
Completely happy fangirl



He wrapped me up and brought me home. We sat in his car an hour outside my house, his arm around my shoulders before I went in.


Dongmin had already gone to bed. I dressed off when I found note in my jacket.


Meet me at SM animal center tomorrow at nine, I read.




We're doing what?”


Jonghyun just smiled at my rather terrified look.


“He's becoming ninteen and he's been nagging since I got mine. So, I though 'why not?'”


“Why not?!? Because it's a dog, it's a living animal!”


As I said it a little chihuahua started barking. I slowly looked at it, and looked at all the other dogs at the same time. Jonghyun's little Roo stood beside him, looking up at his master with dumb happy face, drooling a little.


I hadn't even knowed there was a animal shelter in the SM-building, nor had I been there before. If I had know I probably would have visit it often because I love dogs.


“They take care of them even at nighttime, they understand that we have a hectic schedule.” Jonghyun said.


“But it's a puppy and I think it needs a stable home... And I can't because Dongmin is allergic and Taemin can't all the time...”


Jonghyun looked a little defeated.


“But what if I said I already got one?” he asked.


“You did what?”


“It's a really cute chihuahua girl, I think it will be a nice company to Roo... Oh, there she is!”


I turned to meet a girl holding a leach and in the other end where a really small, completely black Chihuahua with the most enormous ears...


I stared at them and then I slowly turned back, giving Jongyun one of my deadlines stares I've given him so far.


“The two of us will need to have I word...” I started to say when I felt something my pants.


I looked down to find the little black dog tasting my black jeans. When it saw my stare it immediately stopped, looking up at we with incredible big, completely black eyes.


My heart just melted.


“Oh why you little...” I said, then I crouched and started scratching the dogs head.


It closed its big eyes. Then it yawned.


“Oh are you tired? Have you had a long day today?”


I could see in the corner of my eye how Jonghyun noticeable relaxed as I petted the little dog.


“Does it have a name?” I asked the woman who brought it.


“No, frankly no. We called it Franny, but I don't think that's such a good name...” The woman said.


I sighed as I petted it, she clearly enjoyed it and let down her ears.


“We can give it back, you know.” Jonghyun said.


“Zelda,” I said.


I could feel his stare.




I looked up at Jonghyun.


“I want it to be named Zelda,” I said.





He was going to get the dog at his birthday celebration. I sat in the sofa at Shinee dorm, having Zelda in my knee as I petted the curious dog who looked around everywhere.


It was all the memebers of Shinee except Taemin who they had lured outside, a bunch of producers and some friends. I was the only on not helping with the preparations, I blamed it on the dog.


“She can play with Roo,” Jonghyun said, “Come on help me with the cake...”

“She's scared and needs her mama,” I simply said and grinned teasingly at him when he sighted.


We had prepared her with a big, Baby blue ribbon so she would look kind of like a present. I her back as I watched Key and Minho hanging up garlands all over the place, Onew who was filling up balloons with helium and sometimes breathing it in and sounding completely ridiculous which made Zelda looking really frightened and then there was Jonghyun, who just walked around and messed with everyone inclusive me.


It felt like a family, and I just wanted to stay forever.


It got even better when Taemin actually came home. He smiled so widely I though his cheeks were gonna burst, and when we presented Zelda for him he looked like he couldn't believe it.


“It's yours and Hanbyuls,” Jonghyun said. Taemin smiled happily at me.


“Then we can take walks together,” he said and cuddled with the bat-looking dog.


Some hours later when the other still was in the middle of celebrating I took shelter at their balcony, staring out at Seoul who lied beneath me and and the stares who shined above me.


I could hear someone opening and closing the door and I wasn't surprised when Jonghyun came up at my side.


His bare arm touched mine and I could feel the heat from the young mans skin. I gave him a look as the muffled party sounds from inside became the evenings soundtrack.


He breathed out, I could see his breath in the cold air.


“Taemin really liked the dog. You're gonna make a good team, He, you and Zelda,” he said.


I smiled and looked out over the city again, supported my arms at the railing.


“I'm gonna have a handful, with the dog in my life as well,” I said. “Always something to do.”


“But to do something is the best way to flee from emptiness.”


I looked at him when he said those words. He didn't look back.

“Hanbyul, do you like stars?” he asked instead.


I gave him a confused look. “Why?” I said.


“What why? Do you wonder why I want to know more about you?”


I looked up in the sky. “No, no, I didn't mean that way. I just though it was a weird question.”


“So, do you?”




“Like stars?”


“Oh. Well, I think their pretty. They make you think there is something bigger out there.”


I sighed when I saw that he looked at me, something warm in his gaze.


“What?” I asked.


“I have a surprise for you,” he said. He turned and walked to the balcony door, when I didn't follow he stopped and turned.


“It's on the roof,” he said. “If you want to see you better fallow.”


He walked inside and soon disappeared among all the people. It took me some seconds before I got my feet going and started moving after him.



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Annilla #1
Chapter 32: Omo omo omo jag klarar inte fluff!!!! Detta är såååååååå fint!! Tack <333
ayeteeyah #2
Chapter 31: i just read the whole fanfic up to now ! omo! Author-nim ,I love it ! please update soon ! pallipalli (:
Annilla #3
Chapter 30: Yonghwa!!! Underbara man! Uppdatera snart~
LoveYou12345678 #4
An update please!
Annilla #5
Chapter 28: 어떻게!! Uppdatera snart~~!!!
Chapter 28: Jonghyun you piece of ____ -.-
Creamycookies #7
Chapter 22: Yonghwa is getting neglected in this fanfic.. O.O
Annilla #8
Chapter 21: Så fint! Så fluffigt!
Annilla #9
Chapter 20: Hahhahah Hanna!!