Let me hear your voice

My Beautiful Obsession


"You... what?"

She stepped back.

Why did I even say it?


"Ever since I saw you for the first time."

I looked to the ground, ashamed.

"Ever since you bumped in me."

I looked at her.

"I have loved you since then."


"W-Why didn't you tell me?"

She stuttered.

She was nervous.

I don't know how I manage to keep talking, too.


"You... We were best friends, how could I tell you?"

A tear fell from her eye.

"Also, you were Taeyang's girlfriend. I would never do that to you two."


She stayed silent.

"Please say something."

I begged.


She didn't say a word.

We stayed silent.

For a long time.


"I'm sorry."

I looked at her.

"I'm really sorry, Ji."

She whispered.


I looked at her, knowing what would happen next.

"Don't be."

I smiled sadly, looking at her.

I kept the eye contact as long as possible.

Before she closed her eyes,

turned around and left the room.

Leaving me alone.


I stayed in the bathroom for a while.

I was afraid to come out.

I didn't want to put her in an awkward situation.


I wanted her to smile.

Like before.

I knew that our relationship was broken.

We couldn't pick up the pieces anymore.

There was no going back.


 When I came out, she wasn't there.

I went to the bedroom.

The door was opened and I saw my clothes on her bed.

She wasn't there either.

She wasn't there at all.


I left as well.

Waiting was too painful.


A week later.


"She what?" I asked.

This wasn't real.

She couldn't leave.

She didn't even say goodbye.

Los Angeles?

She was going there?


"Her popularity increased. She signed a contract with __ Entertainment.

Her flight is today at 6."

Taeyang sighted.

"You were her friend, didn't you know?"

He asked.


"Obviously not."

I muttered, grabbing my jacket and car keys.

"Where are you going?"

He stood up.

"Where do you think?"

I said and closed the door behind me.


There weren't any fans.

She was leaving unofficial.


I looked at my watch.

5:45 PM

There was still time.

I looked around.

I couldn't see her anywhere.


I called her.

I could only do that.

I wanted to hear her voice.



"Where are you?" I asked.

"Why?" "Just tell me."

"I'm at the airport."

"I know that. Tell me where."

"Jiyong I don't-''

"Just tell me."

I looked around again.


I saw her.

Near the cafe.

She was wearing a hoodie.

How could they not recognize her?

I walked to her.


"You were going to go without saying goodbye?"

She looked at me.

She was surprised.

"They offer a lead role in a movie with one of the most popular actors.

I have to go."


"And after that?"

"I don't know."

"Will I even see you again?"

"Jiyong, I-"

"I don't want you to tell me, that you love too."

I walked closer to her.

"I need you in my life. Even if you are just a friend."

Tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I love you. I want you to be happy. But please don't leave me."

My voice cracked.

I meant it.


"I love you too."

She whispered.

I blinked in confusion.


I whispered.

She chuckled, tears still spilling from her eyes.

"You do?"

I smiled.

She nodded, looking at the ground.

This was the best moment of my life.


"Eight months. I'll be back in eight months."

She said.

"I was afraid, that if I told you, you would distance yourself from me."

I chuckled and her cheek.

"Pabo. I would never do that."

And I kissed her.

I kissed her for the first time.

The kiss was the most wonderful thing ever.

It was sincere, I felt it.


She was mine at last.

Only mine.


'Seoul to Los Angeles, last call.'


We broke apart from the kiss, as she looked at me.

"I have to go."

She muttered.

"I'll wait for you."

I kissed her forehead.


And I didn't lie.

I waited for her, through all these eight months."


And when she came back,

well, let's say there wasn't a person, who was happier than me.

Because we were together at last.




Taeyang understood.

He is a great friend.


"Don't worry, bro. If you two are happy, then I'm happy as well."

He told me.

"Plus, I have my eyes on someone as well."


I laughed.

Everything was at its place. 




Well, this is the end. Thank you all, for the interest you showed for the story. I'm thankfull to all my subscribers, for supporting me. This is my first finished story and I'm very happy that I managed to do it until the very end. Thank you all again. I don't think, that it needs a sequel, right? If you want a sequel or have ideas, feel free to share them with me.

Thank you again,


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I changed the title, I'm sorry, but there are just to many stories with the previous title.


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freakandheart #1
Chapter 13: simple and sweet and i think i love it *wink2
Chapter 13: i love it!
Chapter 13: Oh god if it was any longer.
honey, this story is beautiful tho <3
OMG! after reading the description~ I got so hooked! Starting to read it now.
SJCDG205 #5
Chapter 13: Yay! Thanks :) definitely do a sequel!!!! Awesome story
Addicz #6
Taeyang never win
KimMichax123 #7
Chapter 13: YES!!! Please do a sequel of taeyang pleaseee!!! hahahha
I so like it author-nim!!
AHHHHHH~ Are you kidding me? TOP as the main character?? God! I can't wait to check that out!! ohohoh!!
I love you author-nim! Fighting!!!!!!!
SJCDG205 #8
Chapter 12: Great story! Quick suggestion though, the font is awesome, but the color makes it really hard to read, think maybe you could put it in black? Thank you! Loved the ending, keep writing!!
Chapter 12: ~Wooh! This story is worth reading! I Love it author-nim!! (^o^)/