Chap 2

Love Prevails!


I woke up to a throbbing headache and to voices which were whispering around me I caught a faint laugh and some said 

‘She’s waking up guys!’

I sat up and it took about thirty seconds to get my vision focused I suddenly became self conscious because I didn’t know who these guys were and I might have looked horrible which was kind of embarrassing when you meet someone for the first time. I tugged at my t-shirt and adjusted my bra. There was a curtain around me which suddenly opened and the lights came on. I shielded my vision because of the lights glare. When the blinking spots were finally gone I looked around at and the faces all around me, there were a half-dozen or so, and caught my breath. I had to be dreaming, the light in the room did not stand a chance to the inhuman and beautiful glow the faces around me radiated. A kind faced female with the beauty of a goddess, in the pictures I saw in my fathers library sat next me on my bed and took my hand in her palm and checked the pulse. It was kind of hard to look at her so I averted my gaze. 

‘Hello how are you feeling?’ she asked me.

 ‘I’m alright’ my voice came out frightened and shaky 

‘Where am I? What am I doing here? How did I get here?’ 

I couldn’t stop myself and the female slightly winced. 

‘Before I answer any of those questions introductions are important so you’ll get a clear picture of who we are and what we do’ 

she stood up and stood in front of my bed where the other dazzling beings gathered around her in a smaller semi circle. It was too much for me to handle and looked down on the floor near a spot next to the females’ feet. 

‘My name is Dara, I am going to give it to you straight forward and I am not going to beat around the bush’

She took a deep breath in, like she was preparing for a speech.

"Me and all these people" she said pointing to the other beings "we are all half-vampires."

I stared at her blankly which she must have noticed because she was waving her hand in front of my face. 

"Are you okay?" she asked

I heard her voice but it was a distant echo which I barely caught.


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StoryProvider101 #1
i will update soon :) thanks for reading