I hate you

First Love


(http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R9e122r6nQ -Closer by Taeyeon)



“You’re back!” Minho smiled at his fiancée and kissed her forehead.

“Ermm…I need to tell you something.”


“I’m going back home with Taemin to clear some issues.”

“Go then.” She smiled and Minho stared at her in awe. “There’s no big deal right?”

“No. Not really.” Yes, it’s no big deal anyway. He would be back to clear his furniture and all that was left behind so he could start afresh. With that, Minho packed some clothes in a small luggage and drove his car to Taemin’s firm at 9am the next morning.

“Good morning.” Taemin greeted and passed a set of local newspaper to him. “My article about you and your wife is published.”

“Oh wow. Thanks.”

Minho took a glimpse of the article and placed it on the backseat.

“You seemed to be doing a great job, Taemin.”

“Thanks. And you seemed happy, Minho.” Taemin grazed his teeth a little as he looked out of the window. They were out of town after a 10 minutes drive into the meadow.

“Yes, I am. What about you?” Minho asked.

“What about me?”

“Are you happy?” He blinked in confusion, not with the question but with himself. He never thought he was truly happy but maybe just contented.

“Sometimes I am. Sometimes I am not. But Kibum and Jonghyun visit me quite often.”

They had many flashbacks at that moment, especially the not-so-magical moment where they first met.

“How are they?”

“We basically hate you right now. And Jonghyun doesn’t know you’re getting married.” Taemin picked out a lunchbox from his carrier and gobbled down his sandwich.

“You’re joking right?”

“No Jonghyun is really mad.”

“Oh okay.” Minho mumbled and pointed out of the window. “We’re here.”

… …. …..

“Mom! Dad!” Taemin yelled and ran into the house like a young child. Minho followed behind with a knot in his stomach although he wasn’t out to impress Taemin’s family like he did before. Hugging his parents tightly in his arms, Mr Lee finally spotted Minho from a distance and slivered a smile.

“Good afternoon, Sir.” Minho greeted.

“Good afternoon. Congratulations, Son.”

“Thank you.” They were served with some English tea and Minho was treated with much more respect after knowing he was engaged. He would have probably done the same thing if Taemin was his son.

“So what were you doing after leaving home?” Mrs Lee asked and passed a slice of apple pie to Minho.

“I was studying art. My work is on display in the art museum and on some auctions.”

“That sounds perfect, Minho.”

He smiled gently and took a bite of the apple pie. Taemin was procrastinating right beside him and was totally oblivious of the crumbs falling on his lap.

“Taemin.” Minho patted his shoulders, causing him to flinch.


“There are crumbs on your shirt and pants.”


“Is something bothering you Taemin?” Mrs. Lee asked and he shook his head curtly.

“I was thinking about work. It’s pretty stressful these days.”

“You’re back home with a friend. You should enjoy.” That was what bothered him the most. The presence of his ‘friend’ made him remember the things he tried to forget and it hurts so badly.

“Do you want to visit Amelie? She’s old but still sturdy.”

“That would be great.”

They left the garden alone and Taemin’s parents were least afraid that they might do foolish things once again. Maturity and engagement was what they believed in. The two adults walked towards the stable without saying much. They have nothing to say; or maybe they were overwhelmed by too many questions. When Minho finally saw Amelie, he grinned and patted the horse firmly.

“Hi, How are you Amelie?”

“She’s not going to answer you, Minho.” Taemin joked but the pain was pretty unbearable at that moment. Those memories were pretty intoxicating.

“I…I waited for you.” Minho finally said.


“I wrote for you. I waited for you. But you never appeared.”

Taemin was taken aback.

“You wrote to me?”

“Yes. Hundreds of times.” He grimaced and led Amelie out of the stable. “Does it matter now? I’m getting married and we just missed it.”

He leapt on the horse and caught hold of Taemin’s hand. They rode down the meadow on a familiar path. Before Taemin knew it, they reached a small broken hut by the borders with an unfertile piece of land. It was Minho’s home; their home.

Everything remained the same except for the excessive amount of dust and webs hanging around. It was then when Taemin noticed the maroon quilt in front of the fireplace, all mouldy and cold.

“Do you want to clear up the place with me?”

Minho rolled up his sleeves and ed a few buttons.


“I left these behind thinking I would be happy. But there’s no difference now.”

“Do you want to throw them away?”

“No…not really. My father left these for me. I want to repaint them and probably use it after retirement.”

“You’re thinking far, Minho.” Taemin sniggered, “twenty six and thinking of retirement.”

“Just getting planned for my future.”

“Your wife might get pissed if she lived in such a small house with poor heating during winter.”

“You liked it so I supposed she’s fine.”

Taemin walked away as if he did not hear whatever Minho just said.

…. ….. …..

After sweeping away all the dirt and moving the furniture away, they lay down on the floor with stretched limps, sighing in exhaustion.

“How long are we going to do this? I am supposed to be resting here and not doing anything suicidal.”

Taemin whined.

“I’m sorry. You can return to your parents’ house if you want to.”

“Never mind. Your fiancée might get worried if you spend too much time here.”

He sat up and stared at the fireplace for quite some time. He didn’t know what he was thinking about actually.

“I was waiting for you too….I waited for your letters but nothing came.”

“I sent them to you, Taemin”

“Maybe the postman was being a jerk and lost all of them.”

“Yea, maybe.”

Minho was a little surprised over how calmed Taemin looked as he spoke.

“And I utterly, despicably hate you for leaving me.” The younger man frowned and grew his knees up to his chest.

“What about now?”

“I still hate you.” Taemin’s laughter died down after a few seconds and bit his bottom lip, “When I first met you with her, I actually thought that I would be happy to see two getting a divorce. I know I am mean.”

Minho sniggered and shook his head.

“What about you? Haven’t you found anyone worthy to capture your heart?”

“I don’t have one. It was taken away right from the start.” Taemin answered quietly and stood up to search for the quilt he washed earlier in the day. Picking it up in his arms, a moment of impulsiveness drove him to do something pretty insane. He pushed the quilt into the fire and watched as it gets engulfed in the flame.

“What are you doing? You might have gotten yourself hurt!”

“I hate this thing as much as I hate you.” Taemin began to sob and started pushing Minho around the empty room. “But…. But I hate myself even more. I have been lying for eight damn years to everyone including myself about things I never meant.”

“Calm down, Taemin.” Minho wrapped his arms around the struggling boy and caressed his hair gently. Taemin lifted his chin up to face him and cupped his hands on Minho’s cheek, circling his thumbs slowly around the corners of his lips. Pulling his face closer, he leaned forward and pressed his lips on Minho’s.

“I….” Taemin broke the long passionate kiss and panted heavily. Pushing the man away from him, he swiped his fringe off his forehead and muttered, “I’m sorry. I must be insane.”

It was then when Minho towered over him and pinned him on the floor. Despite the guilt he had for his fiancée, it was time that he decided to admit something—he wasn’t really sure about what he wanted all along. He loved his wife, but he loved Taemin too. Kissing Taemin affectionately, he parted his lips and pushed his tongue into the boy’s mouth, just like how he did sloppily in the horse stable eight years ago.

“Then… then I must be insane too, Taemin.”


A/N: Ok….so….  

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Chapter 9: totally loving this story... =)
SHINees_Back #2
Chapter 9: I loved this story :')
Chapter 9: That was lovely darling~
carrotcake #4
Chapter 9: i really enjoyed reading this, it was unique reading something that has happened back in the 50's or so. heavily stirred my imagination, what an awesome 2min experience. thank you for this one! <3
Chapter 8: Thanks for reading everyone!!! Author-nim is too lazy to reply everyone so... :p You guys have no idea how happy and thankful I am to have you hanging over my fanfictions. I hope you enjoy my work and yeshhhh more to come!
Chapter 8: Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!
They're together finally!
And they adopted Yoogeunnie x3!!
Waiting for the epilogue 3
Chapter 8: ooooewwwejfmndxdl
omo how cute ;w;
they adopted yoogeunnieeekdje
so beutiful ;w;
Chapter 7: Minho you should know! You should say I want Taeminnie!!
Poor Tae being unconscious b'cuz of an overdose :( glad he's not dead or smt..