It isn't over

First Love


Minho left an hour later because he could no longer bear looking at Taemin. He ignored Mrs. Lee as she called out for him with an umbrella in her hand. The man continued walking in the rain away from the house back to his broken hut. As more thoughts congested his mind, Minho hastened his footsteps and ended up sprinting down the muddy walkway.

He was escaping from reality and all the overwhelming problems that he caused because of his indecisiveness. Serve him right. Minho thought. His ex-fiancée left him and now Taemin is lying unconscious in bed. All because of him. All because he couldn’t forget about his past when everyone else might have already moved on.

Minho closed the door behind him and collapsed on the old wooden floor feeling cold, stupid, sinful. He stared at the freshly-painted furniture blankly and what stared back at him was Taemin’s smile, the way he giggles and how crazy they were for each other. There were times where Minho hated the things he treasured a lot and today would be that painful day where he wished he could set everything on fire.

As he tilted his head to look at the dining table, Minho got back up on his feet at the sight of an old package. Staring wide eyed at the bundle of old dog eared envelopes, he flipped through each of them, one by one to remember those pure loving thoughts he once wanted to share with Taemin. Every letter sounded so apologetic but simple. He loved Taemin and that was it. That was all that he had got.

Minho sat down and looked through all 400 of them, smiling gently over the facades of memories they once shared between those words. When he finally found the 401st letter, Minho tore the envelope opened, knowing what he should be expecting.

It was Taemin telling Minho how his feelings remained the same despite all those years of waiting. He wrote about things that he had never told Minho before—about how unhappy his parents’ marriage was and all his insecurities without him by his side.

But it’s time for me to let go, just like how we did eight years ago.

I survived the ordeal back then and I might be able to pull it through once again.

For loving you was painful, but seeing you happy makes me feel blissful.

For the last time, to the pain in my . I will miss you…first love.

No…it wasn’t over. Minho dropped the letter and left again, running back and fro from their houses like a relay.

“Hey…” Minho barged into Taemin’s bedroom, panting and drenched in the rain. The sick boy on bed stared back at him, still feeling afraid and insecure.

“Why are you here?” He made his way to the bed and pressed his wet body against Taemin’s weak frame. Cupping his flushing cheeks in his large hands, Minho kissed his forehead and whispered back.

“Because this isn’t over. Because I love you.”

“But what about her? So what if it’s isn’t over?”

He held on to Taemin’s hand gently and slivered a smile,

“Then we will leave this place together. Shall we?”

Looking away from his lover, Taemin seek for Mrs. Lee across the room and spotted that smile on her face. She sat on the bed beside Taemin and patted his back gently.

“My son is difficult to handle.”

“I know. But I love it that way.” Minho smiled and watched as she made her way to the walking closet. The hangers were bare and all that they saw were two large leather luggages right behind the door.

“30 years ago, Minseok and I met, but we didn’t manage to complete our love story. I don’t want my son to miss out such an enchanting part of his life. Take him away and don’t repeat the same mistakes that we made.”

“Umma…” Taemin bit his lips while watching his mother sashay elegantly to the door like she had just done something that made herself proud.

“But I still love your father, Taemin. I really do. I just feel different with your father and with Minseok.”


“Leave Taemin. I know what you’re thinking about. Don’t worry, okay?”

“Thank you, Umma.” As Mrs. Lee left the room with the luggage, Minho carried Taemin on his back, blushing foolishly when he felt that warm breath blowing on his neck.

“Do you think this is going to work?”

“Yes. It will work out well. With Yoogeun and…”

Taemin rested his chin on Minho’s shoulder.

“We’re going to adopt a child?”

“Yes, like you always wanted.”

Opening the car’s door, Minho supported Taemin onto the passenger’s seat and put the load at his car boot.

“Thank you, Umma.”

“Take good care of Taemin, okay?”

“Yes I will.”

And Minho did for the next fifty years of their lives. They continued with where they’ve left off in a different town with Key and Jonghyun. Just like what Taemin had always dreamt of, they bought a house by the beach, bought a dog and adopted a child from the local orphanage, naming him Yoogeun.

They no longer tried to change each other anymore. Taemin accepted Minho for who he was, an egoistic pain in the who couldn’t afford to do things unplanned. While Minho accepted Taemin for being childish, always trying to regress when he had the opportunity to do so. They hated each other at times too and that explains the reason why they never stopped fighting.

Because this was what they love about each other, their differences, their mistakes and their patience to wait.

For at the end of the road, they would still be together.


A/N: This is supposed to be the end. But NO, I REFUSE to end it in this manner so I’ve decided to add an epilogue at the back. Hehehhe So, what’s up with my disappearance for the past few days? Well, I got injured while dancing, but I still continued. So all my mood to write vanished along with the unbearable pain when I try to straighten my legs.

And I just can’t learn my lesson and continued dancing with a knee guard on. BUTTT oh well, I managed to learn BoA’s only one so it’s all worth it XD

ANYWAY I need help so please read this okay? Hehehehe

My friend is looking for a PEN B ticket for SM Town SG, so please message me if you are selling or if you know of people who are selling. Please thank you!! ^^ 

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Chapter 9: totally loving this story... =)
SHINees_Back #2
Chapter 9: I loved this story :')
Chapter 9: That was lovely darling~
carrotcake #4
Chapter 9: i really enjoyed reading this, it was unique reading something that has happened back in the 50's or so. heavily stirred my imagination, what an awesome 2min experience. thank you for this one! <3
Chapter 8: Thanks for reading everyone!!! Author-nim is too lazy to reply everyone so... :p You guys have no idea how happy and thankful I am to have you hanging over my fanfictions. I hope you enjoy my work and yeshhhh more to come!
Chapter 8: Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!
They're together finally!
And they adopted Yoogeunnie x3!!
Waiting for the epilogue 3
Chapter 8: ooooewwwejfmndxdl
omo how cute ;w;
they adopted yoogeunnieeekdje
so beutiful ;w;
Chapter 7: Minho you should know! You should say I want Taeminnie!!
Poor Tae being unconscious b'cuz of an overdose :( glad he's not dead or smt..