
Teukie's Little Princess


Henry’s POV


“What?! Why me? I can’t choose one flavor, all of them looked so good!” Kangin defended himself.


“Fine but next time, take me with you.”


“Ok hyung.” They both sighed at the same time. Now back to spying on Kyurin. Hmm… They both seem to have a good time. I looked at Sungmin hyung and saw that he looked a bit down. Now I feel bad for supporting Kyuhyun hyung so much. I should’ve treated them fairly. Just then Kyuhyun pinched Heerin’s cheek and laughed softly. I noticed that there is something on the corners of . Ice cream?


“You eat just like a kid. Come here let me wipe it off for you.” Kyuhyun wiped off the remaining ice cream on the corner of . Kyurin moment!!! You think I’m weird? No I’m not! I’m just their number one fan. Got a problem with that?


“ Kamsahamnida.” Heerin thanked Kyuhyun afterwards.


“My pleasure.”


“First it was Sungmin and now it’s Kyuhyun.  Aish! Who’s next?” Leeteuk groaned.


I have a brilliant evil plan. TeeHee!


“Me. Hey babe.” I rose from my seat then jokingly kissed Heerin’s cheek. I saw all three of them glare at me but I just ignored them.


'Who else?" Leeteuk looked around with a look that says ‘Don’t even dare’


“Me.” Eunhyuk said while chewing on his food. Hyung please don’t eat when your mouth is full.


“You already have Donghae.” I bet Leeteuk doesn’t want Eunhyuk because he watches .


“Hyung who do you really want for Heerin?” Zhoumi asked him. This better be good.


“I actually want Ryeowook or Hangeng for Heerin.”




“Ryeowook is a good cook, he is innocent and kind. Hangeng, I trust him."


“Ooooh….” All of us were shocked about Leeteuk’s choices. I thought it would be someone like Siwon or Donghae.


“You don’t want Kyuhyun, Sungmin, Henry or me?” Heechul asked.


“You are too… diva, evil… And let’s not talk about this after all--- WHERE IS MY BABY BEAR?!” Leeteuk cut-off his own sentence then panicked.


“She is just--- Ohmahgawd! Where is Heerin?!” Kyuhyun yelled. Where is she? She was just sitting between Kyumin. Why didn’t Kyumin notice her leave? I bet they were too focused on listening to Leeteuk earlier and Leeteuk should have seen her too, she was sitting right in front of him. Bad oppa. We all are.


“I saw her walk towards her room.” Ryeowook  whisphered.


“And that is why I like Ryeowook for Heerin. Thanks Ryeowook.” Leeteuk went to Ryeowook then hugged him. Bromance? TeeHee! Just kidding! After that he went to Heerin’s room.


“If any of you tries to stop me from courting Heerin then all of you will see the dark side of me.” I warned all of them. I walked out of the dining area then entered my room. Did they actually know that I was just joking? After I left I didn’t hear one of them speak then after a few minutes I hear them cleaning, are they really scared of me? I don’t care! Eheheheheh!


*Knock! Knock! Knock!*


I opened the door just to see Heechul hyung.


“What do you want?” I asked, annoyingly. Is that even a word?


“I’ll ignore the fact that you didn’t use honorifics for me this time but can we talk in a more private area?”


“Sure, where?




“Let’s go.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“What do you want to talk about hyung?”


“I know what you’re planning.”




“You’re planning to make Sungmin and Kyuhyun jealous so that they will get the spirit for fighting on who they love.”


“How did you know?”


“I’ve known you for too long Henry and everything that I’ve been teaching you has now been properly used.” I don’t want to burst your bubble hyung but since when did you start teaching me? Whatever, just pretend that I agree with him.


“I’ve learned from the best.”


“Good. Who are you helping anyway? Kyuhyun or Sungmin?”




“What? I thought it would be Sungmin.”


“Well Sungmin is too flirty towards girls. Kyuhyun, he looks different. He is glowing ever since Heerin came, which is just a few hours ago, and he became even nicer.”


“Yes, I noticed that too. I saw him help in cleaning the dining table earlier.”


“Really? He did that?”


“Yes really.”


“But isn’t it a bit too early to, you know, do this?”


“Nah, it’s time.”


“Let’s go before someone sees us.”


“You’re right.” Heechul started to walk away, then I remembered something.


“WAIT!!!” I yelled with all my might.


“WHAT?!” Heechul yelled back.


“What do you think is inside of Kyuhyun’s gift that Heerin needs to open alone?”


“What gift?”


“The blue box”


“Oh! We have to find out what it is.”


“I think it’s a jewelry.”


“Of course it is! It’s from the Tiffany’s!”


“I know that.” I turned around to leave so that we could end this right now.






“Didn’t Kyuhyun bought a panda bear for Heerin? Why did it turn into a jewelry?”


“How did you…?”


“We were together when we bought our gifts then we passed by to a Tiffany jewelry shop. He told me we should look around, I agreed since i want to buy a gift for my mom. We already bought jewelries that time so he asked me:


Kyuhyun: Who are you giving that to?

Heechul: My mom, you?

Kyuhyun: To someone that will make my life change, to someone that makes my heart beat fast, to someone that I will cherish forever.

Heechul: In other words, the one you like?

Kyuhyun: Yes.

Heechul: Who?

Kyuhyun: I have not found the right girl yet.

Heechul: Want me to set you up with Seohyun?

Kyuhyun: Nah, she’s far from my type.

And that’s what happened.”


“I thought he likes Seohyun.”


“He admitted that Seohyun forced him. Don’t even dare tell this to anyone got it?” Heechul warned me.


“Got it, but why did Soehyun force Kyuhyun?”


“We’ve got bigger problems than that, for now let’s focus on Kyuminrin.”


“Why not Kyurinmin?”


“Aish! Why worry about those names? Why not worry about our excuse of why we left?”




“Leeteuk will scold you for drinking coffee.”




“Really? A candy?”


“It’s okay, right?”


“Too obvious.”




“We just ate.”


“Why not just buy some of your lotion?”


“Good idea, I already run out of lotion.”


“And we could also buy some stuff that we could use to prank the other memners.”


“I’ve finally found my new favorite dongsaeng!” Heechul yelled happily then hugged me, what is going on?





Henry: Mwahahaha!

ChoHeeRinELF: Guys, it’s not my fault that this chapter was cut-off short. It was Henry!

Henry: Mwahahaha!

Heechul: You have been taught well my dear apprentice.

Siwon: Lord, please spare this innocent young one from this evil old boy.

Kyuhyun. Will you guys shut up?

Heechul: Why not you shut up?

Kyuhyun: Whatever!

Heechul:  You little mutt! How dare you not use manners to people who are older than you!

Kyuhyun: So you’re finally admitting that you’re old?

Heechul: I am not and I will never be!

Kyuhyun: Says the one who already has wrinkles under his eyes.

Heechul: Where?! Tell me!

Kyuhyun: I’m not telling!!!

Heechul: Zhoumi! Come here!

Zhoumi: *pops out of nowhere* Yes?

Heechul: Do I have wrinkles under my eyes?

Zhoumi: There’s not even a single wrinkle hyung.

Heechul: That little rat! Don’t even dare try to escape!

Kyuhyun:  Too late because I already am!

Heechul: Hey! Get back here or else I will throw your laptop away!

Kyuhyun: Doesn’t matter!

Heechul: I will… tell Leeteuk that you’re the one who painted his white walls!

Kyuhyun: Don’t care!

Heechul: Aha! I will tell Heerin everything that you’ve done and that will ruin your chances!

Heerin: Tell me what?

Kyuhyun: Please hyung! I beg you, please don’t tell her.

ChoHeeRinELF: I’ll tell her!

Yesung: it’s kinda tricky that Heerin and our author has almost the same name. Is there a possibility that Heerin will get married to Kyuhyun?

ChoHeeRinElf: Maybe, maybe not. I  was too lazy to think of a Korean name specially if you’re not Korean.

Heechul: Should’ve just used Heesica.

ChoHeeRinELF: Too long! And from now on I will use “author” so that you guys won’t think it’s tricky.

Kyuhyun: I want to ask why Heechul is always here on our conversation.

Leeteuk: It’s because he doesn’t have enough lines on the story.

Heechul: Hyuuuuuuung!

Leeteuk: *giggles quietly*

Kyuhyun: Guys let’s end it here. Our author needs to do her math project.

Ryeowook: Thank you for everyone who subscribed and for those who are reading this fanfic. Please comment, it increases karma right?

Kibum: Please don’t forget to vote for Super Junior! We love you ELFs!

Author: See you next time!

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BlueVampire #1
author-nim pls update soon :3
Chapter 11: plz update soon and more ^^
BlueVampire #3
Chapter 10: kekeke lol when i saw this i was like "Omo KYUMIN IS REAL!!!" but when i clicked the link "T_T Evil Author-nim... XD" You're the only one who got me fooled on april fools day! Kyakya! Congrats!kekeke! I hope you update soon!
jenidragon #4
Chapter 10: T.T cruel..
Yeners #5
Chapter 9: More Please!!!
Chapter 9: author, update faster :)
Chapter 9: Aah.. Big bang, himchan.. Why all of beautiful, cool and cute time appear so sudden like that?? I'm dying of their beautyfulness, cuteness and hotness!! XD
Chapter 9: I LOVE IT!!! Update soon! please! ^-^
superELFgirl #9
Chapter 9: the accident the very detailed accident that broke my heart! </3 why is seungri like that??
Chapter 8: I'm so confused between changmin and minho. But I choose minho because his eyes are big and I envy him because of it. Hahahaha XD