
Completely happy fangirl

“So, are you hungry?” was the first thing he asked when he got down to the hallway.


I didn't have to answer cause my stomach did it in my place. It gave away this loudly growl that I promise ing echoed through the building.


I hated when it did that, there was few things that was more embarrassing. Jonghyun looked up at me in surprise but then looked away at the man with the dog who were walking through.


“I just though that sound came from you,” he said laughing when my tummy decided to speak again. This time the dog couldn't take the blame, it and it's owner stopped to stare at me with big eyes.


Jonghyuns mouth just hang open.


“Omo,” he said staring at me, “It was you!”


“It's not funny,” I said.


“It's ok it's ok!” he said while he was laughing loudly. “It made my day! We better hurry before you eat me instead!”



We went to this little restaurant were apparently famous people went to eat. It was little and dark and when we sat down at a table for two I saw the two me

mbers who were left of TVXQ sitting at an other table for couples.


Yes, I stared. I didn't think that Jonghyun would notice it but he did.


“Hey, are you a fan?” he asked in a low voice.


“Well... No.” I said which sounded really stupid but I couldn't say that I was a fan to his friends.


“Do you want their autograph? Should I ask them?” He grinned evilly and started walking towards them, I grabbed his arm to stop him.


“Please don't.” I said. “Think if I'm going to do their make up this afternoon? I will die of shame!” He still looked evil but he didn't go to them, instead he sat down at the table.


I ordered sushi and he some meat-thing that looked really good. He ate with enthusiasm and even stole a couple of sushi bits from me.


“So, how was your first day?” He asked with his mouth full, he actually managed to do that without being repulsively disgusting like anyone else.


I was a bit amazed by that and didn't answer before he asked again. “Oh... Yea. I did Teen top this morning.”


Even though it sounded awfully in my ears he didn't even flinch.


“Oh, those guys,” he said. “was it fun?”




It became quiet.


“Well, what did you do?” I asked to say something.


“We just had dance practice,” he answered uninterested, completely succumbed by eating his food. “So, what are you doing after work?” he then asked.


I gave him a skeptic look.


“Nothing... What?”


“What are you doing tomorrow after work?”




“And the day after that?”



“Don't you have any friends?”


I got so surprised I didn't answer.


He looked up from his food at me. “So?”


I looked away, feeling suddenly sad. My friends...


“Well... I don't have that many friends... I haven't had time.”


“What did you do before you worked here? Being busy in your apartment?”


Then I got angry. I didn't go to lunch with you to be interrogated, I though and looked at my watch.


“Oh, look at the time,” I said monotonously, “I need to be back at twelve. I have to go.”


His eyes grew a little as I got up and got my stuff.


“Hanbyul!” He said when I started to walk of. Even though I walked fast he had catched up on me at the time I got outside.


“I'm sorry I must have sounded like an idiot,” he said, it sounded like he still was chewing.


I didn't say a thing.

“But I'm just wondering, if I'm gonna make you happy I have to know about you.”


“I though you got me the job to make me happy?” I said confused.


“I did!” he agreed happily, “But really, are you completely happy?”


Completely happy...


What was that even?


Could you even be completely happy?


“So you're not satisfied until I am completely happy?” I asked in a skeptic voice.


“Yes.” he said.


I stopped.


“Well,” I said, “It's hard making someone completely happy. But you have to realize I'm not gonna tell private things to a stranger.”


He put his hand in his pockets of his blue jean-jacket, the cold weather matched him and his facial expression perfectly.


“Ok,” he said. “I can understand that. So lets be friends. Is that ok?”


“I'm not just gonna tell you things because we say we are friends...”


“I didn't mean that either. I want to get to know you.” He faced me. “Let's be friends. Or start being friends. Or something.”


I sighed. “And then you're gonna make me completely happy?”




“Just like that?”


“Well, I will at least try.”


I decided I had nothing to lose on it.


“Ok, lets be friends,” I said. His face cracked up in a smile.


“Great!” he said. “So, what are you doing after work tomorrow?”


“Nothing. Geez, do you ever listen?”


“Yes I am and no, you are not doing nothing.” He grinned. “You'll be playing games at the arcade halls. With a friend.”


“I am? With who?” I said confused. Then I saw his gaze. “Oh, oh with you! I'm really stupid! OK, sure, that will be great!”




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Annilla #1
Chapter 32: Omo omo omo jag klarar inte fluff!!!! Detta är såååååååå fint!! Tack <333
ayeteeyah #2
Chapter 31: i just read the whole fanfic up to now ! omo! Author-nim ,I love it ! please update soon ! pallipalli (:
Annilla #3
Chapter 30: Yonghwa!!! Underbara man! Uppdatera snart~
LoveYou12345678 #4
An update please!
Annilla #5
Chapter 28: 어떻게!! Uppdatera snart~~!!!
Chapter 28: Jonghyun you piece of ____ -.-
Creamycookies #7
Chapter 22: Yonghwa is getting neglected in this fanfic.. O.O
Annilla #8
Chapter 21: Så fint! Så fluffigt!
Annilla #9
Chapter 20: Hahhahah Hanna!!