Chap 4

Love Prevails!


I was practically shaking with pure hatred. Minho and GD stood up and Dara was wearing an expression on her face which was unreadable 

‘It’s seriously not my fault you faint at the sight of a handsome boy’ L.Joe said sarcastically 

what a big ego

‘Okay you guys calm down, lets figure this out slowly’ Dara said 

And I knew for a fact that she meant it. 

‘Chiara, sweetie i think there might have been a misunderstanding because L.Joe was the one who bought you here after he found you in the woods’ 

these people are so dense 


‘Yeah L.Joe bought me here after he made me pass out. Did you ever think about why i passed out in the first place?’ my was voice shaking 


‘Huh….okay if I did make you pass out I am so sorry darling’ the tone of his voice was mocking me and i was not amused . L.Joe winked at me which made my face go a dozen shades of red all at once


‘Catch you later princess’ was all he said and he was gone. Out the door. 


"Yeah just freaking leave without explaining yourself you retard 'coz that's how you be a gentlemen is it?" i shouted back at him sarcastically 


Dara, GD and Minho all looked at me like i had grown a second head. A few seconds later they recomposed themselves. 


‘Me and Minho are doing patrols tonight so we’re leaving’ 


GD gave a wave to me and a kiss to Dara and went through the huge steel doors closely followed by Minho who just nodded at me again. 


There was silence for a few seconds


‘Sorry about L.Joe, he can be little stupid sometimes but he’s loyal to me and I love him...but your voice is really loud for a small person’ Dara said with a hint amusement in her voice.  


I smiled sheepishly 


‘Okay Chiara I am going to tell you a little about our organization, Silver Circle,’ 


Dara paused to see my reaction and continued 


‘Silver Circle has one soul purpose, and that’s to eliminate all bloodsuckers , meaning vampires , we do that by using our special abilities in the process of attacking, for example my ability is speed. I can run around the entire building before you can blink. We exist for one thing, and one thing only, we do not make ourselves known to anyone. That is why our hide-out is well protected’ Dara paused for breath 


‘Dark Wrath are made up entirely of vampires and they go around biting people and their aim is to make a vampire army to get back the right to rule……our latest reports on the Dark Wrath are that they were spotted transforming people in a New York club. If it were not for us the entire world would have been taken over and now that we have you as new recruit ... well you get the idea'  


she smiled and then said something which made the fear in my heart that had subsided to come crawling back again 


‘And one more thing Silver Circle only consists of djamphir and svetocha which are male and female vampire offspring of human and full blooded vampire, it means that we have the abilities of vampire and both mortal in our blood and Chiara your one too you know’ 

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StoryProvider101 #1
i will update soon :) thanks for reading