Well that escalated quickly

Lost Love In Seoul

By the time Taemin came home from work that night, he was ready to hit the hay and rest his over working brain. He climbed into the bed and tucked himself in underneath a colorful quilt, along with some extra blankets. His eyelids drooped and one yawn started a chain reaction of more and more to come. Taemin tossed and turned and fiddled with his pillow arrangments until he realized that it wasn't his body that was the problem; it was his thoughts keeping him up. No mater how hard he tried to shut out his conscience, it always came back asking multiple questions to himself that he Taemin had no answers for.

Should I really take Minho away from Taeyeon? But he probably would've broke up with her by now if he still wanted me. One thing is for sure though, I need to tell Minho what happened a year ago. ing Yuri didn't even like him anyways, why did she still want to torture us? . But Minho.... I don't want to confess anything to him, if we don't have mutual feeling! I still have feelings for him, but  what do I do know that Khyuhyun is here? He's so sweet and nice, but..... the tiny sparks I feel with him, aren't the same fireworks I feel with Minho.... this, I'm calling Jinki.

"Yeoboseyo?" Jinki said asnwering the call. "Jinki-hyung, I'm in a bit of a.... predicament. And you won't believe what has happened these past couple days!" Taemin said as he made his way out of his room and flung himself onto his couch. "Alright, shoot." Jinki said interested in what his dongsaeng had to say. "Well, first off, Minho lives here in Seoul, and-" Taemin was interrupted by his hyung that was in much shock with the news. "Are you kidding me?! Are you lying?!" he blurted out shaping his lips into an "o" after his questioning. "Yah! Let me finish and you'll know!" the younger said annoyed that he just barely started talking, before having to stop.

"Sorry, sorry. Go ahead." Jinki apologized and listened to Taemin's coffee story, and the part of Khyuhyun's act of kindness, and about Taeyeon. "So I cleared up the story with Key, and he said he would tell the group. They said that I look exactly like Taeyeon, and that Minho is probably dating her because she resembles me in a way. What do you think about this?" Taemin asked after explaining almost everything. "Well I have never seen Taeyeon, so I can't really judge the resemblance part, but from what you told me about him becoming a man , I'd say it's true." Taemin layed there in silence, trying to think like a realist. Even over the phone, Jinki could tell that he was trying to understand better.

"Let's put together the facts then, shall we? Key described how he was super protective of you and worried so much, which made him really depressed and love deprived right?" Taemin responded with an "Mhm." To let Jinki know that he was paying attention. "When classes started for college, he met a lot of different people who were probably attractive and wanted to move on as fast as he could to push you out of his mind. If you think about it, Minho always would say, 'You're not my type.' and even tell his friends, 'Their nose was too big. Their eyes were too small.' But then he finds Taeyeon; and how long have they been with each other?"

Taemin squinted his heavy-as-led eyelids in a thought process. "Three days or so." he got out. "Exactly. Three days sets the new record since his average is only one day. From the other things you tell me, It seems that he's trying to prove something to you even though he's completely lying to himself. I can't believe you call me for this when it's obvious!" Jinki laughed into the reciever, but still happy to help with Taemin's problems. "But I don't know what to do if he likes me still." the younger admitted. "Do what Key told you to do, just confess your unrequited love for him!" said Jinki.

"The thing is... My love isn't really 'unrequited'. When Khyuhyun held me, I felt sparks fly with him. There's just something about him that makes me feel amazing." Taemin said shyly, afraid of Jinki's reaction. No words transfered through the speakers. "Tell me what you felt with Minho." the older finally said in a stern way. The only word Taemin used to describe his feelings was "Fireworks". "Okay. Think in real life now. In a sense of sounds, appearance, and reactions, which makes a bigger impression?" Jinki asked, wondering if Taemin was following along mentally. "The fireworks of course."

Ten seconds of silence passed before Jinki gave up letting Taemin try and answer this himself. "There's your answer." Once Jinki pointed that out, a smile spread across Taemin's face, calling himself stupid for not understanding the comparison at first. "But hyung... I haven't felt the fireworks in a long time, how am I supposed to know that I still feel that way about Minho?" he then said contracting the muscles in his face. "You'll see soon. You're probably only feeling that for him because you haven't been cared for like that in a while." the older smiled, hoping Taemin would feel that he was doing so. If she knows what she's doing. Then suddenly Jinki let out a girly shriek.

"Hyung! Hyung?!" Taemin called, now fully awakened by his surprised jolt. "Uh, yeah? I'm fine, a book from my shelf fell on my foot. Guess I didn't place it correctly." Jinki said making an excuse, knowing the reason why it happened and who did it. "Alright then. I'm gonna sleep now hyung. Good night, and thank you so much!" said the caller happily and hung up the phone.

Then I guess I'll find out my feelings soon.


Over the next couple days, Taemin took the extra effort in paying attention to his own feelings. No matter how many times Khyuhyun complimented him, hugged him, and catered to him, Taemin felt nothing more than those tiny sparks. Maybe Jinki is right, Taemin thought mindlessly watching the customer's lips flap in front of him, I'm probably just like this with him because I haven't been hit on for a while. "Hello? Did you get that?!" the middle-aged woman raised her voice, irritated with the so called "slackers". "Got it ma'am, a medium white chocolate cappuchino coming up." Khyuhyun obviously repeated for Taemin's sake.

"Ah, yes. That will be 3,500 won then." Taemin awkwardly laughed once he said that. "Mhm. It's nice to know that there's at least one real worker here." the woman said looking at Taeyeon laughing at her phone screen, and dug into her hideous burgandy purse for her wallet. Taemin tugged on Khyuhyun's uniform shirt to show his gratitude towards the man. The woman submitted the exact amount, gave a dirty look to Taemin, then walked away to the pick-up station for her warm beverage.  How could anybody drink hot drinks in summer? Taemin thought watching her leave.

"Looks like you have a lot on your mind lately. That was the fifth customer in the past two days." Khyuhyun stated trapping Taemin in between him, and the counter. "U-Uh, yeah. I need to go to the bathroom, excuse me." Taemin said excusing himself to escape Khyuhyun and his flirty personality. "Hey, you two should date you know that? You're so cute together!" Taeyeon said holding her arms out to keep Taemin from leaving just yet. "I don't-" "I think that's a great idea! You're really cute Taemin, let's go out this Friday!" Khyuhyun said exciting himself with thoughts of a date.

"I really, don't know. But what I do know, is that I need to use the restroom." said Taemin sneaking under Taeyeaon's arm. "Whatever! We'll talk about this later!" Taeyeon then called. When there was no sign of Taemin anymore, the girl walked up to Khyuhyun demanding his cooperation.

"What do you mean cooperation? Are you on a mission or something?" Khyuhyun chuckled, expecting Taeyeon to do so also, except she never did. His laugh faded and he cleared his throat changing his expression to serious. "Listen, you really like Taemin right?" she asked him getting to the point. "Well I'm interested in him, but I'd like to try it out, so I guess." the man answered. "Okay, well there's some things happening between Taemin and my boyfriend; Taemin wants to take Minho away from me! So I need you to do what you can to make him fall for you. Then when this works, we'll both be happy. Got it?" Taeyeon said poking her finger into the middle of her co-workers chest.

The man thought about the ways this could go wrong, but how could it when he has irresistable good looks and charms? "Alright, why not." Khyuhyun agreed with a smile. "Invite him for a date to the Namsan Tower this Saturday night, and I'll have Minho and I tag along so that Taemin can realize that Minho wants me." Taeyeon smirked. The other gave a small frown, "How am I going to do that? When I asked earlier it seemed like he was just trying to avoid giving an answer." Then Taeyeon set her hand onto Kyuhyun's shoulder for reassurance. "I have my ways." she said.

The rest of the plan was layed out for Kyuhyun, and he was instructed to wait for Minho's arrival to ask the question in front of him. And when at 5:30 Minho arrived, he started his little plan. 

Walking into the coffee shop like every other day, Minho was greeted by Kyuhyun, who was unusually distant from Taemin today. No matter, Minho still didn't like him, and he sent a cold glare over to the man who just smiled. "How are you today?" Kyuhyun asked watching Minho find an empty seat, ignoring his friendly question and called for his girlfriend. "Taeyeon!" he said aloud; like when a master comes home from work and calls for his puppy. "Minho-ah!" she says with glee stepping out from the kitchen with Taemin.

Minho faked a smile to his girlfriend galloping over to him, then focused his vision to Taemin who was watching him at the corner of his eye. Taemin sighed as Taeyeon bent to kiss Minho on the nose and take a seat in his lap. Come on now, there's a chair right next to him. The young worker said indirectly to Taeyeon in his head. Stupid bi- Oh Jesus I'm not jealous at all though. Nope, not one bit. He walked over to the register and began telling himself that, then tossed his head side to side, as if he was to rid the thoughts out of his mind.

Two large hands were placed firmly at both sides of Taemin's head, discontinuing any further motion. "You okay babe?" Kyuhyun asked. Minho clenched his teeth hearing this, and looked over at the two. "Oh, yeah. Don't worry." Taemin giggled and backed away from the man's hold. "Oh, and what about that date huh? Does Saturday night work for you?" he asked beaming his pearly white teeth. "What date?" the question shocked all three of the workers, as it came from Minho's mouth. Taeyeon was shocked at Minho's serious face next to hers. She never thought he'd do this, she needed to think fast.

"Oh, yeah, what date? We should go out for a double date!" Taeyeon clapped her hands in excitement. Not really, she clapped for herself and praising herself for quick thinking. "I-I don't know about that." Taemin said inching slowly to make an escape to the bathroom, or somewhere where he couldn't be found easily. If they go, I need to make sure this guy doesn't try anything. "I agree, we should go." Minho said pecking Taeyeon on the cheek to hide his true intentions. "Ha.... Ha.... Ha-" Taemin dashed for the back door once again, but Taeyeon caught up to him in the blink of an eye, leaving the two men alone in the main cafe.

"Taemin, please do this for me! I need you to come so things won't be awkward!" Taeyeon begged Taemin. "But I don't want to! And I don't really want to be with Khyuhyun. He's nice and all, but he's not really my kind of guy." Taemin said quietly, fearing that Khyuhyun himself would hear. "You don't have to really date him, just for fun on your part. But please just do this for me! At least you won't be a third wheel with Khyuhyun there!" she urged. Here came the annoying quality of her. Oh my god, she will not shut up! Taemin, just do it for the sake of your sanity, you can get through this. Plus.... Maybe I can use Khyuhyun to teach Minho a lesson.

The boy walked up to the wall nearest to him and tapped his forehead to it a couple times before agreeing. "Okay. Whatever. But if I don't have fun, you're life will end early!" he threatened with a chuckle. "Oh yes!" Taeyeon screamed. "Thank you, you're a life saver!" and to top off the whole moment, she gave a long hug to Taemin, but sniggered behind his back. He loves me more. She told herself.

Minho and Khyuhyun had a stare down that Khyuhyun won, once Minho scoffed at this guy's obvious cover up. "You don't really like Taemin do you?" Minho asked him from the corner of the shop. "I do like him. Is that going to create a problem between me and you? You seem a bit protective." Khyuhyun indirectly mocked the other. Minho rolled his eyes, "No, I was just asking. Are you guys dating right now?" Minho asked another thing. "What's it to you if we are?" said the worker leaning on his elbows on the counter in front of him. This guy, really.

Yeah, Minho had enough of this guy's smart- attitude and got out of his chair to go meet Kyuhyun face to face. He got to the counter and forced his hand against the cold granite. "Why don't you just answer the damn question?" Minho said quietly, three inches away from Khyuhyun's face. Kyuhyun kept his "knowing" expression and answered, "No-" "Well that wasn't hard was it?" said Minho who paused mid-way in a walk as the other finished his interrupted scentence. "No, but not yet."

"What do you mean by that?" the tall man turned with flames burning in his eyes. "I mean, that by tomorrow night, Taemin will be my boyfriend. Conflict?" Khyuhyun stated and a tilt of his head. No, this was enough for Minho to punch this guy in the face, but he held back and stomped right back up to the man and grabbed him by the collar. "Look, you aren't his type and-" "And what? You, are his type? A man-? I  think I'd be a better candidate in being his boyfriend. A.... man-? Is that what everybody thinks of me? Minho loosened his grip, not knowing how to reply to that sudden attack.

"Man-?" he then said out loud. "That's right. Do you know how many people you've been through in the past year? Should I get my calculator out?" said Khyuhyun with a smirk. Minho raised his opposite hand, ready to swing a punch at this who is like another Jongin, when Taeyeon and Taemin entered from the back. 

"Minho! What're you doing?!" Taeyeon yelled running over to hold back her boyfriend's floating arm. Minho only looked over the top of Taeyeon's head to share a glance with Taemin who stood under the kitchen doorway. "Nothing. I'm going to go." he said making his way to the front entrance. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, on the date." He shot Khyuhyun one last glare at Khyuhyun, then took his leave

Well that escalated quickly. Khyuhyun said with a very fulfilled smile. "So, our date tomorrow?" he said directing his attention to Taemin. Taeyeon smiled at Taemin, and he gave an unsure nod. "Uh, yeah. Okay." Taemin accepted. "Ah, great! Tomorrow at 7:30 we'll meet at the banpo bridge, then go to the Namsan Tower! How does that sound?" Khyuhyun informed him. "Uh, amazing?" Taemin said awkwardly.

"Great, I need to make a note of my calendar, be back in a second." he said disappearing behind the "curtain". "Wait for me! I want to come!" taeyeon said following. "Taemin, watch the shop!" she instructed the younger. "Whatever." he said unhappy that he has to be dragged along on this date.

"I told you to intimidate him, not try to up your face!" Taeyeon said trailing behind Khyuhyun. "Hey, at least I did it in the end."


A/N: Does this clear up your guys' little "Taemin hate" thing? Kekeke calm down everybody, please ^^;; you make author-nim worried with some of your comments! You all have been waiting so long for fluff, and fluff it is, and it is coming! I feel bad making you all suffer, (the people who don't like much angst) but angst makes for a better story line! Ah, Minho is so cute protecting Taebaby ^^ Well, until next chapter!
                                     Annyeonghigaseyo!~ Queen S  (I change my signature a lot, but this is here to stay now^^!)


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Thank you!
lot through it, so i'd like to be able to write the way i'd like. Gamsahapnida!~ Queen S


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Chapter 3: Can't onew check the. Customer no on the computer?? He did make a lot of changes to key rtc no. N minho's is the one who paid so shouldn't they? Plus key n onew made the Cupid together with Jong ma
monokalisto #2
Chapter 12: Amazing~ It was really good and meaningful~ [even though Taeminnie got hurt in the process]
Jongkey is always the couple who gets together first and guides the 2min... But I can't help but loving Key every time. He's just so motherly and protective and diva-ish <3
Jinki had the best personality though [i think] because he always supported Tae no matter what ^^
Kyuhyun... I admire him for what he did and I hope he found an amazing boy/girl because he surely deserves him/her xD
Taeyeon was an obssessed sick bish... I didn't expect it from her... not from the beginning but then it got obvious how obssessed she was with Minho.
Eunhyuk was so energetic and cute too~
And the girls are always all over Tae... lol
Thanks for the story, it was amazing... both of them ^^
Chapter 12: Btw
I cant stop reading this chapter!
jellee #4
Chapter 12: Wahh it's the end I felt like it was rushed but it was cute i say there should be another ch of just pure fluffiness :D awesome story loved it :)
Chapter 4: o, Taemin have not called his boyfrined, have not told him about moving away, actualy left him without a word, but 'hates' Minho for facebook status? have not he thought that it was about him? Why Tae pays attention to smth enemy (Yuri) said?
I hope Temin will use this time to realise HIS mistakes in that relationship..
Chapter 1: should not Taemin search for the sim card in the appartment? If its not i the ohone than its slipped out when he crashed the phone into the floor.
He is just pessimisticaly goes with whatever happens.. And he does not even remember that the Art college is where his boyfriend will go? Tsk, tsk.. Poor Minho, looks like Taemin is not the best lover at the moment
Chapter 12: No! Not the end!
Chapter 12: I kinda wanted to see Taeyeon here the rejection but this is equally as amazing *sobs*
Chapter 12: Such a happy ending!!! I loved it so much!!! <3 <3 <3Thankyou for writing this story :)
Chapter 12: yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy ending~~~~ =)
can't wait for the new story~~~ =)