Are You Cheating on Me?

I'm Her "Husband," She's My "Wife"

Kai stared back at us.


“O-oppa…”  Luhan dropped his hand.  Kai ran towards us and I closed my eyes, expecting him to yell at me or slap me or even hurt Luhan.  I kept waiting but nothing happened.  Instead, a cold hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me towards the exit of the rooftop.  But then a warm hand grabbed my other wrist and pulled me back.


“Who do you think you are, just grabbing my wife and running away like that?”  …  He said it.  What do I do now?  Kai stared at us; there was a mixture of shock and anger in his eyes.  How am I going to explain this?


“Oppa, d-don’t listen to him, h-he’s lying, he’s n-not really-”


“What are you talking about yeobo?  I’m not lying.  I’m your husband, you’re my wife.”  Luhan turned towards Kai.  “Now who are you?”  He stared back at him for a few seconds, and then an amused smirk crossed his face.


“I’m Kai, Soo Min’s boyfriend.” 


Luhan’s eyes widen.  He stayed quiet, but I could tell from his confused face that his mind was racing.  I’m sure he never thought of the possibility of me finding anyone else.  To be honest, Kai was the only other boy I liked besides Luahn.  During the years after he left, I was convinced that I was forever alone, until I met a really sweet and kind boy named Kai.  His touch was cold, the opposite of his warm heart and personality.


“A-a-are you cheating on me?” 


Because of his shock, his grip on my wrist loosened and Kai was able to pull me away again and run.  I turned back and caught a glimpse of Luhan before I was dragged down the stairs and back to the ground level of the school.  My heart ached at the sight of his dark eyes.  They looked almost exactly the same as they did when we first met, sad and depressed.  I felt guilty remembering the promise I made to myself a long time ago, to never let him feel and look like that ever again.  But there was a scary difference between those two times.  Unlike that time in first grade, these eyes didn’t show any tint of hope.



“Explain. Now.”


Kai and I were in one of the deserted hallways, my back was against the lockers and his hands were at both sides of my shoulders, locking me in.  He looked at me while he patiently waited for an answer.  I took a deep breath and told him everything.  About how we met, how we became best friends, and how we got married.


“It was just a kid thing but he took it so seriously.  I’m really sorry.  I didn’t mean for things to happen like that.  Please don’t hate me.”  He kept looking at me, probably processing everything he just heard.  The he hung his head down and sighed in relief.


“Thank God.”


“You don’t hate me?”  Kai looked up at me and gave me a reassuring smile.


“Of course I don’t hate you.  It’s not your fault, it that Luhan guy’s fault.”  It wasn’t his fault at all, it was mines.  Because of that thing that happened after he left, it changed my point of view and I did things weren’t right…


“Ani, it wasn’t anyone’s fault,” I lied.  “It was just a misunderstanding.  Don’t worry I’ll fix it, arraseo?”


“Arraseo, but I’m still upset.  I thought my baby was cheating on me.”  He pouted.


“Aigoo, you’re so cute when you’re jealous,” I said, pinching his cheek.  “But you have nothing to worry about, because my heart only belongs to you.”  I made a heart sign with my hands.  He chuckled at my cheesiness.


Kai leaned in and pressed his lips against mines.  His lips were warm, unlike his usual cold touch.  I kissed him back.  Memories of our first kiss were now floating around in my head.  It happened on the day he confessed.  It made me feel all gushy inside just thinking about it.  Then another boy crossed my mind, a boy with sad dark eyes that showed no hope.  I broke the kiss.


“Let’s go find Hana and Jae Hwa.”


“Okay.”  He took my hand and we headed for the cafeteria.




Luhan’s POV


I’m Kai, Soo Min’s boyfriend.  I’m Kai, Soo Min’s boyfriend.  I’m Kai, Soo Min’s boyfriend.  I’m Kai, Soo Min’s boyfriend.   That jerk’s words kept echoing through my head.  How could she?  How could the girl I love and trust the most in the world cheat on me?  No matter how mad I was, I couldn’t get myself to hate her.  I sighed. But I’ve known Soo Min for a long time and I know she would never do something like this.  But maybe she changed.  Maybe I don’t really know her anymore.  Or maybe I don’t know the whole story and I’m just over reacting.  Ugh, I’m so confused.  I think my head’s gonna explode.


I wasn’t on the rooftop anymore.  I was aimlessly wandering around the empty school hallways.  Where’s the cafeteria?  I’m hungry…  I turned a corner and looked around for any signs indicating my destination.  But I almost bumped into the only other people in the hallway.  My heart sank.  Not too far in front of me were Soo Min and that jerk Kai, kissing.


There were so many things I wanted to do at that moment.  I wanted to yell, to push Kai away, to punch him in the face, and mostly to kiss her myself.  But I did none of those things and just ran.  It made me even angrier to think that Kai was able to kiss you whenever he wants.  I had never kissed her myself, but I always dreamed about having my first kiss with her, and have her first kiss be with me.  But now, that obviously wouldn’t happen.   Maybe she really is cheating on me…


My pace slowed down and I was once again wandering around the hallways.  The scene of Soo Min and Kai kissing kept replaying in my head.  I was so pissed off; I needed to get rid of my anger somehow.


“What did you say?”  My ears perked up as a deep voice brought me out of my thoughts.


“I said I won’t help you cheat anymore!”  I heard a slightly less deep voice say.  A loud smacking sound came after and a groan followed.  I ran to where the voices were coming from and saw ten boys.  Three of was on the floor and another was shaking his fist around.


“What the hell do you want?”  One of the boys yelled at me.  I looked from the left to right, from the nerdy looking boys, to the ones who were obviously bullies.  Finally, a way to get rid of my anger.  He smirked.


“Time to teach you idiots a lesson.”




The rest of Exo K and M have appeared!  Sorry for not updating like I promised…but my dad kicked me off my laptop after I updated on Sunday and I was hella busy yesterday.  But hopefully this update made it up to you, more drama~  We finally get to see what Luhan thinks about.  I’ll probably be updating again on Thursday or Friday.  ~Pyong!    

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Chapter 2: update plz
Saimai #2
Chapter 7: Update soon pls ^^
Chapter 7: update soon!!!!!! :)
Chapter 3: .lihan being adorable.
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 1: .nice chapter..
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monkeyingalienhorse #9
Chapter 7: Haha, Luhan's reaction to hana xD haha