Chapter One: When I first met you.

To The Moon

Little Chanhee wandered away from the carnival playground, not really caring weather his mother agreed or not. "Today just ." he stated as he narrowed his gaze toward a hill, he could see twinkles and a great glistening light in the distance. Though he was a regular, normal little boy he had a keen longing for adventure, so with that in mind he made his way up the hill. Towards the great trees that loomed at the top of the land.

He skipped over a log that laid recklessly on the ground, jumped over the tiny river- with it’s slow current that showed him no threat- and finally stopped dead in his tracks on top of a hill.

“Woah...” he started, as he gazed up at the sky with wide eyes and a huge gaping mouth. The boy giggled to himself, being rather impressed by his discovery, and  with a triumphant sigh he walked over to a log that was facing the edge of the hill and the beautiful ivory moon, in all it’s entirety. He'd never seen a night sky this bright, it was as if every star had come out especially to brighten his terrible day.

You see, his brother Ahn Daniel was the apple of his mother's eye. Chanhee was in fact adopted and given the name Ahn Chanhee by his adopted mother many years ago. He had no idea though, he had never been told the truth about his birth but always knew he was different to the two of them. They both had luscious lips, that tinted pink and red but Chan had small, pale lips. There were other differences but he always assumed he must have taken after his father (who had never met).

Chanhee sat himself down and let the twinkling stars and the dim moonlight entrance him. “Wow...” He mumbled to himself as he gaped up at the sky. Tip Tap, Tip Tap. Went the little blonde boy’s footsteps over an autumns worth of crunchy leaves, as he gracefully hovered over to his usual star gazing point, Chan jolted his gaze away from the sky to behind him and saw the beautifully small and pale boy, pitter pattering in the distance. His heart began to flutter slightly, almost in the same rhythm as the boys delicate footsteps behind.

The boy’s creamy brown eyes were illuminated by the gentle moonlight. The little pools of black turned to a deep brown. Chan was drawn to him, he jumped off the log and bravely approached the stranger: “...Hello!” he chorused, while a dashing smile took over the corners of his mouth.

The small, timid boy walked quickly away in the opposite direction, so a confused Chan shouted from behind “Wait don’t go!” The stranger turned around and stared at Chan. “Sorry it’s just... I usually come here. Alone. I don't want to disturb you.” Byung murmured.

“I didn’t realize, sorry for hogging it. My name is Chanhee by the way. What's yours?!” Chan stated eagerly as he reached his hand out for a handshake, “Did you come to look at the stars?” Byung asked randomly, “Hmm... Did you?” Chan replied as he lowered his hand “...Wanna watch them together?” Chan continued.

Byung smiled gently, nodded and followed him up the path to the dead tree on the ground, that was in perfect star gazing position and Chan pulled himself up onto it, Byung followed suite. They sat a couple of feet apart and while Byung looked up at the stars Chan couldn’t help but stare at the boy beside him. The gem he had found beneath the stars. “What was your name again?” he asked curiously, “I didn’t tell you.”, “Can't I know?”, “No, everyone makes fun of it-" he grimaced slightly "-They call me, ah nevermind...” Byung sighed.

“Well, it’s better than having a boring name like Chanhee...” He huffed, “What’s wrong with being like everyone else? It’s not always nice being different.” Byung replied as he glanced over the boy quickly, starting to feel his heart thump a little “Yeah. You’re right I guess.” Chan agreed.

“What’s that?” Byung asked as he pointed at the sack on the floor, Chan bent his torso down and picked it up with a swift motion of his forearm and hand “Oh, I won this... I don’t know what it is.” He opened the bag to reveal a stuffed toy platypus. “Hmm...” Byung examined it intently.

“It’s like a weird duck beaver thing...” Chan stated, “May I see it?” Byung hummed gently, “Of course” he replied as he handed the platypus toy over.

“AHN CHAN HEE, GET BACK HERE!” his mother called in the distance, Chan lept up and nervously whispered “Aish, it’s ma. I’ve got to go, it was nice meeting you-”, “Will you be here next year?” Byung asked with a subtle eagerness “Will you?” Chan replied and Byung nodded, his cheeks beginning to turn a delicate shade of pastel pink.

“Here’s the beaver duck...” Byung giggled as he handed it back, “You keep it, it’s yours.”, “Really? For me?”, “Yes. Goodbye now!.” Chan scurried away, leaving Byung with the platypus as a momentum. Byunghun giggled and snuggled it, with a triumphant grin then looked back up the shining stars. "Goodbye Ahn Chanhee." He whispered at the stars.

Chan paced away with a huge grin and before he could leave completely he unconsciously looked back and saw the boy’s bright blonde hair in the distance, he sighed happily and then his mother grabbed his hand and shooed him away in a hurry. "Chanhee, you can’t go running off like that; me and Daniel were worried!” His mother grumbled as she dragged Chan by the arm back to the playground. Though he’d been scolded he could do nothing but smile, at the memory of the small boy he just met. ‘I hope I see him next year...’ Chan thought to himself and looked back at the hill for as long as he possibly could. Wishing he would see the boy the following year.

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THANKS EVERYONE, thanks for all your support and nice comments, i love you all c;


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infiniteinfinite #2
Chapter 10: feels at 8:20 in the morning should be banned, this story was beautiful, even if I ruined the end for myself by guessing what'd happen!
Crystalpurple #3
Chapter 10: Beautiful story . The ending made me cry . I really enjoy read it . Thank you so much for sharing ^^
bigbang15 #4
Chapter 10: Waahh ;c I had tears in my eyes reading this but it was such a good story shajsjaksks
bigbang15 #5
Chapter 10: Waahh ;c I had tears in my eyes reading this but it was such a good story shajsjaksks
--chunsa #6
Chapter 10: this story was so beautiful ♥ the ending was sad yet sweet. Good job
Chapter 10: T.T you make me cry... The final is so beautiful but so sad at the same time T.T
Chapter 9: Byungie-ah~ How could you think that way~ You know you two can't live without each other~
Don't make me duct tape you two together.