She's gone

My Beautiful Obsession



We are so far from each other.

Because of me.

We turned the tables.

Now I was looking for her like crazy, while she kept avoiding me.


I understand how she felt.

And I can't forgive myself for being so stupid.

But two months was enough.


For two months,

she didn't talk to me,

she didn't even look at me.

She wouldn't notice me, even when we were in the same room.

She treated me like a nobody.

I deserve it.

But why does it hurt so much?

It's hard being so alone.


Before, I had her trust.

I had her smile.

I could hear her cheerful voice anytime.


It's not the same anymore


"The number, you've dialed is invalid. Please try again later."

I frowned as I heard the annoying voice.

I tossed my phone on the back seat and stared at the window in front of me.

I was caught in traffic and I was slowly going crazy.

"I was wrong, I get it."

I looked down.

"But, please, don't torture me like that..."

I whispered as I drove away.

I knew where I was going.




__ was sitting on her bed, reading a book.

She was sick, so she stayed home for the week.

Making her sickness as an excuse, she turned off her phone.

No one could blame her. She wanted to be alone.


She just wanted a peaceful day.

She was tired from work and not to mention

the whole mess with GD and Taeyang.

She didn't like things to be hard.


As much as she didn't want to admit, she really wanted to escape somehow.

It wasn't everyday when so many stupid things happen.


She looked at the clock.

10 pm, it was late.

She was very tired.

And the cold wasn't helping either.


She was getting ready for bed, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Who could that be..." She whispered as she walked to the door.

As soon as she opened the door, all her sleepiness disappeared.

Because on the other side, he was standing with his saddest look ever.




She is so beautiful.

Anyone would say it, while standing in front of her.

I haven't seen her in a while like that.

So close.


After so much time of being mentally separated,

I got the chance to see her again.

From up close.

My eyes were locked with hers.

I could hear her breathing.

"What are you doing here, Jiyong-ssi?"

I blinked.

I couldn't say anything, honestly.

"Can I come in?"

She looked towards the ground.


"I have to talk to you."

"I'm tired." She reached for the knob, ready to close it.

I grabbed the door.

"Please, it's important."

She looked at me again.


After a minute of silence, she nodded.

"Come in."

She whispered and went inside.

I followed her, closing the door behind me.


When I came in, I looked around.

Nothing was changed.

I smiled.


She went in the kitchen, for a glass of water.

I sat on the sofa and looked at her.

She was holding the cup with both her hands.


Another habit of hers when she was feeling insecure.

I knew her all too well.

She sat on the chair in front of me.

"What do you want?"

I gulped.

"Why are you avoiding me?"

She looked at me, widening eyes.

"Excuse me?"

She chuckled.

"You are avoiding me."

I said quietly, looking at the ground.


I knew, I didn't have the right to ask her that.

I knew very well, why.


"I don't think we are going to be friends anymore, Jiyong-ssi."

"Call me oppa. Like you always did."

I seemed desperate.

"Don't call me like that."

I whispered.


"I think you should leave."

She stood up, so did I.

It was all by impulse.


"__-ah, jepal! Don't do this."

I grabbed her small body and pressed it towards mine.

"Mianhe. I was wrong. Please, I won't do it again."

I buried my head in the crook of her neck.



She was shocked.

He had never acted in such impulsive way.

He had never held her so tight before.


She had never felt his breath on her before.

Her body soon was covered in goosebumps.

She blinked in confusion.

She never felt him like that.

This time he was different.




I had the need to hold her.

Even just for a moment.

"Please, don't ever leave me."

She took a deep breath.

"I promise, to never make you sad anymore."


I was willing to be like that.

I was willing to have her as a friend and not a lover,

that to be apart from her.

I couldn't stand being far from her.

I need her to be with me.


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I changed the title, I'm sorry, but there are just to many stories with the previous title.


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freakandheart #1
Chapter 13: simple and sweet and i think i love it *wink2
Chapter 13: i love it!
Chapter 13: Oh god if it was any longer.
honey, this story is beautiful tho <3
OMG! after reading the description~ I got so hooked! Starting to read it now.
SJCDG205 #5
Chapter 13: Yay! Thanks :) definitely do a sequel!!!! Awesome story
Addicz #6
Taeyang never win
KimMichax123 #7
Chapter 13: YES!!! Please do a sequel of taeyang pleaseee!!! hahahha
I so like it author-nim!!
AHHHHHH~ Are you kidding me? TOP as the main character?? God! I can't wait to check that out!! ohohoh!!
I love you author-nim! Fighting!!!!!!!
SJCDG205 #8
Chapter 12: Great story! Quick suggestion though, the font is awesome, but the color makes it really hard to read, think maybe you could put it in black? Thank you! Loved the ending, keep writing!!
Chapter 12: ~Wooh! This story is worth reading! I Love it author-nim!! (^o^)/