
I'm Her "Husband," She's My "Wife"

Luhan and I have been best friends for two years now.  Before he became fluent in Korean, we used to communicate through our own little sign language system that we made up.  Now we only use it when were in class and aren’t allowed to talk to each other.  Luckily, he’s in my class again this year.


We’ve become so close since the first time we met.  I don’t even remember what it’s like to be alone anymore.  Luhan is always there for me and I’m always there for him.   I was finally able to talk to the other kids and make other friends.  I’m still chubby and have my ugly, big glasses, but I think they can see pass that now.  Luhan was able to make lots of friends too.  He’s actually quite popular.  But I will always be his best friend.


I just realized that I’ve had a crush on him since the first day we met.  But I doubt he likes me back.  Plus I’m afraid that if I confess to him, he’ll feel really awkward about it and stop being friends with me.  It doesn’t really sound like something he would do, but I’m still scared that it will happen.


“Luhan,” I called.  We just came back from school and were heading to his house.  It was the beginning of winter and we were both wearing heaving snow jackets.  All of Seoul was waiting for the first snow of the year.


“Neh?” he said, keeping his eyes on the floor.  Ugh, he’s being acting like this for a while now.


“Is something wrong?”  He stopped walking.  “Luhan?”  He turned around and embraced me in a tight hug.  I was surprised at first but I hugged him back.  I always felt so safe and protected in his arms.  Even though a skinny, little eight old can’t protect me from everything, I knew he would try his best to.  He let go of me, then he grabbed my shoulders and looked me straight in the eyes.


“I’m moving back to Beijing.” 


“Mwo?”  I thought he was joking at first but his expression was so serious.  And his eyes…his eyes looked so mournful.  The usual spark in them was gone.  “When?”


“In a week.”


“Mwo?”  I pushed his arms away angrily.  “And you only tell me now?  How could you?”  I sounded hysterical but I didn’t care.  I can’t…I can’t lose Luhan…


“Mianhae, Soo Min,” he said, trying to calm me down.  “I wanted to tell you before but I just couldn’t.  But please listen to me right now.  I have something really important that I have to say.”


“Then say it!”


“I like you.”


My mouth was opened wide.  I can’t believe he just said that.  Am I dreaming?  I felt a cold, wet snowflake land on my nose.  It was the first snow of the year.




“Ne, I’m her husband, she’s my wife.”


The class was going crazy.  I didn’t know what say.  He…he still remembers that…?  Mrs. Jung tried to control the class.


“Quiet everyone, quiet down please.”  Everyone ignored her and continued talking.  “QUIET!” she yelled slamming a plastic ruler against her wooden desk.  The room went silent.  “Good, now please, Luhan-sshi.  Finish introducing yourself and then sit at an empty desk.”


“Ne!  Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Lu Han and I’m from Beijing, China.  I used to live here in Seoul for two years but moved back.  Oh, and I’m married to Soo Min,” he said, pointing at me and smiling.  I facepalmed.  Why Luhan, why…?


“Uh…yeah, please sit down now.”  He looked around for the empty desk and it was all the way across the room.  He pouted.


“But I want to sit next to my wife.”  Oh Luhan, you still act like a six year old…


“Then you can ask the student next to her if she’ll switch seats with you.”  He turned around to the girl next to me and smiled sweetly. 


“Can I sit there?”  The girl looked like she was about to faint.  She nodded her head several times and then left to go to the seat across the room.  When Luhan sat down, Mrs. Jung started her lesson but I couldn’t focus.  How can you concentrate when someone keeps looking at you every five seconds?  I took a quick peek at him.  Luhan was just sitting there, smiling like an idiot.  A cute idiot.  Yah, what am I thinking?  I mentally slapped myself.  Don’t forget, I have Kai.  I have Kai.  I have Kai.  I have Kai.  I have Kai. 


After three hours of torture, the bell rang for lunch and I zoomed out of the classroom.  I heard a faint voice call my name, but I didn’t dare turn around.  I ran up the stairs and onto the roof top of the school.  I always came here when I needed to think.  And right now, my mind was going crazy!


The view from here was amazing.  Many tall, architecturally beautiful buildings surrounded the school.  Not too far away was my old elementary school, the school where I met Luhan.  I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist.  I turned around and saw Luhan behind me, panting.


“When did you get so fast?”  He smiled brightly at me.  I examined him closely.  He wasn’t a skinny little boy anymore, he grew up.  He looked like an ulzzang.  His hair was dyed a brownish blonde color and it was wavy on some parts.  But his eyes and smile were the same.


“You look different,” I said.


“Yeah…”  He smiled shyly and scratched his head.


“You look different too.  You’re funny glasses are gone and you’re not chubby anymore.”  My cheeks flushed when he said the second thing.  I did lose some weight around middle school.  He noticed my reaction and smiled.  “I always thought you were pretty, but now you’re even more beautiful,” Luhan said as he caressed my cheek.


There was this pounding feeling coming from my chest.  He stared into my eyes and smiled innocently.  It was starting to feel really hot.  Why is he making me feel like this?




“Shush.”  He laid his index finger against my lips in a shush sign.  Luhan was always such a bold person.  My cheeks were flushing again.


“Yah, why do you keep calling me by my name?  You’re supposed to call me yeobo, remember?”  Before I could respond, the door opened.


“Soo M-  Yah!  What are you doing?”  We both turned around, with his finger still pressed against my lips.  We stared at the owner of the voice.


Kai stared back at us.




They got caught~  Yay, I have 12 subscribers now! *throws confetti*  Thank you guys so much.  I hope you like the update.  ~Pyong!

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Chapter 2: update plz
Saimai #2
Chapter 7: Update soon pls ^^
Chapter 7: update soon!!!!!! :)
Chapter 3: .lihan being adorable.
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 1: .nice chapter..
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monkeyingalienhorse #9
Chapter 7: Haha, Luhan's reaction to hana xD haha