Chap 6

Love Prevails!



"Remember my one rule?" she said icily


Krystal took one look at the hand on my wrist and hissed at me. 


‘That’s my boyfriend you’re holding onto’


I looked up at L.Joe, getting a sinking feeling and yanked my hand free. 


‘Sorry it’s a misunderstanding, he didn’t tell me he had a girlfriend... I’ll go now’. 


L.Joe looked at me and I could see a flash of thunder in his eyes and I couldn’t figure out why. Krystal closed the space between L.Joe and herself and kissed deeply and i could see they were using her whole lot more than just their lips... they were so engrossed in what they were doing that Krystal already had L.Joe's shirt ed half-way revealing his abs. I was standing there looking on as this was played out.  I turned to walk away in disgust and leave them to it when L.Joe broke away from Krystal and grabbed me by the shoulders, with a force I never knew I had, I pushed him back. He gazed at me with a startled expression on his face and made a grab for my wrist.


‘Chiara I never meant to put you in that kind of situation’ he said. 


while frantically trying to button up his shirt with one hand because he had the other hand on my wrist and didn't let go.


i looked at him calmly and met his eyes


‘I don't deserve. To be treated. Like in front of anybody and i mean. ANYBODY' I said in a deadly tone


with that i slapped the hand that was on my wrist away and he winced 


‘Don’t get jealous and don’t go shouting at him or me when you have no idea how much we love each other’ Krystal burst out. 


Then she looked at L.Joe as if to tell him to confirm her statement. Even before she finished I was already halfway across the garden and making my way to the corridor from where me and L.Joe came out from. Blinking away frustrating tears I made it to the corridor 


I do not like L.Joe so why is my heart hesitating when i am with him? 


I slumped down next to the window and tried to recollect my thoughts. 


Why am I here? 


I’m suspicious because I never resembled my dad now that I think of it and don’t even know who my mum is.

A million questions ran through my brain and i made myself a mental note to remind me to go and ask Dara when i find my way back again. I got up and stretched. In front of me there was a huge brass door that I did not see on my way to the terrace with Soren. Gingerly I pushed open the door and I was surprised to see that I ended up in a green house.


"What's a greenhouse doing in a gloomy place like this?" I thought aloud to my self


Among the plants I thought I heard a rustle some leaves near to the far end of the space. When I went to investigate to my astonishment it was a boy. He had green hair and a tall lean body like Ash and the greenest emerald  eyes, handsome chiseled features and cheekbones to die for. The boy grinned at me and I suddenly realized that I was staring at him and in embarrassment I looked away. 


‘Hi’ he said in an amusing tone and observed me from head to toe

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StoryProvider101 #1
i will update soon :) thanks for reading