The Maybe's are piling up...

Honestly This is a Bit Tiring [SEQUEL]

Olivia’s POV

“Is it really necessary for you to eat two tubs of ice cream each time you hear one of their voices other than Taemin’s” Lisa asks me as I start on the second tub while sitting next to her. “I mean, I know you love the guy but why not try dating other guys if he upset you so much.” She asks me casually.

I look at her taking into consideration that it’s been a while since I even thought about another guys like I do Jonghyun. I guess I could try, standing up after finishing the ice cream quickly I jump into the shower, then quickly running into my room only to hear.

 “I TOLD YOU I’M A MAN, AND I’M NOT GAY, I HAVE IMPURE THOUGHTS!” Calvin yells as he sees me run past his room into mine in a towel. “COVER YOURSELF!”

Ignoring him I quickly get dressed in skinny jeans, putting on a white oversized-button up shirt, letting my hair dry out as I apply a little bit of makeup, it now reaching a few inches past my shoulders. Hobbling out of my room as I slip on some shoes, keys in my pockets I walk into the living room area “Where are you going?” Lisa asks as I walk in front of the T.V. “You darted off pretty quick.”

“I’m gonna go out and meet some people, maybe a date or something.” I tell her grabbing my phone and some money. “Besides like you said, maybe I should move on.”

“I didn’t say move on.” She corrects me jumping up. “Besides what if you run into him!” She blurts out.

Rolling my eyes I step out of the apartment, keys, phone and money all on my person, I won’t be meeting Jonghyun or any of the others in Paris.



Sitting at the café proved to be a fantastic idea as moments later I’m happily chatting with some guy. “So you’re not French he asks me, my accents tend to slip, and Korean words happen to pop out.

Chucking I nod my head. “I’m here studying abroad.” I confess as our conversation changes.

He smiles at me widely. “So I take it you wouldn’t find it odd with me pointing out that a number of people are staring at us.”

I nod my head; honestly some people still asked if I was that girl on ‘Hello Baby’ in which I’d reply. ‘No, what’s that?’ “Two or more?” I ask having a suspicion that Lisa and Calvin would be part of it if not all.

“Two, a boy and a girl, friends of yours?”

Nodding my head I smile at him. “Maybe we could do this again.”

“I’d like that.” He says smiling. “I’m Alexander, here again by chance?”

Nodding my head I tell him my name, “Olivia, see you around I suppose.”

Walking away I scoff, such a player, I think, ‘here by chance’ what a load of bull. Walking by waving at Calvin I feel someone suddenly tug on my arm. “Hey there cutie.”

Looking up to see who exactly has the nerve to actually hit on me so openly I’m faced with a rather handsome guy, “Hey yourself.” I tell him pushing past him and into the busy streets of Paris. “Quit following me.” I tell him turning to face him.

“I couldn’t help it; you’re too adorable to leave alone.” He tells me smoothly.

“Uh-huh.” I state walking away, as he grabs my hand. “What?” I ask slightly irritated now, taking a better look at him I notice how really attractive he is, I mean at a glance he’s handsome and what not, but actually looking you see how stunning he really is, too much like Jonghyun.

“Give me a chance?”

Sighing I give him an expecting look while I saying “Dazzle me.”

Smirking he pulls me along the streets and into a book store where he sits me down. “Watch me ‘dazzle’ you.”

As he walks away down the aisles of books I get up leaving the store, the cocky and the all too stunning boy, who happens to remind me of the one person I’m trying very hard to forget, there to come back to an empty chair. It isn’t that I don’t want to date; I’m just looking for someone that won’t be such a painful reminder that I could have had this, “HEY!” The guy from before yells just as Calvin wraps his arms around me as he catches up with me. “Who is this?”

Acting quickly my dear roommate twirls me around, kissing my lips gently, much like Jonghyun would have. “I’m her boyfriend.”

He looks a bit discouraged. “Sorry.” He mumbles walking away.

Walking home, Calvin’s hand in mine quickly dropping it once we made it back to the safety of our home. “You can’t just do that, there are creepy people out in the world.” He lectures me, much like Key would have… Suddenly crying he turns to look at me sympathetically. “What’s the matter he asks hugging me, much like Minho would have. “Is it that SHINee group?” He asks my knowing just like Taemin, “You know it’s ok to forgive and forget they are an important part of your life.” Calvin says stirring me to sleep; much like Onew would have spouting words of wisdom.


Waking up to a text message from my best friend I quickly reply.


From: Taeminnie

To: Oh

Come back to Korea to visit us please! It was a big misunderstanding, let us explain.


From: Oh

To: Taeminnie

No Tae, not yet at least…


Maybe I'm meant not to move on, maybe I should just go back and hear what he has to say...


Olivia trying to move on = fail (: I'm really enjoying writing this, I hope you guys like it so far, let me know what you think

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HunHanst19 #1
Wowoweeeee so sweeeeettt i friggin love it!
pinkaddict #2
the best sequel!!
pinkaddict #3
the best sequel!!
AWWWW it was so sweet!!!! =D Love how you ended it. They went through so much but they still ended loving each other.
lilaznpnaii #5
aww such a cute story hehe...i love jonghyun for never giving up his love for her!! ^_^ <3
UMakeTheSunComeOut #6
AAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! I just had a spazzy moment over the ending :) Ahaha jonghyun couldn't figure it out but the almighty key knew! Love the story :)
hoshichii #7
<3 i luved this story~ xD
THAT MADE ME CRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im such a er for happy endings but even i couldnt hold in the laughter when jongiie couldnt figure out he was the father but of course keys umma instincts knew right away! :d i luv this ending!!!!! though i feel so sad that it ended. one of my favorites.
AWE! Aigoo... Can't there be more? LOL
awww, the story's done! I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! i'm really glad i subscribed to this story! at least it had a happy ending! and they have a daughter! can't wait to read more from you!