Meet the new barista

Lost Love In Seoul

"Are you really going to ask her tomorrow?" Tiffany asked concerned for Minho's ed up love life. "This shouldn't be a surprise with the amount of people he goes through in a day." whispered sly Jonghyun as he passed the arm chair she was perched on. "Yes I am. Don't try to stop me either." Minho said setting his decision in stone right then and there. There was a bit of a twist behind asking Taeyeon out. He was doing it mostly for.... you know, looks or whatever he felt like using her for, but there was a sick part of him using it to torture the boy. Torture the out of him; to show him that Minho didn't need Taemin anymore.

"I don't know Minho, I have a feeling that I don't really like her." Eunhyuk said rubbing his neck. Even he himself was confused if he actually like Taeyeon or not. "How can you not know?" asked Jessica with "What the hell?" written all over her face. "Grandma." was the only word he said, and the whole room nodded and released a long "Oh" in unison.

"Well if grandma is giving the notion that Taeyeon's bad, doesn't that mean she's trying to bring...... and Minho back together again?" Sunny said a bit quieter than an inside voice to Eunhyuk sitting next to her. "Probably. But I don't like it." Key butted in. "But you adored-" Sunny coughed in place for Taemin's name, knowing Minho wouldn't be happy hearing it. "I did, before he left Minho like he was an unwanted and old toy. Speaking of grandma, do you want to know what absolutely horrible thing she's making me do?!"


The rest of Taemin's day off went smoothly. Ever since Taemin's little mess on the table, she hadn't asked any more questions. What a relief to Taemin, or else something would have definitely slipped out on accident. To end their whole day, the two of them decided to watch a movie. Taeyeon's pick. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to let her pick this time; another heartbreaking romance about two beach lovers. Tamin suspected nothing, and didn't question the chosen the movie at all. He thought it just appealed to Taeyeon. Little did he know, that this was just one step of her plan.

Taeyeon was a very observant person by nature, and as the last year rolled by, she picked up on a couple of habits Taemin had: mumbling his thoughts while spaced out, or concentrating too hard on something. Back at the coffee shop, she noticed the way Taemin and Minho stared at each other, their hesitation while talking, and hurt expressions. Oh, and don't forget about them denying that they knew each other. If I remember correctly, she told me her first love's name. But never his second. So why is he so awkward with Minho? What a nice beach romance to set the mood~ She thought patting herself on her back mentally, as she popped the disk into the DVD system. Showtime.

"Yah, why a beach romance? Seems so cheesey." Taemin said making an excuse, and hoping that Taeyeon would choose another. "What's the problem? You usually enjoy romance and whatever." she said plopping herself onto the sofa. "I do, it's just the-" Beach, and last year. That's what he really wanted to say, but he didn't fully trust Taeyeon yet. He couldn't take a risk at having another backstabber in his life. "Nothing, I don't know what i'm saying." Taemin finished. "Well, alright. If something is bothering you, just go ahead and tell him." she said with a wink, then clicked the "play" button on the remote in her hand. That would seriously make my life easier, if you actually told me.

Apparently, nothing reminded Taemin of anything from his past, and Taeyeon cursed herself for thinking she bought the wrong kind of scenario for the movie. Damn, maybe it wasn't beach. What else did he say? A mansion or something? She thought biting her bottom lip. "They make such a cute couple huh?" Taemin said dreamily to Taeyeon without stripping his eyes of the screen. "Huh? Oh I know right!" truth is, Taeyeon hasn't been paying attention at all until now. The whole hour while the movie was playing, she was too busy making corrections to her sneaky plan to watch. Until now; it seemed like an interesting part. A woman stood at the edge of a cliff that dropped into sharp rocks, threatening to kill herself if her love interest took another step towards her.

Sure, it wasn't the exact situation Taemin was in, but the scene had enough power to force him into reminiscing his past. How he stood on the edge of the cliff overlooking the blue body of water. Confused feelings driving him insane. Steppng back, and nearly falling to his death if Minho hadn't been there for him. Since that day, Taemin has had a phobia of heights. "Minho... save me." he found himself whispering to himself. Or he thought it was only to himself. Minho? Save him from what? Did he try to kill himself or something? Taeyeon thought to herself. In the midst of both of their thoughts, a loud buzzing came simultaneously from Taemin and Taeyeon's phones.

The message projected on their screen sai the exact same thing: "Hello, we have a new recruit. You will be training him tomorrow, so please come 3o minutes earlier to work. -Manager Siwon" "Did you get the same thing as I did?" Taeyeon asked Taemin. "The one from Siwon? If so, then yes." the male replied as his phone vibrated once again in his hand. "You're on probation now Mr. Lee Taemin. Better thank Taeyeon for saving your job." Siwon texted him again. Taemin sighed and looked at his friend, "Oh god, thank you!" he said clutching his clothed chest. "No problem!" Taeyeon chuckled. "Well, I better get going. 30 minutes earlier? That time is used for my hair and make-up." she then said stretching herself on the couch before standing.

"Girls and their make-up." Taemin scoffed in a joking way. "You can't rush beauty." she replied sliding her car keys off of a table and opening the front door. "See you tomorrow." then Taeyeon exited the apartment and shut the door after her. "Mhm." the male made the sound in his throat.

If the new worker is cute enough, we won't have a problem. I'll use him just in case. Taeyeon thought with a smirk strutting down the empty hallway in her new leather heeled boots. That night, she stayd up for at leaast another hour, resculpting her master idea.

The next morning was a bit chilly for summer. Taemin arrived bright and early through the door of his work place wearing the jacket that was "donated" to him the other night.. The Beauty of Coffee, Shop and Pastries. Tacky name, but Taemin easily fit in with the crew since they base their recruitments 65% on looks, (Hence the name Beauty of Coffee) and the other 35% on how skilled they are as a barista. By the time he got there, Taeyeon was already inside with who looked like the new worker, and Manager Siwon, showing him the essentials of decorating the frappuchinos with the right amount of whipped cream on top.

"Good morning everybody!" Taemin said sliding across the outside of the counter to join his fellow workers inside of the enclosed area. Siwon only sighed. I made a mistake a year ago. Hiring this guy. "And this is Taemin; you're other mentor. It's not as critical to follow his instructions as it is to follow Taeyeon and mine." he said ruffling Taemin's hair extremely hard this morning. Payback for breaking his cup probably. No matter, Taemin didn't mind. He deserved it anyway. As long as Siwon wouldn't turn into his boss at Oasis, he was fine. 

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kyuhyun." The new worker bowed. "Annyeong, I'm Taemin." he said returning it. "Omo, weren't you the one who fell asleep under the tree a couple nights ago?" Kyuhyun said pointing a finger and trying to collect his memories. Taemin was speechless, how could this guy say that right in front of his boss? Siwon didn't seem to mind anymore, he did the small gesture of raising his shoulders. So hesitating with his answer, Taemin finally managed to say, "Yeah, thank you. This must be your jacket then!" Taemin said embarrassed that he was wearing it right in front of him and starting to peel it off one arm. "No, no! Don't worry, keep it. It looks better on you than it does me." then Kyuhyun flashed his hypnotizing smile.

"Ah, I-" "I said keep it." he said taking Taemin's hand in his and giving it a sure rub. "Alright then." Taemin looked down hiding his blush. How can people manage to flirt at eight in the morning? He thought noticing Taeyeon's pleased face. Then Siwon raised his hand in the air and chopped right down on Kyuhyun's hand to force him to let go of Taemin. "That's enough for now." The manager said wagging a finger back and forth. "Go ahead and teach him our specialties. Good luck." He then said walking behind the hanging pieces of paper leading into the kitchen.

"So what have you showed him so far?" Taeminasked leaning against the counter behind him. "Nothing! Siwon is ridiculous in the five minute teaching of how to spray the whipped cream." Taeyeon laughed. "Yah! I heard that!" Siwon called from eavesdropping in the kitchen. "Well what are we waiting for then? Let's do it!" Taemin said tracing his finger along the rim of a mug. Taeyeon's eyes brightened at the sight of something outside and a wide smile spread across her face. "Yeah, you do that then." she said distantly and she ran to get to the outside of the counter.

"Excuse me?" Taemin flipped around digging his hips into the granite and looking out the front door. Oh my ing god. Taemin's face dropped and his jaw broke witnessing the whole group of his friends. Or past friends. He didn't know what their views were on him, if Minho was being a cold bastard to him. Well he got a clue on Sunny as she screamed, "Taemin! Oh my god!" and ran past Minho with the happiest face ever. Eunhyuk, Jonghyun, and Tiffany followed in after her and totally disregarded the sign on the door that read "Closed". Perhaps they couldn't read at all, because again, they ignored the sign on the door to the work area saying, "Workers only."

On the other hand, Key, Jessica, and Donghae took a seat at some tables as Minho approached Taeyeon for a chat. I hate you for this grandma...... Tch, no, he's nothing to me now...... Yeah yeah, leave me alone now. I can't watch until you leave. Key thought as he got comfortable in his chair. As soon as he couldn't hear anything, or anybody, else invading his thoughts, Kibum directed his attention to Minho, then alternated to Taemin. Keeping a good eye on both of them

The four of them totally pushed Kyuhyun aside to totally maul Taemin and keep him in a tight bone crunching hug. "Oh my god guys, I missed you too!" Taemin choked out. "Shut the up! We were so worried about you! What the hell happened?!" Jonghyun yelled into Taemin's ear. "i-" "Get off of him! Get out!" Kyuhyun said prying each person off of Taemin like an onion. "What's your deal bro? We haven't seen him in a year!" Eunhyuk exclaimed. "He's mine. He's supposed to be training me right now anyway." said Kyuhyun wrapping a protective arm around the younger.

"He's yours? You mean Minho's?" Sunny suddenly blurted out. Immediately Eunhyuk and Tiffany's hand smacked her right on and dragged her away. A light blush powdered over Taemin's face. "Taemin, are you with him?" Jonghyun asked, hoping the answer would be a "No". He refused to think that Taemin would do that to Minho. Believe that what Minho said was true a year ago. "No-" "He's not. Not yet." the new worker said squeezing Taemin's shoulder. "Well hands off, because that's not happening." said Jonghyun ripping his hand off of the boy. Taemin sighed in relief.

But Kibum needed more to study. 

Taemin examined the other "friends" that tagged along, but said nothing to him at all. Only shooting glares from the corner of their eyes. Except for Key, he let Taemin have his death glare full on. "Uh, hi hyung?" Taemin waved awkwardly to him only to be ignored. Why is he not happy to see me? I haven't seen these guys in a year. What the hell did I do? Key looked away to take a turn at Minho now.

By this time, Siwon had shooed Jonghyun out from behind the counter and demanded that they leave soon before people start to think the coffee shop is open early. "We'll be out in a little bit." Minho called out with a smile and raised hand. Siwon then realized that he was the customer Taemin yelled at, and gave the younger boy a dirty look. A look telling him to apologize. Ha, like that was going to happen. Anyways, once the manager disappeared Minho began with the daily questions. And when I say daily, I mean daily. He's used them on all of his exes. It's quite a process to watch.

"So how are you this morning?" Minho asked politely and played with Taeyeon's gentle curls in her brown hair. "I don't know, i'm a bit sad." she said pouting and batting her mascara painted eyelashes. "Why is that, beautiful?" he acted with a concerned face as he tilted Taeyeon's chin up. "B-Because you're not my boyfriend." she said stuttering. Taemin heard the exchanged words and broke out into a shameless laugh. Kibum noticed this and raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips curiously. Minho glared at the top of Taemin's head as the boy bent down, and looked back down to the practical twin in front of him.

"How about we change that?" Minho said barely above a whisper, but loud enough for Taemin to hear and stop his cackling. Minho was amused by these reactions and decided to keep going with it. "W-What?" she asked with shimmering eyes. But not as shimmering as Taemin's was down at the beach. Then to make sure it was worth it, Minho took a peek at Taemin to check if he was watching. Sure enough, he was, and sure enough Minho pressed his lips against Taeyeon's, technically sealing their status of "in a relationship".

Kibum was positive that what he just saw was a face of shock and hurt, accompanied by unshed tears in Taemin's eyes right before his vision was blocked by Kyuhyun coming to the rescue. The older man held Taemin's face into his chest to make sure that he wouldn't suffer any more. How did he know? Call it a natural instinct or whatever you want, but to Kyuhyun it was just his job. His job to know somebody's feelings, and save them from the dreaded scene unfolding in front of their eyes. Kyuhyun knew. He saw Taemin's pain, no, more than that, he felt Taemin's pain the night he was casually walking by. 

The hate that spread for Taemin like a disease, decreased by only just a little. He was skeptical, wondering if Taemin really left with another man. If he really left his former housing because of Minho. He was curious, and needed to seek the truth. Which was the second part to his grandmother's instructions: seek the truth.

Usually in genuine kisses, you close your eyes out of love and habit. Well Minho didn't bat an eyelid while kissing Taeyeon. He was too busy focusing on Taemin and that guy who was holding him so tightly his muscles were rippling out of his shirt. He thought pissed off at whoever this random guy was. Who does he think he is holding Taemin like that? He doesn't deserve to even be touching that boy- Damn it. Minho puled back from the kiss and smiled and Taeyeon. He needed to find another way to hurt Taemin in spite.

"Babe, i'll visit you everyday now, okay?" Minho promised her with a peck at the tip of Taeyeon's nose.

"Looks like i'll be holding you like this more often, huh?" Kyuhyun countered indirectly and beamed at Taemin.

"Okay! Okay! I have heard and seen enough this morning! Can we just go?!" Jessica yelled breaking up the competitive air. "She's right, we'll be late to class again if he don't hustle now." Donghae agreed and scooted out from his chair. Donghae and Tiffany walked out of the place first, like Taemin was invisible or something. "Donghaeee~ Wait for me!" Eunhyuk called after for his boyfriend. "Bye Tae, see you later!" he waved. Sunny left with Jonghyun next; Jonghyun giving a weird look to Key as his boyfriend stayed planted in his seat.

"Bye babe, see you later." Minho said and left with another chaste kiss. Taemin pretended to dry a wet cup with a cloth until nobody was there. Except for Key. 

As soon as Minho left the shop, Taemin sighed and passed the mug to Kyuhyun as Taeyeon ran to..... where ever she was running too. Girlfriend? More like fangirl. Kibum eyed Kyuhyun to leave, and obediently he did. But not without grabbing Taemin's attention with a kiss on the cheek. "What are you-" the older's finger pressed against his lips, then pointed towards Kibum who was sitting in the same position as he was before. "Oh. Kibum-hyung..." Taemin said cautiously. 

"I'll stop by later today around six. Hopefully you'll be on your break or something. We need to talk." and with that information, Key left the shop without another word. 

Talk about what? Taeyeon thought standing next to the doorway of the kitchen


A/N: Taeyeon you snoop! Mind your business ><;; oooh, my back hurts everybody, ow~ Well I hope you guys liked this chapter. Maybe not, because of Minho here >< things will get better guys! Please don't be sad when you comment! By the way, shout out to the person who voted my story up! ^^ Until next chapter!
                                    Annyeonghigyeseyo!~ (well wasn't that a long word ><;;)


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lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)