Missing you

My Beautiful Obsession


My nightlife became a meaningful part for my life.

I watched the people in the clubs,

collecting moments.


A cheating boyfriend, whose girlfriend loves him so much,

that even knowing of his affair, she smiles and acts like nothing is wrong.

And her best friend, who loves her, but doesn't want to say a word, because he is scared.

Scared that she wouldn't understand.

There are a lot of those stories.

As funny as it sounds, you can find some interesting things at a night club.


"Thank you, friendzone.

Thank you for being there, to ruin every nice guy's life."

I was drunk, again.

What could I do?


I completed my records in less than two weeks.

Now, I was bored.

I wanted to live for the moment.

I didn't even come home.

I kept the hotel room.

I liked the view.

It helped me write.


Taeyang kept calling me.

Asking where I was.

Saying that __ misses me.

Those kind of bull.


She would call as well, but I didn't bother even looking at the phone.

A person has his limits.


She has no fault.


I just can't bring myself to go through that pain.

I decided to distance myself from her, fully.


"Dude, what's up with you?"

I was lying half drunk on the bed in the room, while TOP was looking through the window.

He was drunk as well.

It was around three o'clock in the morning.

"__-ah's been a mess, because of you."

He looked at me.

"She can't get to talk to you, she doesn't know how you are doing. It's killing her, man."

"She has Taeyang."

"Taeyang is not you."


"He's lucky for that."


"Dude, what's wrong?"

He sat on the bed and stared at me.

I hate it, when he does that.

That "TOP" thing. When he stares at a person, like that,

he forces him to tell what's on his mind.


"Yah, don't tell me, you are in love with her." He chuckled.

I buried my head in the pillow.


"Wait, what?"

He shouted.

"Of course, how could I not see it?" He laughed.


"I'm glad, you find this amusing."

"Yah, kid. Chincha! You're an idiot."

He smacked my shoulder.

"What kind of a friend are you?"

I raised a brow.


"What kind of a man? How can you make the girl you love, cry for you?"


She cried for me?


"She thinks of you as her best friend.

There is no way, she would open up like that in front of us.

Even Taeyang.

You are one of a kind for her."

And as stupid as it sounds, I came up with the idea for the last song of my album.

"Come to YG tomorrow. Like a normal person."

He chuckled.

"At least stay for more than just an hour, okay?"

I nodded slowly and watched him leave.


It was late.

I didn't want to sleep, yet.

I the TV.

I saw her.

Her shining smile.

What a beautiful girl she is.


I haven't seen her in a month

and it was killing me.

I got closer to the screen.

I missed her so much.

Why was she with him?

Why not me?

Why wasn't I the one holding her?


"How do you feel after a year in YG Entertainment?"

She was on the premiere of her newest TV Drama.

She was stunning.

"Aw, I love it there. The people are indeed important to me."

Her eyes were shining so bright.


I had those nights now and then.

When I watched her on TV and feel the loneliness.

I know, I do it to myself.

It's my fault.


I don't want to see her with another.

I realized, that I'm not a good friend at all.

I just want her for myself.


I am aware, that when I see her next time,

I will not forgive myself,

If I pass by her,

without saying a word.

Because we'll meet, eventually.


"You are often seen with G Dragon. Any comment about that?"

She smiled and looked at the camera.

"My best friend."

I looked in her eyes.

"Best friend."

I repeated.

"Best friend."

I said again.



I walked in the YG building.

I greeted everyone I saw.

It was refreshing, seeing so many smiling people.

After so long, working in the early hours in the morning.


I think I was ready to go back to normal.

I wasn't okay mentally, I guess.

But as soon as I stepped in the office, I just knew I was okay.

I was ready to see her.



Yes, I was.

They would break up soon.

I would manage to wait.


I stepped out of the elevator and walked through the hall

for the band's recording room.


As I was walking, I saw a door opening in front of me.

The person who walked out of the room was her.

I stopped immediately.

She was walking towards me, looking at her phone.

When she got closer she looked up.

Our eyes met.

After so much time.

We were so close.


Those eyes, those beautiful eyes.

I smiled.

"Oremania, __-ah."

She didn't say anything, she just stared at me.

"How are you?"


She blinked.

What was wrong?

She chuckled.

No, not a normal chuckle.

A sarcastic chuckle.


"If you wanted to know, how I've been,

you could've answered my calls."

She looked around.

"The calls I made, in every free second I have.

What right do you have, to ask how I am?"

She raised her voice.

I looked away.


I knew I've done something unforgivable.

"Don't think I can tolerate this kind of behavior.

Don't think, that I can forgive you, for ditching me like that."

She said angrily and walked away.


I turned around.

She stopped walking.

Her back was facing me.

"I broke up with Taeyang, today."

Did she really say that?



"Where were you?"

She shouted and turned around.

Her tears were falling.

"And you know why?"

I remained silent.


"Because I felt horrible for asking about you only."

She frowned.

Her tears were still falling.

"I felt horrible for talking to my boyfriend,

about another man."

"How could you do this to me?"

She whispered and looked me in the eyes.

I tried to look away.

I felt horrible.


She sighted quietly and turned her back against me, again.

I could hear her sobs, even after she was far away from me.

The sound of her crying was stuck in my head.



Why did I make her cry?

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I changed the title, I'm sorry, but there are just to many stories with the previous title.


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freakandheart #1
Chapter 13: simple and sweet and i think i love it *wink2
Chapter 13: i love it!
Chapter 13: Oh god if it was any longer.
honey, this story is beautiful tho <3
OMG! after reading the description~ I got so hooked! Starting to read it now.
SJCDG205 #5
Chapter 13: Yay! Thanks :) definitely do a sequel!!!! Awesome story
Addicz #6
Taeyang never win
KimMichax123 #7
Chapter 13: YES!!! Please do a sequel of taeyang pleaseee!!! hahahha
I so like it author-nim!!
AHHHHHH~ Are you kidding me? TOP as the main character?? God! I can't wait to check that out!! ohohoh!!
I love you author-nim! Fighting!!!!!!!
SJCDG205 #8
Chapter 12: Great story! Quick suggestion though, the font is awesome, but the color makes it really hard to read, think maybe you could put it in black? Thank you! Loved the ending, keep writing!!
Chapter 12: ~Wooh! This story is worth reading! I Love it author-nim!! (^o^)/