and looking back to Taemin with a smile.

Two can play at that game. Taemin thought with a scowl on his face, then looked up to Khyuhyun grabbing his arm. "Kyu~ Let's go too!" tugging at him to follow alongside Minho and Taeyeon.

The four of them made small talk about multiple things that lead to other conversations, and as they were walking, Minho and Taemin had a bit of competition with each other. With every challenging glare they shot at the other, they each changed positions with their date to be a bit more intimate with the other. Holding hands, arms around the other, and eventually, Taemin hiked up on Khyuhyun's back, taking this round as the victor. "Stupid kid." Minho muttered under his breath admitting his defeat.

It wasn't until Minho looked up at Taemin that he finally spoke to him. Or, threatened him. Taemin knew that Minho got pissed whenever he lost something, and to make his blood boil a bit more wouldn't hurt. Taemin also knew another way of making him angry: sticking his tongue out at the man. As childish as it seems on taemin's part, it's way more childish to get mad over recieving the gesture.

"Yah! You wanna die?!" Minho threatned the younger who pretended to cower and bury his face away into Khyuhyun's neck. "Calm down Minho, don't be like that." Khyuhyun scolded the younger, earning another eye roll.

"Ah, finally here! Look, there isn't even people here at the station!" Taeyeon exclaimed happily. "Yeah, because they're all probably on the stop floor of the tower already." Minho spoke his mind negatively. "Well there are other floors too, you know. It's 9:30 right now and the place shuts down at 11 tonight, so we're good." Khyuhyun said looking at his watch and patting Minho's back. "How come the lights aren't on in the trees? They'd usually be on by now."

"Well seeing that we don't really have to rush, I'm going to go to the bathroom and check my make-up." Taeyeon said spotting a sign that says "Women" painted on it. "Aw, you're beautiful no matter what." Minho flattered, turning Taeyeon's cheeks a different shade of blush than her make-up made it. "Stop it!" she giggled. "I'll be back, don't worry." she shot a look over in Taemin and Khyuhyun's general direction and made off to the bathroom.

A minute passed slowly and painfully, the air was so tense between these three that you could cut it with a knife. There was no noise at all. Nobody passed by, or came down from the tower; not even the cable car operators were at their windows. Should I take this opportunity to talk to Minho? But what about Khyuhyun? Taemin thought walking around within a three foot radius of his date, and scanned for an easy distraction. Ah, there it is! Taemin smiled looking into a waiting room.

"Kyu~?" Taemin called, bouncing besides his date. "Yes Taebaby?" Khyuhyun answered, following up with a kiss atop Taemin's crown. "Could you maybe.... Buy me a coffee from inside? I'm tired right now, and I don't want to fall asleep!" It was true, he was in desperate need of a cup of coffee, but sadly, this was only a distracion. "Of course I will! Wait here, and I'll be back. But those machines take a while, so don't going falling asleep on that guy." Khyuhyun said pointing at Minho with a disgusted look on his face. "Oh, there's no chance." Taemin said smirking. With the reassurance, Khyuhyun set out inside to buy Taemin a coffee. 

When Khyuhyun was out of sight, and Taeyeon was still confirmed to be inside of the bathroom, Taemin began speaking before the other man cut in. "Minho-" "Kyubaby~ Will you go buy me a coffee~?" Minho mocked Taemin in a dreamy high-pitched voice. "What the hell was that?" Minho laughed. "First of all, I was in the middle of saying something. Second, I never called him Kyubaby! Now shut up and listen!" Taemin raised his voice at the older, echoing his last words. "Listen to what? I don't need to listen to what you need to say about dating that ." Minho replied back with sass.

"I'm not going to ing talk to you about him! Just stop being so ing stubborn and listen to what I'm going to tell you!" Taemin growled, the veins on his neck only slightly visible with the strain his putting to raise his voice higher. "No, listen to what I'm going to tell you. Get rid of that guy, he's bad news. He's going to you over." Minho informed his past lover. " me over? He's going to me over? The way you did, and are doing to me?!" Taemin replied told himself not to start this, but he couldn't help it thinking of how many people he's been with while Taemin was searching for him.

"The way I'm-?! No, you ed me over-" "If you would let me ing explain then we wouldn't be screaming at each other right now! You're ing impossible! I'm going up first!" Taemin screamed walking into the open doors of the cable car, hoping it would take him away right now. And it did, but not without letting Minho in first. Stupid doors can't close fast enough. Taemin thougth pacing width way of the cabin.

"You're just jealous of me and Taeyeon aren't you?" Minho questioned and wobbled a bit as the transportation took off from the ground and drove at a steady pace above the sea of black it was floating above. Floating above the sea of black. Taemin disregarded the man talking to him and looked out the windows of the cabin. Nothing could be seen below them at all, the bright lights of the rest of Seoul wasn't bright enough to light up this part of the Namsan Mountain. Taemin gulped and felt cold sweat start to form, but he couldn't let Minho see him so vulnerable. He just had to it up until the rest of the 30 seconds of the ride was over.

"Hello? You with me here?! Well, I take your silence as a yes. You want me back right?" Minho crossed his arms and smirked as the visually obvious trembling boy. Taemin clenched his fist tight, fighting to force up the words he needs to say for denial. "No, I'm not jealous of you guys! I have-" Taemin stopped along with the sudden swaying of the car. Taemin and Minho looked at each other and then looked up to the light above that flickered off; the grey dullness of the moon's rays filtered through the glass windows. 

Taemin waited for the car to stop swaying before taking a move on to see outside of the window, where colorful orbs stood still above the darkened trees. They had completely stopped, and were dangling by a wire above a huge pit of black below them. Fear struck Taemin as it dawned on him that he could go crashing down to his death, just like at the beach where the rocks under him gave out. But another difference besides scenery, was the connection between Taemin and Minho.

If I were to fall right now, would Minho save me like he did a year ago?

"So what were you going to say, Taemin? Afriad of the dark?" Minho joked as he watched Taemin look around frantically and back up into a wall. The younger boy couldn't say anything at all, he was too terrified to reply with a witty come back. Flashbacks of when he lost his footing on the cliff brought him to cower in the corner covering his head, tears shimmering against the floor and moonlight. 

Something wasn't right as soon as Taemin by the corner. "Taemin?" Minho asked in a low voice, wondering if this was just a trick. Sniffles sounded through the car and that was when Minho's affection showed. The older man placed his steps with care, trying not to rock the cabin and knelt in front of Taemin placing his hands on the sides of his head, causing Taemin to look up in confusion. "Tae, are you okay?" he asked thumbing the boy's tears away.

Hearing his own nickname said by Minho with that soft tone was music to the youth's ears. The boy shook his head in exchange for words, fearing that he would break out into a full on sob if he spoke. Minho had no idea what to do at this moment, he wasn't sure whether to keep up his "cover" or just give in and protect Taemin. The one who needed him right now. The one who has always needed him.

First thing Minho did, was take off that hideous jacket Khyuhyun wrapped around Taemin and replacing it with his own. "That color didn't look good on you anyway." he said, earning a small giggle from the younger. Next, he sat next to the boy and positioned him to lean against his chest, Taemin's hair the way he said he liked it, a year ago. As they waited in the dim lighting, Minho cooed supportive things into Taemin's ear like, "It's going to be okay, I'm here." and "Don't worry, I'm going to protect you."

Over all, Taemin's crying had stopped, but upon hearing the first benign words from Minho, the younger couldn't help but create a knot in his throat. There was no denying this. Jinki was right; fireworks do make the bigger impression. Taemin wasn't happy with the position he was in, he needed to hear the steady beating of this man's heart, so he snuggled himself deeper and wrapped his arm around Minho's waist. What he heard wasn't close to steady, it was as frantic as Taemin's pulse was when he was having a panic attack.

Why is he acting like this? Taemin asked himself, wishing he could ask the other man straight out. Wait, but could Minho be acting this way because of me? Is it possible that .... He still loves me?

Minho knew that Taemin knew his true feelings. There wasn't any use of hiding it anymore, no matter what, Taemin would always be the one for him. Besides, having the real thing is better than having the fake model. Minho took a chance. Slowly but surely, he slipped his fingers ghosted up Taemin's forearm and took purchase of the spaces between Taemin's. Where they should be. Minutes later, Taemin had fallen asleep and Minho stayed up to keep for movement like he promised that he would. No movement from the car, but from outside. 

Four glowing, yellow wings rested upon the outside of the window.


A/N: Waaaah, so cute!!!! My heart was beating fast now that I get to right fluff about them again! Kekekeke truth is, I miss the cute fluff and romance ^^ I could have ended this here, but i think you guys would like it if I expanded this by just one or two more chapters. (I know that you guys want to know what happen with Kyu and Taeyeon!) So here we go with my last couple chapters~ Just letting you all know, I probably won't update this weekend because I'm going to help out with my cousins birthday and what not ^^ Yay~ I hope your hearts are mended at least a little bit! Until the next chapter!
                                     Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S


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lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)