Finding out the "truth"

Lost Love In Seoul

"Ah! Taemin, you look like a ing zombie!" Jinki said jumping back from seeing Taemin exit the end of the hallway. "Shut up." the boy said in a tired voice. Yes, it was two in the afternoon, and he was still tired. "Where did you pack the glasses?" he then said opening the lid of one box. "Just use the plastic ones I brought. Why did you leave last night? What happened?" Taemin's hyung questioned him as he propped his back against the tiled counter. "Don't worry about it; just really tired from moving I guess." Taemin yawned after filling the plastic cup half empty with water.

I've known you for all of these years, and you still can't figure out a good way of lying? Jinki thought looking skeptically at his dongsaeng. Jinki decided not to say anything more than that; he didn't want to upset Taemin and stress him out any more than he already is. "Alright. Well shower now. You don't have much time before the family gets here to move in." he said walking around and checking cabinets for things he might have forgotten to pack. "Yes sir!" Taemin said sarcastically; he hated being told what to do. "Yah! Just go!" Jinki laughed and bore his teeth to Taemin as he walked up to the boy and ruffled his hair.

In a half hour, Taemin was clean and dressed to tackle the rest of day. Well it seemed like that on the outside. The inside wasn't great. Picture this: Taemin's appartment that he was in now, clean and tidy on moment, and suddenly trashed in a blink of an eye. Furniture over turned, glass shards scattered about, ugly markings on the walls and all over the floor. But imagine it with no doors or windows at all; room gradually shrinking with the amount of time taking to look around. Claustrophobic. That's how he felt.

"Oh good, you're out. There's one more box to pack, and I really need a break." what Jinki said wasn't out of laziness. He brushed his bangs back from his forehead to show off his damp, glittering skin in the sun's remaining light of day. "Go ahead, I got this." Taemin said patting his "brother's" back as he passed him. All that was left to pack were CDs and DVDs and picture frames neatly placed on top of the entertainment center. Jinki watched tv as Taemin gathered the cases in groups of four or more and stacked them side by side so they wouldn't slip everywhere during the drive.

When the disks were packed, Taemin began with the picture farthest from him; his mom, dad, older brother, and himself were standing happily in the portrait. I can't wait until you all come back from America. He thought as he smiled down at the golden frame. Next was Jinki and him as children. Taemin laughed and held out the picture to Jinki, who did the same and observed their hilariously disoriented faces. One more look at it, then it was set on top of the other belongings. The last was a picture of Minho and Taemin, that he printed from his phone the day Minho left.

He really wasn't sure what to do about this. Taemin says he hates Minho, when his heart is telling him the total opposite. All in all, no matter what the boy says, he's madly in love with Minho. Nothing is going to change that. It doesn't matter how long Taemin goes without seeing or talking to Minho, he'll always have a hidden spot inside of his heart. No matter how dark and bitter his whole personality will become, there will forever be sweet words hidden in the back of his mind. Taemin decides to keep the picture. He closes the lid, and tapes it shut.

Somebody knocked on the door. The two men in the room drew their attention to the noise, then looked at each other. "I got it." Jinki said switching the television off and heading for the door. "Ah, hello Jinki." the stout man said kindly, leading the family of three into the foyer. Taemin and Jinki bowed and introduced themselves to the middle aged adults and young son. The man of the family did the same. "And this is our boy Yoogeun. Say hi!" the boy only took refuge behind his mother, and peeked from the side of her leg.

Taemin was amused by the cute boy, but Jinki seemed a little awkward laying his eyes on the child. "Taemin, I said out by the time they got here. Are you at least almost finished?" the landlord said, a bit touchy today. "Yes, I just need to get the boxes into my car and i'll be off." Reality set in once he finished the sentence. I'm really leaving this place.... I... Don't want to go. "Aish. I'm not happy with you at the moment-" "No, no. It's fine. We want to look around some more. Go ahead and take your time packing." the woman said walking past Taemin and Jinki to explore. "You lucked out." the husband said with a laugh as he scooped Yooguen up into his arms. Taemin sighed in relief and ignored the glare coming from his landlord, and the seemingly empty stare of the child.

"I'll help carry the boxes." Jinki said hauling two in his arms already. "Okay." Taemin replied. They packed the first couple boxes into the trunk and backseats of Taemin's car until they came down to the last three. Both men grabbed their keys and other stray belongings before taking one last look of the place and thanking the new movers. "Thank you all. Ahjussi, i'll talk to you soon I guess." Taemin said switching his gaze to each person. "And we thank you. Good luck on your trip; Seoul is pretty far." the woman said holding Yoogeun in her arms.

"Thanks again." Taemin said with a smile and gave a wave to the toddler. Then he nodded to Jinki and headed out the door. A cry then sounded as soon as they stepped both feet out of the apartment. Yoogeun reached for them like he wanted a hug or to be held. "What's wrong Yoogeunnie?" his father said. Taemin stopped in the doorway to examine the scene and the boy's actions. "I think he wants to say goodbye to you, Taemin." his mom said closing in on Taemin. Immediately, the child's actions lifted Taemin's spirits and met the two halfway. 

The man bent down share the same eye level as the young one, "Bye bye!" Taemin said in a small voice and jiggled Yoogeun's chubby cheeks. Unexpectedly, Yoogeun tightly wrapped his arms around Taemin's neck, and gave a short peck on his high cheekbones. These people barely met, and this kid is kissing a practical stranger. "Oh!" Taemin said surprised. The room went quiet, but was filled with the cute giggles of the boy and soon the adults joined in with it. Taemin smoothed down a fly hair on the child's head and said his goodbyes once more; this time, for real.

"Let me know how you like the place." the now former landlord said peeking his eyes from behind the door. "I will." Taemin said with a smile then walked down the never ending hallway to get to the outside. 

The boxes were arranged in a neat manner now, and it was time for the moment the childhood friends loathed. "I guess...." Jinki started. "...It's time to leave." Taemin finished the sentence. They stood there four feet away from each other and staring at one another to get one last good look; to never forget. Maybe they were being to dramatic, but they grew up with each other in the same town for their whole life. They were a pair; attatched. Things were really going to change up now that they would be hours and miles apart. 

Taemin refused to cry, but it was hard to watch his hyung's tears roll down his cheeks. This was the first time this had ever happened, and most likely the last. Jinki strutted right up to Taemin and locked him in a bear hug saying, "I'm going to miss you Tae." he admitted. "Hyung.... I'll miss you too." Taemin replied, keeping in his own sobs. The hug lasted a few minutes until Taemin commented that he might really die if Jinki doesn't let go.

"I'm sorry... I just... Will miss you a lot." Jinki said releasing the fragile dongsaeng. "Believe me, I'm going to miss you too. I need to get going now." Taemin said walking to the drivers seat of the vehicle. "Don't walk around late at night. Don't start conversations with shady people. Be careful of your surroundings. Be a safe driver. And... hopefully I will visit soon. Call me when you get there." Jinki said into the open passenger window. "You sound like my mom." Taemin smiled at his protective friend. "Fine, then just go be a e somewhere! See if I care!" Jinki ended with a joke to lighten the ambiance.

"Will do hyung!" Taemin his last genuine smile as he backed out of the parking spot carefully. Jinki walked alongside the car and stopped in the middle of the parking garage to get an easy view of the black four door car he chipped in to help pay for. Just like Key, maybe he was the equivalent of a mother as well as a brother. As well as a dad. Hell, he was considered family all together. Taemin stopped at the stop sign at the edge of the garage and adjusted his rear view mirror to find Jinki waving a fully stretched arm above his head. Taemin popped the sun roof enough to slide his hand through, and wave back before he continued his journey solo.


"Minho, stop! Don't go! It's getting dark an by the time you get there he'd probably be sleeping!" Key pleaded the man and held his arm to keep him from shutting his car door. "At least i'll know he's safe and get an explaination of why he hasn't been responding to me!" Minho continuously tugged his arm away from Key, only to be caught once again. "Minho... Can't we go tomorrow?" Jonghyun tried his turn at stopping him. "No! Can't you see i'm going crazy here?! I'm ing worried here! What if you guys were miles apart, and suddenly stopped talking with an unknown reason?! You two would be doing the same exact thing that i'm trying to do." Minho screamed.

Jonghyun and Kibum remained silent and in the wrong about this. Key rubbed at his face hard and turned in circles contemplating on his next approach. "You're making me crazy~!" he sang frustrated. Jonghyun looked like he had spaced out for the next minute, then half circled the car and entered it, slamming the door. Minho turned to his friend with victorious expression. "What? It's true. I would do the same." Jonghyun said smiling. "Kim Jonghyun, what are you-?" "Are you saying you wouldn't do the same for me?" he interupted Key mid speech.

Key stared at the two incredulously. There was no way he could get his way with this situation. If he refused, Jonghyun would hate him, and so would Minho. The man rolled his eyes and gave a huff when his bottom hit the seat. Minho looked into his mirror to find Kibum scowling at him, and sending telepathic death threats. Well he wasn't sure about the death threats, but it was probably happening. Choi Minho, if he isn't there, I swear- No conversations were made as they backed out of the driveway in search of Taemin.

It was nine at night when they left the house, and each person in the car drove about two and a half hours each as the others took a power nap. It was about five in the morning now. Jonghyun was last to drive, as he was most familiar with the place.  (But he woke Minho once they entered the general area of Taemin's apartment for directions) "Now take a left into this parking garage right here." Minho instructed raising his finger to the dully lighted entrance. "Key-hyung, we're here." he then turned to tap Kibum who was resting his eyelids in the back."No . I'm staying here." Key said stubbornly swiping his precisely manicured nails at Minho's hand.

"Let him sleep Minho. He didn't want to come, but he's here. Give him a rest." Jonghyun said eyeing a parking spot near the main entrance. Minho was sorry he had to drag his hyungs along, but it was actually their choice to come. He didn't send an invitation out to them. There was nobody in sight, even as they drove on the highway, they passed only about six cars the whole way. But it was funny, Jonghyun swore he saw Taemin heading the opposite way. Must have been a look-alike. The first sign of life in what seems like a deserted town, walked out of the apartment doors. It was a man who seemed ready for work. Minho ignored him and invited Jonghyun to come along, but he refused saying that it was his problem to work out and there was no point in him being there.

Minho agreed and felt a sudden rush of nervous adrenaline flow through his veins as he pulled the handle of the car door, and his first foot stepped onto the cement. "Good luck." Kibum wished. That was his first words of encouragement in the past two days. Minho nodded and smiled at the two, then approached the door with trembling hands. He clicked the door open with a little pull and a strong swoop of wind blew at his face as if to warn him. He's not here. It seemed to whisper.

Minho kept a steady stride down and stopped to examine the second door to his right. Taemin; if you're here, you're as good as dead. He said in his mind as his knuckles contacted the wood in front of him. A woman's voice startled Minho when she began to speak from the other side of the door. "Yeobo? Did you forget something?" she asked opening the door. Well at least Minho wasn't the only one surprised there. A middle aged woman stood in the doorway of Taemin's apartment covering herself with a sleeping robe. Well at least Minho thought it was his apartment.

He shot a glance to the number and letter screwed into the wall next to the doorframe. 2B, definitely Taemin's. "Where is Taemin?" Minho showed only a sliver of anger in his voice. "Taemin?" she thought carefully, fatigue hazed her mind. "Yes. Taemin. He lives here. So, he's really cheating on me with you?" Minho scoffed at the lady, rage awakening him from his own fatigue.. "Taemin? Oh! Taemin! he moved out yesterday, we're the new renters. And excuse you, young man, but i'm happily married to somebody else. I don't appreciate your tone right now!" she said taking complete authority over Minho.

When he realized how rude he was being, Minho apologized immediately and started asking questions with a concerned heart. "Wait, Taemin moved? Why?! Where?!" he yelled with wide eyes. "Please, keep your voice down. But yes, he left yesterday night. And I think he took this nice fellow with him. Very handsome, and they seemed very close. Was Taemin your friend?" the lady took a turn questioning the man. "I-I, uh. Am sort of his boyfriend?" Minho chose his words carfully, fearing the woman won't give him information if they weren't close enough.

"Oh, I see. So that's why you accused me of being his lover." she leaned against the door's panel. "Uh. Yeah, sorry. Do you have any idea where he might be?" Minho had a glint of hope in his eye. "I think my husband knows, but I don't. I truely, very sorry about your situation; that's all I know!" and there, Minho's last bit of hope burned to ashes and disappeard. "Ah. I see." he said looking down at the floor. The woman waited for him to say more. "I'm sorry for disturbing you so early in the morning." he finished. Broken hearted, he walked back to the car. He came here for nothing.

Minho opened the car door with a sigh and plopped himself into the seat. Jonghyun and Key stared at Minho as he only looked ahead. Jonghyun ended the silence, "See? I told you he was there-"

"He's gone."

"What do you mean by gone?" Key's body bursted with energy as he shot up and leaned forward to be between the other men. "He's gone. He moved last night. Accompanied by another man, says the new family that moved into his apartment." Minho's face remained with emotionless, as Kibum and Jonghyun sat there in disbelief. "Let's just go." Minho said resting his head in his palm and elbow sitting on the arm rest. "Do they know where he moved to? We should go find-" "No. It doens't matter anyway. I said, let's go."



A month later, Taemin was fully settled into his new apartment and met a couple of new people from his new job at the coffee shop. Seoul was actually not as bad as he thought it would be. He saw things he'd never seen before: a bridge that shoots colorful streams of water down into the river below. Amazing fashion there, and thought of Key as he walked throughout his first three story mall. Better believe he bought a load of nice clothes for a good bargain the first couple weeks.

The people there were 50/50. Some were nice, some were rude, but it's people were just like the rest of Korea. Only exception was the great fashion sense and most of the famous people were there. Oh my, the girls were beautiful, and boys were absolutely gorgeous! Some were even girlier looking than the women! One of the first days he was there, Taemin was mistake to be a woman when he entered the men's bathroom. He had to clear his throat a couple times just to assure the folks he was one of them.

But talking about how good looking the people were, they never matched Minho's charismatic looks. The killer smile of his could send girls dropping like flies if he wanted to. Out shining Taemin's "hatred", the rest of his feelings pushed him to think about Minho every single day. Even dreams were taken over by him. He has to honestly admit that he misses Minho, and that if even all the good looking people mashed into one and he had to choose between them, Minho would win 100% of all the trials.

A year later, and still nothing has changed. As in his feelings, friends, and schedule. Everything was normal. (Except for the couple of times when he thought he saw Eunhyuk staring at him through the window) His best friend, Taeyeon was a part time worker at the coffee shop because she also attends the college campus it's on. Today, she couldn't stop talking about this guy she had a crush on. She said she would ask him out for a drink, and that if he accepted, she'd bring him here. So that Taemin can find out who the lucky man was.


"I'm starting to worry more and more about Minho everyday. Do you know how many girls he's been through this week?" Jonghyun said to Key. "I know exactly how many, and you're not the only one." Key said. "I can't believe Taemin would do that to Minho." Tiffany said from the floor reading a book. "You know guys, I think I saw-" Eunhyuk was cut off by Jessica's loud laughter as she entered the room with Sunny.

A year has passed, and ever since Minho left Taemin's apartment complex the morning he found that he moved, things were never the same again. When he started college, he thought every girl that was cute was the one for him. He dated one girl. Another girl. Maybe this guy, or that one. His mind was confused with everything going on around him that his heart couldn't tell love from lust. But keeping to his promise, Minho is still a . Just ually frustrated all the time.

He hopped from one person to the other in average, only one day. Of course this wasn't good, but he couldn't stop. More like he didn't care anymore. He gave up on "love" all together and went after who ever seemed appealing to the eye. The whole campus could describe him in two words: Man .

But lately, there was this girl in his dance class that resembled Taemin so much, he just can't take his eyes off of her. It was like god had given him the gift of another chance with the boy, but in girl version. Yeah she didn't act like the real one, but as long as her face looked the part, Minho was set. Speaking of that man, Taemin played a big part in ing up Minho's love life. Just like the other, Minho thought about him every day for the past year. Taemin ran through his mind back and forth constantly like a soccer team. (If you infuse the two things he loves most together) Unfortunately, Taeyeon was the closest thing to real Taemin. He was planning on making a move on her soon, if she didn't.


A/N: Oooooh, this was.... STILL HEARTBREAKING AND I'M SORRY EVERYBODY. I know you guys don't enjoy too much angst, but I have to set the mood and whatever whether you like it or not ;~; and by the way, Taeyeon isn't from SNSD, it's Taemin's girl version! And another thing, you all know I try to update everyday, but tomorrow I don't know yet. So I might just make up a really long one the day after. (I'm gonna cheer on my friends at their little plays ^^) Until next chapter my lovely readers!
                                              Annyeong!~ S

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lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)