
Dear Diary,

Dear Diary,

I seriously need to talk to them. They are starting to annoy me. Jonghyun keeps trying to give me stuff and hug me waaaay too much. Then he starts rambling on and on and he won't let me do ANYTHING! He won't let me make ramen, make my bed, or even watch TV alone. Then Minho is always just sitting there staring at me. He keeps saying, "I'm here if you need me," or "Do you need to talk?" It's annoying! He won't let me do anything either. He's apparently "researching", so he says I have to exercise to be happy and eat this and don't eat that. Key doesn't even do that! Key just leaves me alone and asks me what I want to eat. That's it! He does help me run off Jonghyun and Minho by sending them off to do some errands, but otherwise, he's the most sane person here. 

The there's Taemin. I don't know what to think really. We still practice together, but he avoids eye contact with me. When we're done, he locks himself in his room. He doesn't speak to me, he won't look at me, and he's hurting me. The other members frustrate me, but Taemin makes me want to cry. Out of all the members, I felt most comfortable with him, but now...

I need to talk to them one by one. I should ask Key to help me corner them. I'll start with Minho first.

Wish me luck,
    Jinki Lee

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Chapter 7: Ooohh do I sense some ontae maybe? I like the story so far. But thinking about jinki being depressed makes me really sad.
Chapter 1: Update soon!! I love stories like this!!
Matokii #3
Chapter 4: Wow it seems so real to me! :D
I really like the way you're writing!!
Can't wait to read the next chapter \(^0^)/