He Doesn’t Know…

I'm Her "Husband," She's My "Wife"


chapter 6; 

                  he doesn't know...




S O O M I N ' S  P O V

» “Are we going to take the subway?” I asked, as Luhan and I headed out of the school’s main gate.  

My school, SM High, was well known for our high test scores and successful alumni.  People like actor Choi Siwon, dancing violinist Henry Lau, and singer Kim Taeyeon graduated from here.  My public high school was as distinguished and prestigious as any expensive private school in South Korea.  It was a huge four-story circular building, located in the center of Seoul.  The first level was where the main office, counseling center, cafeteria, and auditorium were.  The first year classes were on the second floor, the second years on the third, and the third years on the fourth.  There was a nurse’s office on each floor and an elevator and set of stairs.  We often competed with YG High and JYP High (*hint on later characters and cameos*), schools that were very similar to our status.

“We don’t have to, I’ll drive.  I parked farther down this street,” he said, pointing towards the direction. 

Some people where looking at us when we left school, but because of what I said earlier, everyone knew we were just friends.  Plus, I wasn’t the type of person who lied to others like that, but I’m pretty sure that what I said about Luhan wasn’t a hundred percent true…

“Okay.”  We stopped on front of a big red and black motorcycle.

“Get on.” 

My jaw dropped.  I looked back and forth from him to the motorcycle.  It just didn’t go together.  How could a baby faced, innocent-looking boy like him drive such a huge and dangerous looking vehicle?

“Is that really yours?”

“Ne, I got it for my seventieth birthday.”  He climbed onto the motorcycle and then looked at me expectantly.  “Don’t worry; you’re safe as long as you’re with me.”  I climbed onto the vehicle with a stupid grin on my face.  Luhan always had a way with his words.

“So where are we going?” he asked.  I felt my cheeks turn red because of how close our bodies were.

“To a café farther from downtown Seoul,” I replied, and gave him the directions.  He put on his helmet and gave me an extra one that he used just in case he lost his first one.

“Okay.”  Before he started the engine he added, “You better hold onto my waist or else you’ll fall.” 

I lightly wrapped my arms around his waist, trying as hard as possible to not touch him.  But Luhan drove really fast which made me tighten my embrace.  He chuckled at my reaction.   

“It’s right there,” I said after five minutes of me hugging him tightly in fear because of his dangerously fast driving.  I think he did that on purpose.  

He parked his motorcycle in front of a row of neutral colored buildings.  I quickly removed my arms from his waist and got off.  We walked up the stairs to the fifth floor café.  It was a comfy little place with a sleek modern design.  One of the walls was an entire window that showcased a beautiful view of downtown Seoul.  It was actually my favorite café.  I always go here when I need to study, relax, or just have time to myself.

We choose a table near the window and sat down. Through the window, if you looked down, you could see the big shady trees with their red, brown, and gold leaves falling to the ground—a sign that autumn had hit.  If you looked up, you could see the tall buildings and colorful signs of downtown Seoul.  A waiter took our orders and came back a few minutes later with our drinks.  I looked down and stirred my spoon around my caramel latte, my usual order.  There was an awkward silence between us.  Damn, I should’ve planned what I was going to say before asking him to talk.

“So…about…about Kai…” 

He looked up at me.  My eyes widened a little in surprise.  Strangely, his eyes were almost expressionless, something I had never seen before.  His lips were pressed in a straight line.  There wasn’t any emotion on his face or any body language that could indicate what he was feeling.  It scared me to know that I couldn’t tell what was going on in his head.  He had always been an open book, and as his best friend, I knew him better than anyone.


“A-about Kai… he’s my boyfriend.”  I examined his face closely to look for a change, but he didn’t bat an eyelash.  

“I heard.”  There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

“Uh…yeah and…our…our “marriage” was just a kid thing, I-I didn’t know you took it so seriously…”   There was a change; Luhan’s eyes were no longer expressionless.  A look of sorrow was in his eyes; it broke my heart just looking at it.

…especially after what happened.”  I bowed my head, not being able to look at him any further.  The guilt was eating me up.  He probably hates me for what I did.   

“What are you talking about?”  I looked up.  Confusion had replaced the sorrow in his eyes.  “What do you mean ‘after what happed’?”  I stared at him until it hit me.

He doesn’t know…  He doesn’t know what I did…  He doesn’t know that it’s my fault…

“Nothing, nothing happened,” I said quickly.  Luhan looked at me suspiciously.  “A-anyway I’m sorry if I misled you, but…but if it’s not too much, I want us to be best friends again.”  A long silence followed as I anticipated his answer. 

“When did we ever stop?”  He smiled brightly at me.

I smiled and jumped out of my chair and ran to his side to hug him.  He hugged me back and I placed my chin on his shoulder.  I felt warm and safe it his arms.  It feels so good to have my best friend back.

“I missed you.”

“I missed you too,” he said.  Then he released me from the hug and grabbed my shoulders and looked at me.  “I have one thing to ask you.”


“Does that me you don’t have feelings for me anymore?”  I looked at him cautiously.  “It’s okay, just be honest.”

“Ne, Luhan.  I don’t have any feelings for you anymore,” I said with a straight face.  He smiled in return.




L U H A N ' S  P O V

» “Ne, Luhan.  I don’t have any feelings for you anymore,” Soomin said.


I smiled.  She’s lying.  I know she’s lying.  She’s trying to hide it behind a straight face but I can tell she’s lying by her eyes.  She has always had this regretful look in her eyes whenever she tries to lie to me.  She had that same look when she told me it was nothing.  I wonder what she was talking about, she seemed so serious...

After finishing our drinks we walked around on the streets.  The sun was close to setting and the cool autumn breeze blew away some of the fallen leaves.  I turned to look at Soomin and saw her rubbing her arms and shivering.  Like a gentleman, I took off my jacket and gave it to her.

“Gomawo,” she smiled, putting on my jacket.

“So, how did you and Kai meet?”  My question seemed to surprised her.

“Uh…uh…well…” she mumbled embarrassingly.

“Don’t be embarrassed.  I’m your best friend remember?  I should know these things.”  Plus, I needed to know these things for my plan.

“Well, we met two years ago in freshman year.  I was walking down the hall and he bumped into me on accident.”  A smile formed on her face as she talked about Kai and her, it made me feel really jealous.  “That was when he was still normal.”

“What do you mean normal?”

“He was just a regular student before, but he’s really popular now and is one of the kingkas.”

“How did he suddenly become popular?”

“I don’t know, but it just happened I guess.” 

Hmm, sounds interesting…  Our walk led us to a big park.  There were kids playing in the playground, couples having picnics, and appas teaching their kids how to ride a bike.  What a nice community.

“Luhan, want some ice cream.”  I turned to the right and saw an ice cream cart in front of the playground.  There were still many customers even in this season.


“Okay, last person to get there has to buy them.  Readysetgo.” 

Soomin ran towards the cart.  I barely heard her say “ready, set, go.”  Aish, such a cheater.  I ran after her in the partly wet grass.

“Yah, that’s not fair!”

She turned around to face me.  She was about to stick her tongue out at me when I slipped.  She somehow fell with me and we were both suddenly on the grass with me on top of her.  My face almost hit hers but I quickly put my hands on the ground, on both sides of her head, before it happened.  There was only about two inches between our lips.  My heart was beating so fast.  It was so tempting.

What should I do?






author's ramblings:    Another longer update.  Sorry to keep you guys waiting, school is keeping me busy.  Hopefully this chapter didn’t make you guys pity Luhan again.  What do you think will happen next?  Comment and subscribe please and thank you so much to my 44 subscribers!  ~Pyong!






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Chapter 2: update plz
Saimai #2
Chapter 7: Update soon pls ^^
Chapter 7: update soon!!!!!! :)
Chapter 3: .lihan being adorable.
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 1: .nice chapter..
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monkeyingalienhorse #9
Chapter 7: Haha, Luhan's reaction to hana xD haha