I don't know

First Love


Mi Young was what everyone called her before she got married. She was a stunning beauty with a playful and lively soul that captured the hearts of many men. Her eyes, so bright and clear like the summer skies were flirtatious at the same time. It would not be difficult to notice that Taemin inherited that special part of his mother to make people’s heart flutter.

He was the one who caught Mi Young’s attention; the person whom stood out so much from the others that everything else seemed unimportant. The young man, 19 then, was quiet and firm. No one, not even Mi Young’s parents can control her playful heart and flirtatious gestures like he could. She on the other hand, made him smile like an idiot for no particular reason.

They gave all they’ve got for one another—their heart, their first kiss, their first time, their soul. It was so magical that they believed that everything could be overcome as long as they loved each other. The couple even thought of leaving all they’ve got behind in the small village for somewhere special where they could start a new life.

But she was brought away the very next day, without even having the chance to say goodbye. Feeling heartbroken and devastated, he gave up waiting for her with that tinge of hatred and led on with his life without her. A part seemed to be missing no matter how hard they tried—Mi Young no longer laughed like she used to. Her spouse, Taemin’s father, wasn’t able to fill up that empty spot within her like he did. 

20 years later, she was back in the same town, looking at her son falling for someone like him. Mrs. Lee was afraid at first; fearing that he would land up in the same fate like she did. But wasn’t it the best time of her life? Taemin laughed like she did and told her so many stories that reminded so much of them. It was then when she no longer had the heart to stop her son from loving and experiencing such a wonderful part of his life.

When she spoke to Minho eight years ago, Mrs Lee finally came to realization about something. Taemin and Minho were there to change the ending of their parents’ love story. For Taemin was in love with her first love’s son, just like how she once loved him.

.. … …

“Fair for me?” Minho’s fiancée scoffed, “Do you really think this is fair for me? For Taemin?”

“I’m sorry.”

He mumbled while collapsing on the couch in despair. There was nothing else he could do to make things right.


“Don’t say sorry, Minho. Don’t ever say sorry.” She sat down beside him and pressed her finger on his lips. “If you mess things up, you have to make it right again.”


“Stop asking us what do we want and who would get hurt. What do you want, Minho? Who can you not live without?”

“What if I say it’s him? What if I say it’s you?”

“I will still love you the same.”

He hated it. She was too forgiving when it came to love and it made Minho feel guilty for his indecisiveness. Minho held her hand and kissed her knuckles so gently.

“I love you too. But…..”

“But you love Taemin too, right?” He nodded his head and hugged her gently, “And you love him even more than you love me.”

No reply was a hint for consent. Yes, Minho loved Taemin more than he loved her but this didn’t really mean anything. He felt different when he was with either of them, where she made him feel needed and loved. Taemin however, made him feel a need to live and breathe.

“You know I can do anything to let you stay by my side. We can get married and we can have a child.” She caressed his hair softly, “But I know what I should do now.”

The girl wiggled herself away from Minho’s arms and took a few steps backwards. He reached out for her hand and interlocked his fingers with hers.

“I know I’m not going to get your heart.” She slivered a smile and slipped out of his touch, “So I’m letting you go.”

Minho stared at her frozen as she pressed her lips on his gently while standing on her toes. The kiss was a bittersweet goodbye, one where none of them were really sure about. The 23 year old was at the verge of tears but she tried to hold all her emotions back coolly for his sake. He would only leave her as long as she remained unaffected and nonchalant.

With that, she removed the 1.5 caret engagement ring and passed it back to Minho. He didn’t say anything, nor did he try to stop the tears rolling down from the corner of his eyes. She packed her luggage and made her way to the doorway ten minutes later, leaving Minho behind without saying a single word.

He didn’t run back to Taemin after she left. Minho returned back to the empty bedroom and curled up on the bed in silence for a long time. He thought a lot about her and Taemin as well, almost coming to a certain conclusion that he didn’t deserve any of them. He was thankful that she left because he did not want to hurt her anymore, nor did he want to return back to Taemin without thinking twice.

The silence was finally broken by the telephone ringing with urgency. Minho pressed it against his ear and answered,


“Is this Minho? This is Mrs. Lee, Taemin’s mother.” He sat up on the bed and brushed his hair off his forehead.

“Good afternoon Mrs. Lee.”

“Taemin…Taemin was found unconscious in bed this morning. I thought it will be appropriate to call you.”

He shuddered.

“What’s wrong with Taemin?”

“He was overdosed with Morphine.” He could hear Mrs. Lee trembling on the other line, “Taemin said he was in so much pain.”

“Is… is he okay?”

“Yes, he’s fine Minho. Now I need to talk to you.”

She replied solemnly and Minho agreed to meet in the evening back in their hometown. He had no idea what he should expecting—maybe his parents were so agitated that they decided to bring him to court.

Dragging himself to the car in exasperation, he drove down the same path again with a heavy heart. The sun was no longer glistening like it used to be; it was raining so heavily and the skies were grey and dull. When he finally reached Taemin’s house, Minho sat the car feeling confused as he looked up at his bedroom’s window.

He shouldn’t have brought Taemin with him. Everything was over until he made that silly mistake that hurt everyone. As he was led into the house by the domestic helper, Minho made his way up to Taemin’s bedroom and stood at the doorstep in silence.

“Mrs. Lee.” She nodded her head and gestured for him to enter the room. He tilted his head a little and found the fragile looking figure lying on bed under the sheets. Minho couldn’t bear to stand any closer to Taemin, afraid that his presence might bring him harm again.

“He’s sleeping now. Come sit down with me.” Minho sat on the couch beside her but never stopped looking at the boy. “Now… I need you to be honest with me.”


“Do you still love Taemin?”


“What about your wife?

“She left.”

Mrs. Lee reached out for Minho’s hand and patted it gently.

“What do you want, Minho?”

“I…I don’t know.” 

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Chapter 9: totally loving this story... =)
SHINees_Back #2
Chapter 9: I loved this story :')
Chapter 9: That was lovely darling~
carrotcake #4
Chapter 9: i really enjoyed reading this, it was unique reading something that has happened back in the 50's or so. heavily stirred my imagination, what an awesome 2min experience. thank you for this one! <3
Chapter 8: Thanks for reading everyone!!! Author-nim is too lazy to reply everyone so... :p You guys have no idea how happy and thankful I am to have you hanging over my fanfictions. I hope you enjoy my work and yeshhhh more to come!
Chapter 8: Ohmygosh ohmygosh ohmygosh!!
They're together finally!
And they adopted Yoogeunnie x3!!
Waiting for the epilogue 3
Chapter 8: ooooewwwejfmndxdl
omo how cute ;w;
they adopted yoogeunnieeekdje
so beutiful ;w;
Chapter 7: Minho you should know! You should say I want Taeminnie!!
Poor Tae being unconscious b'cuz of an overdose :( glad he's not dead or smt..