
First Love


It was the end of autumn when Taemin made a crazy decision of shifting in with Minho. His parents objected of course, thinking that he was nothing more than a life ruiner. They let him go anyway, unafraid that he might be gone for good. One day, they believed that Taemin will return home crying because their love wasn’t going to last like they thought it would.

He left, feeling happy and excited that they would be living together through the winter into the New Year. They finally made love during Christmas after an awkward kiss under the mistletoe. It was weird and painful and amazing and –and they loved each other so, so much. They lay under the maroon colored quilt in front of the fireplace, in each other’s arms. If they could stay in this manner forever, it would be great.

There was something they were oblivious about however. Taemin was sixteen. A young, oblivious, ignorant sixteen year old. As much as he loved Minho, he was frightened, terrified in fact. Taemin did not tell anyone that he really wanted to go to college and leave this place. He wanted to be a journalist and build a new home with Minho by the seaside. He wanted a German Shepherd and name it Dino; probably adopt a kid from the town’s orphanage and call him Yoogeun.

He had a lot of dreams, but Minho had none. He kept everything simple and all he wanted was to lead a life with Taemin forever and ever. He wanted to stay on in his small hut by the farm that his father left him without much intrusion from the outside world. Minho only started to reconsider when Mr. Lee paid him a visit when Taemin went shopping for groceries. He led him into the hut as large as his study room and they had a man-to-man talk—well, almost. At the end of the day, Mr. Lee threatened Minho to let Taemin off before he calls the police.

That was the day when Minho was overwhelmed by everything that he had never considered before. He asked himself what he was going to do for the rest of his life. Was he going to do harvesting and make a living out of it for the next fifty years? Was he going to make Taemin suffer along with him when he deserved so much better? Was he going to hinder his lover’s future because he was incompetent to create his own? He thought through the whole night with Taemin sleeping in his arms, his head resting on his chest.

There were a couple of moments where Minho had the urge to pack their bags and elope somewhere where no one would ever find or know them. It was also his dream to study, maybe solve math questions and read up on history with Taemin in bed. But he knew that wasn’t a solution.

So as he shifted his lover’s head on the pillow, Minho emptied Taemin’s clothes from the wooden drawers and packed it in his luggage. Minho did not say anything when he woke the sleeping boy up. All he did was smile and blindfolded him with a scarf.

“Where are you taking me?”

“It’s a surprise.” He carried Taemin into his truck and kissed him so passionately and lightly. It was a goodbye kiss. When they finally reached the destination, Minho led him out of the car and caressed Taemin’s hair gently between his fingers.

“Could you kiss me, Taemin?” He tiptoed a little and pressed his lips on Minho’s, not knowing what was in store for him. “I would write to you everyday okay?”

“Wait… what do you mean?” Taemin took off his blindfold and froze at the sight of everything that stood in front of him. His luggage was at the door, his parents were standing outside waiting for him and Minho. Minho was making his way back to the truck with bloodshot eyes. “You are not going anywhere, Choi Minho.”

“I’m sorry Taemin. I really am, but this is all that I could do for you. I love you and I want you to lead a wonderful life.”

“I’m leading a wonderful life with you.” Taemin whimpered and dropped to his knees, “Please don’t leave me. We can go together. Please I beg you.”

Minho kissed him again and wrapped his arms around the withering figure.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I love you, you know that right?”

“I know but…”

“If you love someone, you can trust them.”

“But…but Minho.”

“Then trust me. I will wait for you.” Minho brought him back up on his feet and hugged the boy once again. “I will write to you every day. I love you.”


Minho cried on his way back home and so did Taemin. All they did was cry in their own confinement and everything that they thought of was one another. Minho wrote a letter to Taemin in front of the fireplace where they had so many memories together.

I am sorry Taemin

I love you Taemin

That was what he wrote in every single letter. However as time passed by without getting a single reply, Minho was no longer sure about everything he thought was true. After writing four hundred letters without getting any answers, he gave up all together. Minho stopped thinking of Taemin and decided to leave his past for good.

A part of him still craved for Taemin’s return. He left his house with all the furniture in place and their favourite maroon quilt in front of the fireplace.

Seven years. He left the place for seven years.

Taemin waited for Minho all the time. He waited for his letters and waited for him to take him away. But none of it came. He gave up waiting eventually and left home for college just like he dreamt. It had been a long time since Taemin heard from him. He stopped waiting but he never forgets.

The two bittersweet lovers left their home for the same city. Minho studied art in a local college while Taemin took up journaling in a private institution. Their dormitories were just a couple of streets away from one another but they never met. Maybe they’ve used up all their luck to finding each other and they were no longer left with any. They even shared the same adoration for a particular café and the same cup of latte but it just didn’t work out. Minho loved sitting by the window facing the lake to sketch, while Taemin buried himself in a notebook where he penned down his feelings—particularly about the boy whom was constantly in his mind.


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Chapter 9: totally loving this story... =)
SHINees_Back #2
Chapter 9: I loved this story :')
Chapter 9: That was lovely darling~
carrotcake #4
Chapter 9: i really enjoyed reading this, it was unique reading something that has happened back in the 50's or so. heavily stirred my imagination, what an awesome 2min experience. thank you for this one! <3
Chapter 8: Thanks for reading everyone!!! Author-nim is too lazy to reply everyone so... :p You guys have no idea how happy and thankful I am to have you hanging over my fanfictions. I hope you enjoy my work and yeshhhh more to come!
Chapter 8: Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!
They're together finally!
And they adopted Yoogeunnie x3!!
Waiting for the epilogue 3
Chapter 8: ooooewwwejfmndxdl
omo how cute ;w;
they adopted yoogeunnieeekdje
so beutiful ;w;
Chapter 7: Minho you should know! You should say I want Taeminnie!!
Poor Tae being unconscious b'cuz of an overdose :( glad he's not dead or smt..