What a party and a couple of drinks can do to you.

Lost Love In Seoul

The younger boy came out of his room with a couple of blankets and pillows and tripped over the fabrics as he made his way to the couch where Jinki sat picking out a movie on tv. "Hyung, thanks for staying over to help me pack tomorrow- ergh, I mean later today. But shouldn't we be getting some sleep if we only have two days to pack?" Taemin said cloaking Jinki's head with a blanket. "Yeah, we should; but how many times are we going to have a sleep over once you leave?" Jinki countered as he tugged the fuzzy thing off of his head. Taemin agreed, so he just laughed and nodded his head slightly.

"Wow, how long has it been since you slept over anyway?" Taemin asked aloud as his eyes followed the highlighted cursor on the screen. "I think a couple days before M-.... came." Jinki didn't dare say Minho's name, fearing Taemin would be taken aback in his memories and just let his mind drift off on he subject. He mentally slapped himself for ever saying the first letter. It was a nice try on his part, but Taemin knew exactly what his hyung tried blocking out. "It's alright hyung.... I remember now." Taemin said quietly, positioning himself in the comfortable crook of his sofa. Jinki felt sympathy towards the kid; moving alone into a new city, and probably never to see his lover again.

Tired of reading through list of movies, Jinki chose something random and they began watching in silence. It was almost never silent while the two watched movies together, usually they goofed off and made jokes about the movie, but for Jinki, he actually wanted to pay attention. Taemin was the oppostie. He wasn't paying any mind to the film in front of him. Thanks to his friends little slip-out, he was doing exactly what Jinki hoped he wouldn't do. 

Is Minho worried about me right now, like I am about him? How am I going to find him? What if I never see him again? I can't believe I've known these guys for six months and know nothing about where they live.... , I just need to stop thinking. Taemin rubbed his eyes with the side of a single hand and took a gander at Jinki who was totally absorbed in the fiction before him. Even his mouth hung open as he watched. "You planning on catching dinner with that trap?" Taemin asked with a wide grin as the older blinked a few times and turned towards Taemin. "Did you say something?" he asked dumbly.

"This must be one hell of a movie if you've become like this." Taemin replied awkwardly, like he was talking to a puppet without a soul. "It is. I thought you were watching too?" Jinki thought as he squinted his eyes; noticing something a bit off about his dongsaeng's aura. "I-I guess I just spaced out. Okay let's start watching again." Taemin spoke faster and faster towards the end of his sentence and directed his field of view to the television that showed a sleeping man sprawled out over a couch.

A woman walked into her living room, startled to find that the man was sleeping. She called his name multiple times to try and kick him out of her apartment, but he wouldn't budge. The camera then followed the girl into her room where she took the fleece covers off of her bed, and made her way back to her apparent love interest. A stray pillow was found on the ground so she picked up the cushion and carefully slipped it under the man's head. In a way, Taemin knew where this was going to go. He looked over to where Jinki was stationed, erasing him out of the picture and adding in Minho.

. Stop! Taemin thought, scrunching his face and rubbing his temples in an unpleasant way. He kept repeating to himself that this was just nothing, and that he could get through watching this movie, no problem. The girl sat on the redwood table behind her, after she placed the blanket over the man. She gave a sigh and said, "How could you leave my heart, when you can't even leave my house?" thinking that the man heard nothing during his sleep. As she stood from her table, the man grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her into a huge hug. Something very familiar to Taemin.

The camera took a long glance at the pleased man's face. Taemin recognized one of his favorite actors immediately: Lee Min Ho. Ironic enough, huh? Taemin blinked once. Then twice. And kept going at it before the tears he held back couldn't be contained any longer. Watching his- no their, moment being reenactment on that screen brought Taemin back to that night, and the things he felt in Minho's arms. But now, with no way of contacting each other, what was going to happen to their future relationship?

Promises of staying together forever, marrying, living with each other. All cut off and severed because of distance, and Taemin's stupid  ing selfishness of the year before. "Uh, Tae?" Jinki called after hearing several sniffs from the opposite side of the couch. The younger jumped, knowing he was caught, but cleared his throat and shoved his face further into the pillow he was holding, "Yeah?" he said in a normal voice. Despite the normal voicing, Jinki's instincts told him something different than the cover Taemin was using. "Come here." and Jinki scootedd to the middle of the couch to be met with the hushed sobs of Taemin on his shoulder.

"Hyung, what do I do? What if I never meet Minho again?" Taemin weeped, clutching the back of Jinki's shirt. "What ever will be, will be. The future is not ours to see. Just-...." the older gave an unsure sigh; he didn't want to lie or be a bad friend. "I-It's going to be alright. If you don't meet, I assure you that fate is going to give you somebody better." That part, Jinki wasn't sure about. He could tell that Taemin loved Minho, and was in desperate need to be with him. But there was nothing he could do, except let Fate pave the way. Jinki wondered how she was doing, all alone in the huge mansion of hers.

Jinki ran to the corner store at this early time in the morning, just to buy Taemin his favorite banana milk. Call it just friendship or whatever you'd like; but to Jinki, he was Taemin's older brother that he would do anything for. And better believe that Taemin was thankful every single minute of every day of his life for his "brother". Thankful for all the times he's gone to the store just to make Taemin feel better with a .99 cent six pack of small milk cartons. 

Finishing all six of the milks, Taemin fell asleep before the end of the movie. He was actually aiming to sleep before the end, fearing it could have something to do with cliffs and confessions. That would really be his life story in an hour and a half. Just like old times, the two men shared the couch sleeping opposite ways from each other. Taemin should have just slept in his own bed that night, because he knew he would wake up on the floor. Thanks Jinki. He thought turning over on the ground.


Half of the day passed without Minho saying a word. Not while the soccer game was on tv; let alone was he even paying attention. "Jjong, he's been like this all day. I'm starting to think something has gone wrong again." Key was said barely audibe, as he craned his neck to look inside of the living room where Minho was. "Yeah... How long has it been since they last communicated?" Jonghyun asked while using his short legs to propel the swing forward and back again. "I think three? Almost four?" Key said unsure with his answer. "Damn, I feel bad for acting so harsh these past couple days." the short man sighed and raised his arms over his head.

"Hey... Do you think maybe," Kibum stared at his shoes, "my grandma could be wrong this time? He isn't talking to Minho anymore; he could be another Yuri." Jonghyun's eyes opened so wide they became circles. "Kibum, but she's never wrong! And you saw them connect yourself! How could this be wrong?-" "Keep your voice down or Minho will hear." Key interrupted. "Sorry. But  they talked for half a year straight. It's hard to believe that Taemin would just let him go like that; and out of nowhere." Jonghyun then continued. 

"Well she's sick now, and you know that. Lots of things will be plugged up in her mind making it hard for her to do her job." Key wouldn't dare to use the word "dying" he refused to even mix that word with his grandmother in it, although he knew that it was almost time. "It's hard to believe that you could actually be going against Taemin now. Come on, have a little faith." Jonghyun joked, nudging his boyfriend. "Not funny." Kibum replied sharply. Yes, faith was another nickname of Key's grandmother.

"Taemin isn't like Yuri after he's gone through his own similiar heartbreak. You know that." Jonghyun continued seriously. Key just sighed, "I guess you're right. But what are we going to do about Minho? He hasn't put down even for a second since this morning." he said looking inside of the house again. Minho sat with his legs folded up to his chest and hugged them. With his cell phone between his fingers. "I guess we can take him out to get his mind off of things." said Jonghyun who sat up and offered Key a hand as well. Key gladly took it, and stood himself up.

"Let's drown him in soju!" Jonghyun shot a hand in the air and sprinted to the sliding door that was only four feet away from him. "Soju? You want him to drink away his problems?!" and with that, Key did his best to pull open the sliding glass door that has been locked from the inside. From the outside, Key made circles around his eyes and pressed his face against the window to find Jonghyun talking Minho into leaving. Minho agreed only because he didn't want to ruin his hyung's happiness.

Jonghyun wrapped a single arm around Minho, struggling to keep it there as Minho grew taller rising from the couch cushions. Jonghyun picked up his keys, put his hands together and set them by the side of his head. "Yah! Let me in!" Key demanded, banging on the door. Jonghyun only turned his back and danced mockingly away and out the front door. Payback from when I made you sleep outside? Kim Jonghyun, I will end you. With that thought still fresh in his mind, Key ran for his side gate to catch the car.


"I'm so glad that this place was pre-furnished, now you don't have to bring all this and pay for a moving van. That would mean extra work for us." Jinki said in relief as he packed canned foods into a large, white plastic garbage bag. It was't being used for garbage, but man was the size of it helpful. "I know, and i'm glad the place i'm moving into is furnished as well." said Taemin who was trying to agree and keep optimistic. Think happily, think like an optimist. He kept telling himself constantly. 

"Wow, for using half of the day, we packed so much." Jinki said with hands on his hips and took a deep breath like he was doing all the hard work. Taemin half scoffed and laughed at that statement. Jinki only worked with the food today. And there wasn't even that much; he just likes to take his time. "Yes hyung. Let's hurry and get this finished. While you were in the bathroom earlier, my landlord called to say that the movers accidentally came earlier." Taemin said carrying his boxes of clothing and stacking them neatly near the small foyer.

"Ridiculous. One less day to spend with you. What do you think about going for dinner tonight with the ex-co-workers? They're treating." Jinki said as he wrapped a glass in bubble wrap. "Why not? Hurry then!" Taemin was actually excited to go out for the last time here. A year ago it was painful to wake up in the morning to do the same old routine, but now he realized that he was going to miss this place despite all the he went through. Thinking about it, the whole Jongin thing was partly his fault for shutting out the world from his business. Well, it was time to soak in all of his surroundings and make a good night out of the dinner.

Half an hour passed before the two of them headed out to the car and drove to Taemin's work place where all the employees waitied in the lobby. Why are they all here and not taking care of the guests? Taemin thought as he approached the front doors. As soon as he walked in, almost all of the inhabitants inside ran to hug him. Some even with tears in their eyes. "What's this all about?" the young man asked with a smile from all the attention he was recieving from people.

"We are so sorry Taemin. We promise to give you a fun filled night! Now let's get to the beach!" his former boss yelled, pointing a finger to the familiar back door that he would walk only once more. A sea of black and white clothing filled the hallway and piled out the door in a disasterous manner. "Jinki, what-?" "Shush. I told them you had cancer and that you were moving away to die peacefully." they whispered to each other. That made Taemin burst out laughing as he followed the group.

Jinki joined along until his face was suddenly solemn "No, but I really did. If they ask, I told them cancer." he then cracked his straight face at what he said. "Is that even possible for a man?" Taemin asked still giggling. "I don't know, Google it." Jinki said grabbing Taemin and pushing through the thick crowd.

The night went really smoothly, besides the little crying outbursts, everything went great until Yuri showed up. "I need to talk to you." she said guiding Taemin away with a smirk. Taemin thought that whatever she was going to say wasn't even going to phase him. This girl- no, this thing wasn't even a human to him. She was just trouble. So she took him away from the crowd who didn't really seem to notice that he was gone after the 13 bottles of soju that popped open.

"When you see Minho, tell him that he needs to pay for Jongin's broken jaw." she said sternly. No surprise; it was about Minho. Taemin put on his best cover up face and said, "I don't know when i'll see him next. I haven't talked to him in a couple days." Yuri raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms across her chest. Perfect. She thought while thinking of a deceiving lie. "Ah! So the relationship status on Facebook wasn't with you?!" she acted surpised and even concerned. Relationship? "R-Relationsh- With who?! When?" And then his cover was blown.

"I saw it yesterday, and I thought it was you! I don't know who it is though. I'm actually really sorry. This situation is pitiful." Yuri said with a sad expression. "D-Don't pity me. I'm fine. So leave me alone now." Taemin turned the opposite direction of the party and to the office to start walking. "But Taemin, the party is that way!" she called out. "I'm walking home. I have a big day tomorrow. Tell Jinki I left." he said as his tears went unnoticed in the darkness of the beach and dim lighting to his side.

I let him into my heart. I let him control my feelings. And what do I get? A shattered heart. Once again, I fail at another chance at love. I hope I move away as far from that douchebag as possible. I hate everybody; I hate Minho. Thin lines of tears moistened his face, on trail at a time and made its way to drip down Taemin's jaw. No words came out of his mouth as he walked, no sounds echoed in his throat. Nothing at all. Silent crying was what he was doing. And as soon as he reached his apartment for one more night, he immediately climbed into bed and cried himself to sleep.


"Great ing idea Dumbhyun." Key said wiping Minho's nose with a tissue as they half walked/guided the wasted man inside of the house. "You let me bring him! Why didn't you stop me?!" Jonghyun yelled as he took Minho down the hallway and set him down on his bed. Minho kept murmuring things along the way home from the bar; they had a bit more than just soju. "Don't you try and blame this on me! I tried stopping you guys from leaving by almost getting hit by your ing car!" Kibum shouted grabbing pain medicine from the kitchen.

"Well you know what?!" Jonghyun yelled into the cooking area. "What?!" Kibum responded, thinking that he probably doesn't even have a comeback. "Well! W-W... AISH!" he said snapping, and then whipped back around to go aid Minho. "Stupid." Key said under his breath. The man filled a glass of water and carried the medicine down to where the others were.

"Minho-ah, take this medicine okay?" Key said holding two pills to his alcohol reeking lips. "T...asnafhahdb." Minho replied with closed eyes, slurring his words together. Key swore he was going to say something about Taemin again. Again. The whole time at the bar Minho complained and complained  and went on and on about how he misses Taemin and he was so worried. Then he said some weird things. "Taemin, why are you cheating on me? Why don't you pick up your phone for me? Taemin-ah, why?" those were his last words before he fell off the barstool.

"Just shove it down his throat and get it over wi-" "Be quiet!" Key ordered and stepped on Jonghyun's foot in the process. "Tae-... Taemin.... come.... ba-ck." his arm moved up about as if to grab onto something. Like a shirt; specifically to hold the person back. 


A/N: God damn it Yuri! Messing things up way more than they already are ><;; Just letting you know, that this end the "scenery development" (I mean by building up the suspense and feelings. Just so you guys can really feel what's happening!) and the next chapter will continue with way more interesting things and interactions ^^ Wahhhh, it's about to get good everybody! Can't you tell?! Until my next chapter!
                                                      Annyeong!~ S

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lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)