Someone is jelly~~~~!

Teukie's Little Princess

“Kyu, can we talk? I’ll wait for you here at my room.” Heerin.



“I’ll be there. Can you unlock the door?” Kyuhyun. What the? How did he know?



I quickly ran towards the door and peeked outside. Kyuhyun was there, facing the opposite side of the door, whisphering to himself: “Should I go in? Did she already open the gift that I gave her? This is embarrassing! I should’ve just gave it to her personally than to tell her that she needs to open it aaaaallloooooone… how long have you been there?”



“Doesn’t matter. Come in.” I tried to stop myself from laughing but I ended up rofling. The image of Kyuhyun being nervous is really priceless. You’re wondering why I already know him so much? Sungmin oppa showed me a few videos of Super Junior a few days ago and it shows that he is the type of person that does not get nervous easily.



“So… uhmmm… what do you want to talk about….?”



“This.” I showed him the ring that he gave me.



“Oooohhhh… I will tell you when the time is right…”



“Why not now?”



“Because it’s too complicated…”



“What’s too complicated?”



“Its… it’s too complicated!”



“o.O Just tell me already and I’ll stop bugging you.”



“I told you that I will tell you when the right time comes. Don’t you trust me?” He showed me those puppy eyes that is too cute to ignore.



“What’s wrong about telling it now?”



“Didn’t I tell you that it is too complicated?” Kyuhyun said, ruffling my hair.



“I know but I’m so curious.” (A/N:Yeah!)



“Curiosity killed the cat.”



“But satisfaction bought it back.”












“Pretty please~~~~”






“T_T Just tell me now or else I will tell Leeteuk oppa to destroy your laptop.”



“Please don’t! Please! I promise I will tell you soon.”



“Aniyo. LEETEUK OPPA!!!”






“Why?! What’s wrong?! What are you doing here, you ert???!!!” Someone slammed the door wide open to reveal a very worried looking Leeteuk, he glared at Kyuhyun as soon as he found out that he is with me in my room.



“Leeteuk oppa I want ice cream.” I decided to give Kyuhyun a chance so that his laptop won’t be destroyed. He should be VERY thankful.



“Then what is that ert doing in your room? Kyuhyun! Didn’t I tell you that no one is allowed to enter Heerin’s room?”



“Don’t worry oppa, I’m the one who told him to come here.”



“I’ll let you go this time, Kyuhyun but when you enter this room again without my permission,  I will throw away all your laptops, game cards and your precious STARCRAFT.”



“It’s her room, why would I need to ask permission from you? You’re a brother NOT a father.”



“It’s none of your business! Come here baby bear let’s go buy your ice cream.”



“Can Kyuhyun come?”



“No way that erts’ going near you.”



“Please oppa.”









“Baby Bear~~~ do you want to go home now?”



“Let’s go buy some ice cream for the oppas first.”



“Aigooo~~~~ my baby bear is so sweet!”



“Stop acting cute old man it makes me wants to puke.”



“Yah! Who are you calling old man, huh?”






“Disrespectful little brat! Hey! Come back here!”



“Come and get me old man!”



“Kids.” I sighed then walked towards the counter to buysome ice cream. I noticed a blueheaded dude at the farthest corner of the room.



“Is that sky oppa?” I whisphered to myself.



I went closer and saw that it is really him! I silently tiptoed closer behind him then covered his eyes and said “Why is the sky still so blue when it’s already near midnight?” I removed my hands from his faced then smirked at his reaction.



“Oh Heerin! I thought it was some crazy stalker! Don’t ever do that to me again! I nearly had a heart attack!”



“Mianhe! I’m really sorry! Hahaha! You should’ve seen your face!”



“Is that how you apologize to your oppa? Your sky oppa? Yah! Stop it! What if someone recognizes me?”



“I already did. XD LOL”



“So you won’t stop huh? Fine be that way, we’ll see who’ll be laughing soon.” He wiped some ice cream on my face and I immediately stopped laughing. He started to laugh really loud. I never thought that he could laugh that loud. I thought that he is a serious person with those piercing eyes.



“Ugh… now my face feels so sticky.”



“Here.” He wiped off the ice cream off my face with wet wipes that popped out of nowhere. He leaned closer that I could almost hear his heartbeat.i stared at his eyes and was mesmerized by the beauty that I see. He closed his eyes and started to lean closer to me slowly. Ottoke?! Should I push him away? Why do I have this feeling like I’m betraying someone? I closed my eyes and leaned closer. Our lips nearly touched but then someone yelled.



“Nooooooooo! This can’t be happening! Uwaaaaaaaaaah!” Someone screamed, I recognized that it was Kyuhyun so I turned around to find him getting beat up by Leeteuk oppa.



“Why *slap* did *slap* you *slap* ruin *slap* their *slap* MOMENT *punch*” I ran towards them and blocked Kyuhyun from getting hit by Leeteuk. Kyuhyun ran away then sulked at the farthest corner of the room.



“Teukie oppa! You’re hurting my Kyuhyun oppa!”



“”My Kyuhyun oppa???!!!” Top and Teukie yelled at the same time. Teukie looks disgusted while Top looks like he is disappointed.



“Can you stop yelling?!” Kyuhyun yelled then glared at Top.



“Jealous? You better be.” He turned his back at us then stomped his way out of the ice cream shop. I followed him outside and found him sitting on a swing at the playground near the ice cream shop.





















“Baby Kyu~?” He started to blush and tried to hide his face. So adorable!






“Jagiya~?” I continued to do aegyo but he won’t even dare to look at me.






“Yeobo~~~~~~~?” I stood in front of him and started to poke his blushing cheeks.



“Why are you doing this to me?” He whisphered to himself then glared looked at me.



“What are you doing here? Go back to your  Top oppa.” He glared at me then looked away quickly.



“Oppa~~~… are you mad at me?” I pouted at him but he still won’t look at me so I cupped his face.



“…” He just glared at me and refused to talk.



“Are you jealous?” I smirked at him.



“Me? Jealous? Of who? TOP?! No way! I’m much more smarter and handsome than him! Why would I be jealous? Tsk!”



“Conceited much?”



“Let’s just go back before Leeteuk sends a search party.”



*Ice cream shop*



“Where is he?”



"Leeteuk-shi already left.”



“I guess it’s time to go home. Right Heerin?” It was kinda obvious that Kyuhyun oppa wants to leave because of TOP oppa.



“Okay… “ I pouted sadly since I wanted to talk with Sky oppa a little longer.



“Don’t pout Rainbow it’s not like we’re not going to see each other again. You have my number right? I’ll text you later. Bye.” Sky ruffled my hair then hugged me.






Our walk back towards our dorm was really awkward. I want to say something to Kyuhyun oppa but he looks like he is thinking about something really hard. I decided to just stay quiet.



Waaaaahhh! I’m really tired! I’m finally going to bed!



“Uh Heerin…” I looked at Kyuhyun oppa and he is smilling at me.



“What is it oppa?”



“Good night.” He kissed my cheeks then he ran away. I touched the place where he kissed my cheeks then blushed madly. I don’t know what’s happening but suddenly I was walking slowly towards KyuMin’s room. I touched the door knob and whisphered:



“Good night Kyuhyun oppa.”




Author: Annyeong~! I'm sorry that it took me a veeeeery long time to update. PLEASE DON'T KILL ME! Class has finally started and I'm finally a senior!!! 

Kyuhyun: I'm pretty sure that you won't be able to graduate.

Author: Teukie Umma! Kyuhyun is being mean to me!


Kyuhyun: I'm just telling the truth *pout*

Leeteuk: Kyunie, you shouldn't tell people mean things or else they won't love you anymore.

Kyuhyun: But Authornim still loves me right? *puppy eyes*

Author: Hmmpf! *walks out*

Heechul: Serves you right, rude maknae.

Henry: I thought I was the maknae. *pouts*

Ryeowook: I am the maknae!

Sungmin: No! I am!

Leeteuk: Stop fighting! I am the maknae!

*silence fills the room*

Kangin: *coughs* So... where is Authornim?

Kibum: Probably sulking around her room.

Siwon: Why? What happened?

Kibum: Kyuhyun and Kangin Appa.

Siwon: Why?

Zhoumi:  The usual, Kangin scolded Authornim because she's too lazy to do her homework. Kyuhyun told Authornim that she won't graduate.

Siwon: Both of you are so mean! *yells at Kangin and Kyuhyun*

Kangin: I'm just telling her to do her homework so that she won't fail. Again.

Kyuhyun: I'm sorry... *looks down on the floor*

*everyone gasps*

Yesung: Did you just say sorry?

Kyuhyun: Yes. What's wrong with saying sorry?

Shindong; You never say sorry.

Ryeowook: Are you sick?

Leeteuk: Are you drunk?

Kangin: Are you on drugs?

Kyuhyun: Hyungs~~! Why are you all asking those ridiculous questions?

Author: Why am i surrounded with weird men?

Kyuhyun: Authornim~~~~!!! 

Author: Tssk! Go away!

Kyuhyun: Hyungs~! She's being mean to me! *pouts*

Sungmin: Authornim you shouldn't be mean to baby Kyu.

Kyuhyun: I just wanted to hug her then say sorry. *pouts even more*

Leeteuk: Authornim is so mean to our baby Kyu. How could she do that to our adorable maknae.

Author: Idiots. That devil is just playing with us.

Hangeng: Authornim say sorrry to baby Kyu

Kyuhyun: It's okay. I'm the one that's supposed to say sorry. *runs towards Authornim then hugs* I'm sorry Authornim. *puppy eyes* Please forgive me.

Author: Fine you're forgiven. Now, let go of me!

Kyuhyun: No!

Leeteuk: Kyunie~ Let go of Authornim.

Kyuhyun: No! I want Sungmin hyung...

Sungmin: What's wrong Kyunie?

Kyuhyun: *runs towards Sungmin then hugs* 

Author: What's wrong with that guy? 

Kyuhyun: Are you jealous? *pulls Authornim and Sungmin to another hug* 

Author: Yah! What are we? Teddy bears? And why should I be jealous? Let go of me! *runs away*

Kyuhyun: No~~~~~!Leeteuk: Aigoo~ Baby Kyu is so adorable! Oh is today Sunday? Guys we have to go to church! Let's go! Yah Kim Heechul! Come with us!

Heechul: I don't  want to!

Kangin: Last one to get out of the house has to do the laundry for one month! *everyone runs out*

Author: I guess I have to do their laundry... Hey guys! How is the story so far? I'm really sorry if there are some of the parts are wrong grammar and I know that there are a lot of typos but don't worry I'll edit it later. Himchan will be on the next chapter.


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BlueVampire #1
author-nim pls update soon :3
Chapter 11: plz update soon and more ^^
BlueVampire #3
Chapter 10: kekeke lol when i saw this i was like "Omo KYUMIN IS REAL!!!" but when i clicked the link "T_T Evil Author-nim... XD" You're the only one who got me fooled on april fools day! Kyakya! Congrats!kekeke! I hope you update soon!
jenidragon #4
Chapter 10: T.T cruel..
Yeners #5
Chapter 9: More Please!!!
Chapter 9: author, update faster :)
Chapter 9: Aah.. Big bang, himchan.. Why all of beautiful, cool and cute time appear so sudden like that?? I'm dying of their beautyfulness, cuteness and hotness!! XD
Chapter 9: I LOVE IT!!! Update soon! please! ^-^
superELFgirl #9
Chapter 9: the accident the very detailed accident that broke my heart! </3 why is seungri like that??
Chapter 8: I'm so confused between changmin and minho. But I choose minho because his eyes are big and I envy him because of it. Hahahaha XD