You Better Ask Me Properly

I'm Her "Husband," She's My "Wife"

Soft, white snow was falling down everywhere.  The hard cement floor that we were standing on, now looked and felt like a fluffy, white cloud.  Kids were screaming and laughing in excitement as they played around us.  It was starting to look like a winter wonderland, like the ones you see in Christmas movies.  If Luhan and I weren’t in this situation, we would be rolling around in the snow and trying to throw some at each other.  But no, we were both awkwardly standing there, frozen to our places.


H-how is that even possible?  He likes me?  Me?  That can’t be right.  I must have heard him wrong.


“Y-you l-like me?” I finally managed to say. He looked up at me and then looked away shyly.




“B-but how?  W-why?  Why me?”  I kept stuttering.  Luhan grabbed my hands in his and looked at me, straight in the eyes without looking away. 


“I think I like you.  I’m always the happiest when I’m with you and when you smile I get this weird feeling on the inside.  And when my parents told me that we were moving, the first thing I thought about was you.  Isn’t that what a crush is like?”


I looked at him dumbfounded.  Is that true?  He looked back at me with a serious expression.  He means it, he really does like me!


“Ne,” I answered, with a huge smile on my face.  He looked down at his shoes.


“S-so d-do you l-like me too?” he asked, suddenly turning all shy again.  He was still holding both of my hands.  I tightened my grip on his hands so he would look up at me.


“Ne, I like you, Luhan!”  He looked at me with his doe eyes.




“Ne!”  Luhan hugged me tightly and we both stated laughing.  Now that I think about, this was a pretty romantic place to confess to someone.  Another thought came to my mind. 


“But wait, you’re going to move.  Does that mean were going to be in a long distance relationship?”  He let go and looked at me questioningly.


“A long distance relationship?  What’s that?”


“I think it’s when two people like each other but they both live far away.  I heard Soo Jin unnie talking about it.”  He thought about it for a while.


“Then let’s get married.”  I stared at him with my eyes wide open. 


“Mwo?  What does that have to do with anything?”


“Because married people stay together forever and live happily ever after.  So if we get married, even if I move away, we’ll eventually be together again.”  I thought about it for a while.  He’s right.  It totally makes sense.


“Okay, then let’s get married.”  He smiled and began jumping up and down. 




“Ne!”  He was about to hug me again but I held my hand in front of myself in a stop sign.  “But there’s one condition.”


“What condition?”


“If you want me to marry you then you better ask me properly.”


“But I don’t have a ri-  Wait,”  he turned away from me and rummaged through his backpack.  Then he kneeled down on one leg and smiled at me.  In his hand was a piece of red ribbon with white polka dots—a left over from the art project we did in class.


“Soo Min, will you marry me?”  I couldn’t stop smiling.  My feels…


“Yes, Luhan.  I will marry you.”  He took my left hand and wrapped the ribbon around my ring finger.  then stood up and wiped away some of the snow on his pants.


“I have more ribbon in my backpack to use for my ring.  So was that a proper enough proposal?”


“Yup, oh by the way, what day are we going to get married?”


“On Saturday, the day before I move.”  My smile disappeared.  I was so excited about getting married that I forgot about what one of the reasons were for doing it.


“Yah don’t be sad.  We’re going to be together again anyway, remember?  Right now we need to focus on planning our wedding.”


“I need to tell my parents and Soo Jin unnie and all my friends an-”


“You can tell them after the wedding.”  I looked at him with a confused expression.




“Because it’s more romantic if it's a secret,” he said with a mischievous smile.


“Eh? Oh.  I guess so…”  I was blushing.  When did Luhan become such a romantic person?


“We should call each other yeobo since were going to get married.”  My cheeks started heating up even more.




“Ne, yeobo,” he said, emphasizing the “yeobo” part.  Then he looked at my face and started laughing.  “You face looks like a tomato, yeobo!”  I ran away, trying to hide my face.


“Yah, shut up!”  He chased after me.


“Where are you going, yeobo?  We still need to plan our wedding, ­yeobo!”


“Luhan, stop teasing me!”  I said laughing at his cheesiness.


“Shouldn’t you be saying ‘Yeobo, stop teasing me!’?”


“Go away!”


“Not until you call me yeobo, yeobo!”


“Fine!  Leave me alone, yeobo!”  He stopped chasing me.  I turned around and saw him standing there with a satisfied smile.  I’m getting married to this cute idiot.  I smiled to myself and ran home.




This was supposed to be part of ch. 3 and only 1 page long but I got carried away and now it’s 2½.  So it is its own chapter now.  I will try to update again later today because I know you guys want to know what Kai’s gonna do with Luhan.  But if my dad forces me off my laptop, then I’ll update tomorrow.  Was this chapter fluffy enough for you?  Cause there will be a lot more fluff later on.  ~Pyong!

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Chapter 2: update plz
Saimai #2
Chapter 7: Update soon pls ^^
Chapter 7: update soon!!!!!! :)
Chapter 3: .lihan being adorable.
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 2: .Omo Soo MIn you're dead..
Chapter 1: .nice chapter..
Update soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
monkeyingalienhorse #9
Chapter 7: Haha, Luhan's reaction to hana xD haha