What have I done?

Lost Love In Seoul

Taemin's phone fell out of his grasp as he retracted his hand from his ear in shock. The phon'es screen immediately cracked under the force, along with it's cover and battery sliding across the floor. "W-What.... Have I done?" he said wide eyed. The first thing that came to mind was to call the landlord and try to cancel the move, but he remembered that it had to be requested with at least a month notice. Second thing: call Minho. Taemin scrambled to the floor in search of his cell and battery which were near hidden  in the shadow of the kitchen's counter and bar stools.

The man struggled to fit the square battery inside of it's matching hole, but eventually placed it in there and impatiently tapped his finger while waiting for the phone to turn on. White characters that Taemin could barely make out illuminated the middle smashed screen. , i'm stupid. He thought while waiting for the screen saver of him and Minho to pop up. Two painful minutes of waiting passed when the screen decided to shut off, and never work again. "Piece of !"  Taemin yelled standing up from his spot on the ground and demolished the remainings of the device by driving it straight into the flooring; leaving a huge and ugly scratch on the wood.

Now what was going to happen? Taemin wasn't smart enough to memorize Minho's number throughout their days of talking. Even if the number popped up almost every two minutes of every day. Luckily, he memorized his childhood friend's and his landlord's numbers. The man made his way to the other side of the kitchen counter over to the phone and just stared at it. He was taking in what had just happened and memories of his city friends flooded his mind. Taemin propped both elbows on the counter before him and hung his head at his hastiness of the year before.

"Taemin why do you want to move?"

"I can't deal with this ing s."


"I'd like to move out as soon as possible. I'd also appreciate it if you found me a better apartment away from here."

"Your contract isn't up until a year from now. I'll search for you, but you have to wait for the time being."

He felt hot. He felt frustration and his anger from earlier beating on him, doing so much damage as to push him to tears. Taemin fanned his face, looked up at the light hanging above him, and blinked, trying to contain himself from crying. Successfully he did so, and turned his attention back to the phone. He picked it up and dialed the number for his landlord. A groggy voice transmitted through the speaker, "Hello?" it said annoyed." Taemin was about to complain about his tone of voice until he realized that it was ten at night, and that old people like sleep. Well he picked up anyways; so Taemin just continued with his plan.

"Ahjussi, is it possible to cancel my moving?" Taemin asked innocently, asking anyway. "You couldn't wat until tomorrow to ask this?! Besides, you should already know the answer. I made you read the whole policy paper on this! I asked you thousands of times if you wanted to go through with his, and every time you said, 'Yes.' Now, i'm sorry but I can't do that for you. Tomorrow i'll come over with the new housing information." he finished and hung up the phone before Taemin could get any more words in. It was worth a try. The man thought, trying to remain hopefull with things. Next step was to call his best friend Jinki; hoping his wise words and guidance would help him through.

Ring... Ring... Ring.... Ring.... It took a century before he heard something. "The hell do you want Taemin?" Jinki said into the reciever jokingly. This voice soothed him in a weird way, ever since these two were little, Jinki has always been there for his dongsaeng. He often played a motherly role since Taemin's parents were nearly ever home, and Jinki only lived next door those long years ago. "Hyung...." Taemin felt more calm talking to his best friend. "I-I need you to come over tomorrow." the boy's voice wobbled up and down as he fought to keep the tight knot in his throat down. The tone set in the younger's voice was a familiar sound to Jinki's ears, and he immediately sat up from his bed, grabbed his keys, and left out his door. "I'll be over there now."

This was something Taemin adored about his hyung; always protective and such a pure hearted being. Taemin sat on the edge of his couch with his elbows propped up on his knees and head hanging in despair. The boy heard a key slip into the door's lock, and light from the outside hallway poured into the dim kitchen and living area. Slippers were heard shuffling across the floor and then came the huge couch jump that made Taemin leave his seat for only a second. Usually the boy would be amused by this, but not this time. Must be really important then.


"Kibum, Taemin hasn't responded to my texts or calls yet. I've been spamming him since nine in the morning, but nothing yet! What do I do?!" Minho said pacing impatiently back and forth from one end of Key's room to the other. "Give the kid some space, you're so suffocating. Like Jonghyun was when we first met." a faint "Yah!" was heard from outside of the room. "Although, it is weird that he hasn't said anything at all." Key stopped applying his skin cream to think for a moment. "His phone is probably dead then." Jonghyun said entering the room with a bowl of late night cereal. "Oh, and I heard what you said." he whispered, bumping his boyfriend which smeared a white streak across Key's face.

Key just let it go; he didn't want stupid peasants to stress him and give him wrinkles right before he slept. "I actually agree with Jonghyun. Dead phone. Just wait, he'll let you know something eventually." the diva reassured. "But what if something horrible happened? Guys, this is not good. I don't know what to! I have a bad feeling...." Minho said breathing faster and faster as he began hyperventilating. "Calm your , lover boy. He'll be fine. If something did happen, he has Jinki." Jonghyun said slurping the little chocolate puffs off of his spoon and dodged a hairbrush from Kibum.

"It's alright Minho, just go get some water and fresh air." Key said sympathetically as he watched the tall man sulk out of the room. Jonghyun then recieved a menacing glare that almost sent him under the bed he was sitting atop. As we was advised to do, Minho filled up a glass of water and made his way out into the backyard to sit on a couch swing. His feet gently swayed the mechanism back and forth as he took tiny sips at the rim up his cup every couple seconds. Minho's mind clouded with horrible things, exactly like the uncommon sky above his head. 

I hope Taemin is alright.... I swear, if something happens to him I will never forgive myself. I know for sure that the gods granted my wish by giving me Tae. The thoughts of Key's grandmother then appeared out of no where. "You must continue your journey alone now. But you'll find you partner again soon." or something along those lines. Is this what she meant? But what ing journey? Minho shook his head like a mad man trying to shake out evil words from his head. Crazy woman. It's because she was sick. He tried telling himself that she's no god damn fortune teller.

Minho's heart rate had decreased from it's frantic speed earlier, and he decided that it was time to go back inside and try his best not to worry anymore. About ready to sit up from his spot, he shut his eyes and filled his lungs with air, then exhaled it slowly. Yeah. He was ready now. The tall man sat up from his seat when a yellow blurr swept clean across his whole sight range and almost made him tumble back into the swing. "Oh !" he said with his pulse rising. A small winged creature flew past the light of the porch and revealed itself for a brief moment. "I'm turning into Taemin! I guess when people say your soul mate is your other half, they really mean it."

Of course, Minho laughed at his lonely joke. He patted his chest a couple times hoping Taemin could feel, in some way, how much anxiety he's going through right now because of him. Done with his procrastinating, Minho took one more sip of water, and turned to find another rare momento. Two yellow butterflies danced with each other above a single flower in the middle of the patio's glass table, then parted opposite ways. I'm losing my marbles. Minho thought rubbing his eyes.


"So now I have a week to move, when Minho is supposed to come in only two. There's no way of telling him either, my phone." Taemin said pointing to the shattered glass on the floor. Jinki just sighed at the boy and shook his head not knowing what to even say to comfort him. "We'll go get you a new phone tomorrow, and then you can let Minho know. As for the move; just be prepared for the worst thing possible." The younger agreed and accepted that the worst case scenario would be him or Minho dying. Which is highly unlikely. So Taemin accepted the second to last worst thing possible: never seeing Minho ever again.

The younger patted the rest of his tears dry with his now soaked sleeves and thanked Jinki for being there for him; even at this time at night. Taemin was about to turn to him for a hug, but stopped himself from doing so because of a little memory in his mind. You could only imagine the ambiance of the room right now. A horribly tragic and sad scene, that could be ruined by something so simple. Sure Taemin wanted to be happy, but he'd rather cry himself to sleep so that tomorrow his eyes won't leak anymore, instead of laughing like a maniac and breaking his depression streak.

"Taeminnie~ Give hyung a hug!" Jinki said with open and fleece sleeved arms. No, he's doing this on purpose. And at that moment, Taemin could feel his end coming near. Ends of his mouth teetered slightly up and down as colorful thoughts filled his brain. The boy covered his mouth and bent down to hide his face between his legs. "Taeminnie~ Hyung wants a hug!" and with that, Jinki used his soft frabric hooves to pull Taemin up and direct his face towards Jinki's black and white cow pajamas.

Oh, how Taemin loved his best friend.

The next morning, Taemin awoke to Jinki (In real clothes) starting to make on-the-go coffee for the both of them. "Go shower, child. Then we'll leave. We have to hurry because your landlord is coming at two." Taemin doesn't usually smile in the morning, but when he does, it's because somebody is making him coffee. Taemin took a quick five minute shower and got dressed in a race against the clock because it was 15 minutes to one O'clock, and the service at his phone company is slow as . When he was finished, Jinki was ready to go with the coffee, and they headed out the door into Taemin's car.

It actually seemed like today was going to be better; he could finally let Minho know what was going on. And being optimistic about the whole thing, what if Taemin ends up moving closer to Minho? Well wouldn't that be great. In the midst of his whole joyus thinking, he almost crashed into a tree. Taemin looked to his passenger who was curled into the fetal position and holding the grip above his head. Maybe day dreaming and driving wasn't the best combination.

So far, Taemin was actually right about his prediction. When he and Jinki entered the store, there was absolutely no trace of other customers. It made him think twice about checking the door for an "open" sign, but the workers inside greeted him with smiles and head nods. "Hello, how can we help you today?" a girl with "Seohyun" sewed onto her shirt asked. "Ah, hi. My phone broke.... accidentally." Taemin said placing the device on top of the wooden counter in front of him. The girl's eyes widened at the damaged thing and Jinki snickered to his empty side.

Taemin gave a light kick to the man, and flashed an embarrassed smile at Seohyun when she looked back up at him. "U-uh alright. Let me pull up your personal information." Within a minute of asking questions, the woman pulled up a cancelled account. "Mr. Lee, it says here that a year ago, you scheduled us to close your account yesterday morning." she said while reading off her screen. Taemin facepalmed himself so hard he thought he would fall if Jinki hadn't helpped steady himself. "I... guess you were seriously ready to leave huh?" Jinki gave a dry laugh looking into Taemin's expressionless face.

"Is there a way to look up my contacts from this phone on your computer?" Taemin asked while leaning against the wood. "Only if the SIM card is still in tact. Let me check." then Seohyun carefully picked the phone up by it's side and flipped it over to show the back case. This was the only chance left for Taemin to stay connected with his friends; more importantly Minho. It seemed as if the girl was intentionally teasing Taemin by the way she looked at Taemin, and back down at the backing, and then slowly started to pull back the cover inch by inch. Then the whole process would occur again. Look, back down, pull. The anticipation was literally killing Taemin. Jinki enjoyed watching.

And suddenly, Seohyun ripped off the rest of the backing to show nothing but the battery. "It's..." Taemin started. "Not here. I'm sorry, but there isn't any other way to attain the contacts." the woman said re-placing the cover and sliding it over to Taemin. "We can get you a new phone if you re-open the account." she then suggested. The younger boy hesitated for a minute, looking down at his shoes. "Taemin, you closed this for a reason. Think about how much it's going to be getting to Seoul and starting fresh. Plus you wouldn't have any numbers except mine and your parent's." Jinki said, totally knocking off Seohyun's sale. She gave him a dirty look.

Jinki only raised an eyebrow to her, then sent his attention back to Taemin who has decided what to do. Jinki was right; there really wasn't any point of having a cell phone until he had settled down in his new apartment. He only memorized about three or four numbers anyway. "No thanks. But thank you for helping us. Please dispose of this cell, I won't need it." Taemin said walking out the front door. "Y-You're welcome." she said disappointed and pissed she couldn't make her sale. Jinki just made a weird face at the icy glare Seohyun sent his way.

"Thanks for saving me hyung, I wasn't even thinking of expenses." Taemin said as he his car. "No problem, but you do realize how much of a drive that is? That's going to be a lot of gas money." Jinki said looking out his window. "Thanks for giving me another downer, hyung."

It was 1:05 and the landlord was already waiting outside of Taemin's apartment door, ever though he carried an extra set of keys. "You're late." he said pushing himself off of the wall he was posted on. "Only by five minutes though." Jinki whispered to Taemin behind his shoulder. Taemin just nudged his ribcage. "Hello, i'm sorry. I had to take care of my phone troubles. I don't have a cell phone anymore." he said unlocking the front door, and letting the short man walk in first. 

"Hm. Shame. Let's get down to business. I brought pictures and the lease of the new apartment you'll be moving into. Along with the address and yadda yadda yadda." He said placing the papers on top of the kitchen counter by the barstools. Taemin and Jinki sat on the stools and read over the lease and other details together. "Seems like he doesn't like to talk." Jinki whispered again. "Shut the up; i'm reading." Taemin said annoyed. He looked over the address, pictures, pricing, and locations surrounding. Plus it was furnished with donated items. It was actually pretty nice for this sort of cheap price range. Right next to Seoul Performing Arts College. The name seemed familiar. He thinks he knows somebody who wanted to go there. Whatever.

"Oh, I also to the liberty of helping you find a job. There are some clippings of numbers from newspapers and whatever. You're welcome." The man said flicking on the television like he owned the place. Well, he did. In a way. "Wow, he's actually helpful." Jinki accidentally blurted, but only loud enough that it was still drowned out by the drama re-run playing on the tv. Taemin laughed, "It's true. Hey, there's a coffee shop on the campus. I've always wanted to work at one." he said excitedly. "You have to go to a barista school for two weeks first." the landlord stated, as he only heard that one bit of conversation.

"Well that's fine. If my apartment is right next to the campus, I won't have to drive around. Ah, I can feel the extra pocket money now~" Taemin said patting down his front pockets only to find nothing. His friend whacked the back of his head, "First you need to actually spend most of your money on the move. The maybe once you're settled, you'll see cash." he said laughing. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever." Taemin dropped down from his chair, and returned with a pen in his hand. After reading the last couple lines of the lease, Taemin signed his signature and initials where ever he was appointed to. He then finished the last one, and gave the papers to the landlord.

"Great," he said recieving the papers and having trouble standing up from the hole he bore into the couch, "i'll send these right over." he said on his way to the door. "Alright, thank you." Taemin said sadly, thinking about his troubles again. He opened the door for the man and watched him walk out before stopping under the doorframe. "By the way, the family moving into here next, wants to hurry up the whole process. So you have two days to pack up and leave." the man said waddling out the rest of the way. "See you in two days." he said without turning back.


"Key hyung... Jonghyun hyu-" Minho called in the dark. "Shut. The. . Up. Minho." Key and Jonghyun said in unison. It was one in the morning, and Minho was still complaining about Taemin. You really couldn't blame him for worrying so much, but it turned from cute whining into annoying as a motherer in as little as three minutes. But think about the whole day, and what Jonghyun and Kibum had to go through. "Something is wrong with Taemin. I just know." he said in a hushed voice. "Look, we know you're worried. We get it. But give it a rest so we can ing sleeeeeeep!" Jonghyun begged, and threw a pillow to the other side of the room blindly.

With all luck, the pillow smacks Minho dead in the face. It was enough to shut him up though. He felt bad for ruining his hyung's days 24/7 with all of his complaining, but you can't help it when you care for somebody you love. Jonghyun shouldn't be saying anything in the first place. He was even more clingy and annoying when Jonghyun first started to feel things for Kibum. Well, it was easy for them to get together and see each other, whereas Taemin and Minho are hundreds of miles apart.

Minho closed his eyes and just prayed that Taemin was safe, and wished to see him again soon. He prayed for a sign; anything, to know that Taemin was alright. That night, he fell asleep thinking about his lover. Love sick, Minho held the pillow that was thrown at him, close to his body and wished that it was Taemin in his arms. A dream cloud formed over his head: filled with Key's grandmother, butterflies, and Seoul Performing Arts. The college he was to attend soon. But nothing; no sign of Taemin at all.

Or so he thought.


A/N: Annyeong everybody!  Well here I am with the partner story to Love's Beach Cabana! I hope you're all as axcited as I am ^^ I'm sorry that this doesn't have much fluff and what not. I can't write god fluff when they're "hundreds of miles apart" kekekeke ><;; lame reference! Kekeke. Well if this didn't really suit your fancy, please stick around a little more! I Swear it gets better >< Thanks for following along with me and my stories! Until next chapter!
                                                   Annyeong~ S



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lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)