Chapter 9

Lost In The Depths Of My Heart ©


Kikwang POV

Thursday: February 5th

 I awoke in my dorm to the screams of Peniel in my ear: “GET UP, You’re going to be late!” I groaned at the noisy environment that I was in. “Okay…. Okay… I get it” I said, getting up and stretching, before finally walking towards my wardrobe and picking out my outfit for the day.  After getting myself ready, I began to walk out the door, but Peniel made it obvious he had yet to forgive me for last night's incident.

“Don’t think I forgive you for what you did to me last night, you left me all and I had to , god dammit. Not only that,  you stole that chick from me….and YOU LEFT ME THERE!” he roared, making people stare at us. Yeah, whatever.

As I walked toward the cafes beside the school in order to get morning coffee, I spotted Jessica approaching; I cursed as she took my hand and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

“Oppa…. Let’s go and get our coffee together. Neh?” she said in a sing-song voice. I looked at her blankly, with a slight tinge of disgust, and just kept walking forward towards the café regretting the fact that I had ever met her. Well… this is going to be a long day.

As I entered the café, the customers within turned to stare, I beamed with a sense of pride until I realized one couple hadn't.  I looked over to see who they were and strolled over. Not so surprisingly, as I walked over and saw Woohyun holding Jung-Hye’s hand and the lovey-dovey couple was sharing coffee. Jung-Hye was lightly giggling and smiling with Woohyun. Gosh, she’ so cute. Wait…what am I thinking, no she isn't . Hmm... She looks perfectly fine. Well, she was so drunk yesterday, so maybe she forgot everything?

“Ah! Woohyun-sshi! It’s you isn't it! Omo…!” exclaimed Jessica still besides me, jumping up and down like a six-year old.  When Jessica finally calmed down after spotting Jung-Hye too, she looked shocked. “You’re dating her? This ? Pfft. I am so much better” she scoffed, turning to me “Right Kikwang, darling?” Jung-Hye rolled her eyes.  Oh, did she just call me a ? Look who’s talking Little Miss Clingy...

I was shocked at Jessica’s words, and immediately shook her hand off mine and slapped her without thinking, leaving a deep red hand mark on her face. She turned to me at that point with tears threatening to burst from her eyes and her innocent puppy dog eyes.

“Opppa….. Why did you do that?” She sobbed '' You've never slapped me before, and I thought you didn't like her! Oppa….” Never slapped you? I always wanted to… and it felt great so I wonder why I never did it before.

As I listened to what she said, I realized what I had just done, and immediately regretted my decision to slap her, especially in front of Jung-Hye and Woohyun. Why did I just slap her, and for Jung-Hye? Why?


Woohyun POV

I felt shocked as Kikwang slapped that girl, what was that for? Could it be that he seriously developed feelings for Jung-Hye? I seriously wished for that to not ever happen, after all that would just mean trouble for me.

Beside me, Jung-Hye was obviously also surprised,as  she looked at me silently, only slightly moving her head, her face still expressing the shock that she had just experienced. “Oppa…. I have to go now, classes will start soon, and I still have to organize my books, neh?” She stood to leave before I could answer her, I watched her miserably as she walked out the door towards the school campus, still having not noticed the people surrounding us were staring.  What just happened?

When I turned back to Kikwang, I noticed that Jessica had also run out the door, in embarrassment. I looked at Kikwang with menace and anger, and decided to leave but not before whispering “If you dare fall in love with her, you're dead.” Fall in love? With her? Never…

Author's POV

As Jung-Hye walked along the footpath toward her house, she thought immensely, wanting to come up with a reason as to why Kikwang had slapped Jessica. Sure,  she was very annoying, but there was no need to slap her, especially right there and then.

After arriving to her house, Jung-Hye slowly gathered her books and the new maid (since the old one had been fired by her) packed the rest of her bag, in preparation for school.

“Young Miss would you like some breakfast?”

“Yeah sure, eggs, bread and coffee will do, thanks.”

“Yes Young Miss, right away.”

After munching on her breakfast, Jung-Hye had forgotten all about the Kikwang-Jessica incident (and she was oblivious to the previous nights incidents), and headed off to class; her first being Vocal lessons. As she went in, she noted that many  students were staring at her from their seats, people were constantly whispering about her across the room. Jung-Hye sat there awkwardly, feeling very weird indeed.

“Class settle down now” The teacher exclaimed after entering the room and sitting at her desk comfortably, leaning in. “ I would like to introduce our two new students in our class, I’m sure you've heard of our first already, there have been many rumors about her around the school lately. Jung-Hye please step forward and give your introductions?” Two? I thought there was only me…

Jung-Hye stood up and everyone watched silently as she began her introductions; “Annyeong Haseyo, Chonun Jung-Hye. I’m you’re new classmate.” She spoke, wanting to end her introductions there, unfortunately the teacher didn't think so. ‘So… do we have any questions for Jung-Hye?”

Hands immediately shot up around the room; everyone seemed eager to know more about Jung-Hye.

“Is it true you’re the heiress to SM Entertainment?” Jung-Hye simply nodded and turned to the next question. “Is it true you’re really smart? You already have two degrees and attended a prestigious university in America?” Yet again, Jung-Hye uncomfortably nodded, not bothering to speak, but oblivious to Jung-Hye’s unwillingness, the students continued to ask questions.

“What languages can you speak?”

“English, Chinese and Korean, so 3.”

“Is it true that you have your own house on campus?”


People continuously whispered to each other during the Q & A session, obviously awed by Jung-Hye’s abilities, but she didn't really care, for she didn't want to be popular. She wanted to be normal, and hopefully have fewer enemies.

“Okay that’s enough questions, if you have anymore, you can go and ask them privately at lunch. Now to introduce our second new classmate, HyunA come in… and introduce yourself”

HyunA strode in casually, showing off her psychic with her body-hugging dress. Jung-Hye was very surprised indeed, and froze in shock; obviously HyunA had never told her she was moving in as well. As HyunA approached the podium and stood next to Jung-Hye she turned to her and winked, then turned her attention back towards the class, ‘Annyeong Haseyo, Chonun HyunA. Nice to meet you all, and please take care of me….” She winked. Isn’t that…the girl from last night, wow, this is an interesting turn of events….

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KandyLand #1
Interesting plot, update?
Chapter 12: I like it so far; the plot is interesting :DD
Update soon ^^
Chapter 11: this chapter is cute xD <33
Sorry it has taken me a little longer than expected to get to your fic, but I'm here upon your request now :) So far so good. I will make sure to comment!:)
KandyLand #5
Ohh... Can't wait for the next chapter :)
Chapter 3: Guys!! Posted because I was bored, and doubt I will think of something to post for next week. Wish me luck with my writers block :)

Opening a new Graphics/Review/Karma/Promotions shop soon, so I'm busy..... but I will try to keep updating (every week), I updated my other fic as well. It's so... but read it..... its DRAMA.
MigukSaram #7
Chapter 1: Poor Jessica. I was actually afraid this was gonna be another one of those stories where Jessica is thrown in totally irrelevantly for the sole purpose of making her the bully which I can't stand but so far she's actually the one he was mean to. I'm interested so far though :)