Chap 3

Love Prevails!


I gaped with my mouth open. No words came out. Vampires do not exist. But how come.......

I was a bit of a freak so I believed in all this supernatural crap and surprisingly I was unfazed by it all.

Dara continued

"Let me make something very clear to you Chiara" 

How did she know my name? As if my question had been answered she said 

"Yes I know your name because we have been monitoring you for months now" 

I found this very creepy and erted somehow.

"How did yo-" I was stopped half way by Dara

"Enough questions! I need to explain something of vital importance to you"

I nodded my head indicating her to go on.

"We...fight for justice against the Dark Wrath. They are groups of vampires who feed on innocent human beings to transform them and bring them into their army. Me and my friends are part of an organization called the Silver Circle. I am the head of the Organization. We attack the Dark Wrath and keep them from taking over the world" 

At the word ‘attack’ the faces around me hissed and hairs on my back slowly rose but no one said anything. She finished her speech. Saying it all in one breath, i was very surprised at how Dara could do this but then again she was a vampire or something.

In the stories i read vampires were beings of darkness. Though what i was seeing before me highly contrasted that image in the book. Dara looked at me 

"I am now going to introduce you to every one so that you get familiar with  them"

She started the introductions straight away, not waiting for me to answer.

‘This is my first in command Lieutenant Minho’ 

a tall male stepped out on the right hand side of Dara. He was strikingly gorgeous with pale silver hair and eyes the color of caramel which made you want to eat his face up with hot kisses right away but I suppressed the urge not to. 

Minho nodded 


He said this and went to sit on one of the chairs a few feet away from me. Dara rolled her amber eyes and continued 

‘Next is my husband, G-Dragon’ 

A male slightly taller than Ash with jet black hair and mocha brown eyes came out from the semi circle and draped his arm casually over Dara's shoulders and gave her a peck on the cheek. He turned towards me with a welcoming smile which made me catch my breath and flush 

‘Hello a pleasure to meet you can call me GD because my full name is quite a mouthful’. he said in a smooth tone.

Clearly embarrassed by the show of affection from her husband, Dara shoved GD away and he went laughing off to sit next to Minho leaving her with an amused expression on her face. Dara was about to start again when she was cut off by a stunning female who broke out of the semi circle and flashed a hostile glare towards me 

‘I can introduce myself’ she said in a cold voice, her eyes suddenly taking on an icy-blue 

‘I’m Krystal I am going to give you a heads up okay? It seems like you’ll be staying here for the time being and I’ve just got one rule for you to keep: stay out of my way and keep your hands to yourself’

With that she left slamming the door behind her 

‘I am so sorry, I don't know what I did but i'll t-t-ry to make it up to her ’ I spluttered out

Liv shook her head and said 

‘Don’t be sorry, Krystal can sometimes be a little forceful to newcomers but give her time and she be alright, she is the brains around this place’

Dara gave me a faint smile I could barely catch. 

‘Well then’ she turned back to the semi circle 

"Whose ne-"

She was cut off again and I was thinking if this was a habit that she kept getting interrupted every time she tried to talk. Anyways...

‘ME!’ a young boy jumped onto my bed and I had to hang on to the railings to stay on. The boy gave me a goofy grin, he had blonde bangs hanging over his eyes which were the greenest of green I had ever seen 

‘Hey! the names' Taemin. I am Minho's younger brother’ he said

Liv came up behind him and gave a friendly pound to the head 

‘Yes this is Taemin the known prankster and trouble maker around here but he’s the technician around the place and keeps our gadgets running’

Taemin gave me one last grin that made my heart skip a beat and bounded out the door 

‘Last but not least my brother L.Joe’ 

A figure stepped out of the shadows and I recognized instantly that this was the boy I had met in the glade. A wave of rage passed through my body. I shot out of the bed and pointed my finger at him about to scream bloody murder when the corner of his lips tilted upwards and gave me a half sneer  which caught me off-guard and made me forget what I was going to say. I finally gathered myself and spoke in what I thought was a confident voice, 

‘You, you were there! In the forest I---I---you made me pass out’ 

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StoryProvider101 #1
i will update soon :) thanks for reading