Chapter 10

Lost In The Depths Of My Heart ©


Jung – Hye POV

The teacher was blabbering on about math equations that HyunA and I already knew and many students were drawing in their notebooks or whispering to each other. The teacher seemed too engrossed in his lesson to pay any attention whatsoever to the trouble makers. I was already bored, so I turned to HyunA still wondering why she was here.

"HyunA! What are you doing here?"  I whispered quickly as she twiddled with my fingers, obviously bored as well.

“I wanted to surprise you! Our dad’s branches merged, so I was able to transfer here! You know how close our parents are. Anything you do, I’m sure to follow too” HyunA giggled slightly, before continuing in a serious tone, “And I know that you’ve been having a hard time these days so…”

HyunA smiled slightly, not wanting to press into the matter any further, obviously she was underestimating me too much; I could handle my father’s idiocies any day. I wondered for a few minutes why he never told me about the merge, but then again, it wasn’t as if I was willing to talk to him nowadays.  

“Thanks HyunA! You’re the best”  I smiled a bit, before glanced around the class, feeling someone stare at me and found Kikwang looking at our direction, I blushed slightly. For some reason, I had been feeling awkward with him around ever since I came to school today.

He’s staring at me…

 I turned back to HyunA to tell her about Kikwang, but found her eyes glued onto Kikwang. She looked like a predator that had found herself a mouth watering prey to hunt.

 He’s staring at HyunA…not me…

I felt a twinge of disappointment realising; Kikwang had no interest in me. Slowly I got over it, and turned my attention back to the lesson.

Kikwang’s POV

HyunA….that’s her name….

I looked at the girl, sitting a few desks away from me, beside Jung-Hye. She was hot. Hotter than most, just looking at her seemed to . Thoughts raced through me, left me wondering about her. She was the one from last night. She was, wasn’t she?

Why am I so curious?

In confusion, I sat and stared at HyunA who was staring back at me with lust-filled eyes. She was seducing me, I chuckled inwardly. Two can play at that game. I winked.

Throughout the lesson, I zoned out, it was fine though, since the teacher didn’t seem to notice, too busy boring the students. I watched closely as the two girls interact and whisper to one another. Although Jung-Hye was there my brain seemed to be much more focused on HyunA, I needed her. My eyes scanned up and down her body, taking in the scene before me, noticing all the details of how her uniform clung onto her curves, and how they highlighted her long legs.

I eyed her pensively; plump lips, a playful gaze and a great body too. If it wasn’t for Jung Hye and Peniel, I would have probably done more than just get her number. Now, I really regretted it.

Suddenly, my eyes widened at the sudden realization that shot through me. I felt like mentally kicking myself  for not noticing this crucial factor  sooner.

 If HyunA is good friends with Jung Hye, and was at the club with her yesterday, then…there’s a huge chance that…she saw me take Jung – Hye home.

I lowered my eyes and groaned silently. Then again, why did I care? I didn’t.

I looked back up and locked eyes with Jung Hye’s friend and saw her smirk provocatively. Urrgh.

I glance at Jung Hye, who was staring at the whiteboard blankly. Suddenly, I remembered the previous night I had had with her, just recalling the memory made me blush slightly. I groaned, whilst mentally slapping myself.

Why was I recalling the previous night? It was nothing, nothing.

My mind obviously disagreed though, memories of Jthe previous night flashed through my mind, tempting me. Unconsciously, I closed my eyes savoring the memories

What have you done to me?

Then I looked towards HyunA beside her, and sighed heavily, noticing she was watching me. God, she was affecting me. 

As the teacher stopped talking, my hand shot up, my attention turning back to the teacher.

“Miss, I need to go to the toilet” The teacher looked at me, and nodded. I immediately shot out of the class room.

Jung – Hye POV

 ‘’The homework is due for the day after tomorrow. Remember to copy the questions as well and I will be checking your homework. Treat your new colleagues well and help them adapt to our school.’’

The teacher continued after Kikwang left, I watched him leave, noticing the bulge in his pants I felt myself blush heavily.

As soon as the teacher left the class, students started to hover around HyunA and I, everyone was eager to get to know us, and were asking questions. I looked at HyunA, noticing she had lust-ful eyes. I sighed as HyunA turned to me, and excused herself, walking out of the room with a huge smirk on her face. Towards  Kikwang. 


Just for you guys; Kikwang.

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KandyLand #1
Interesting plot, update?
Chapter 12: I like it so far; the plot is interesting :DD
Update soon ^^
Chapter 11: this chapter is cute xD <33
Sorry it has taken me a little longer than expected to get to your fic, but I'm here upon your request now :) So far so good. I will make sure to comment!:)
KandyLand #5
Ohh... Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 3: Guys!! Posted because I was bored, and doubt I will think of something to post for next week. Wish me luck with my writers block :)

Opening a new Graphics/Review/Karma/Promotions shop soon, so I'm busy..... but I will try to keep updating (every week), I updated my other fic as well. It's so... but read it..... its DRAMA.
MigukSaram #7
Chapter 1: Poor Jessica. I was actually afraid this was gonna be another one of those stories where Jessica is thrown in totally irrelevantly for the sole purpose of making her the bully which I can't stand but so far she's actually the one he was mean to. I'm interested so far though :)