
My Beautiful Obsession


A month passed, then another.

My love for __ grew stronger, so did our friendship.

Every time I tried to make a move,

she'd remind me somehow, unknowingly,

that we are just friends and she is happy that way.


Every time I try to tell her,

I get scared and try to change the subject.

I'm a coward.


I wasted a year of gathering up courage.

And for what?


"I think I'm in love with Taeyang."


Those words broke my heart into million pieces.

One year went in the trash


She smiled at me.

Her look...

It was the same as mine, when I looked at her.

Here she was, Yang __, one of the best Korean rookie actresses,

telling me, G dragon, her best friend, that she was in love with my band mate,

who was also my best friend.




That was what my mind was screaming.

I forced a smile with my lips, but my eyes couldn't.

They couldn't lie.


"How... How did you figure that out?" It was hard for me to breathe.

It was so hard.

She grinned and ruffled her hair.

A habit she did, when she was excited.


I knew, that Taeyang liked her, he told me so.

But I couldn't even think of the possibility, that she felt the same.

Why was all this happening to me?


"Oppa, I gotta go. My manager is waiting for me in front of the building."

She hugged me, grabbed her bag and hurried to the entrance.

What just happened?


"Oi, hyung!" I heard a voice from behind.

It belonged to the person, I last wanted to see, at the moment.

I turned around to see Taeyang, with BIGBANG's new album.

"This thing!..."

He pointed at our album with a stupid grin.

"... Is the most awesome thing we've ever done!"

He jumped happily.

"Fans are crazy about it! That's it! I'm inspired. Party at our dorm tomorrow!"

I tried to laugh, I really did.


But I couldn't.


He noticed something was wrong and his smile faded away.

"What's wrong?"

His tone became serious.

I shook my head.

"I'm very tired these days. I think I'll pass."

I smiled weakly.


He stared at me and a moment after, he smiled.

"Why didn't you say so? Then the party's off! We have to take care of our precious songwriter."

He pinched my cheeks and laughed.

So did I.


"Dude, stop it! Not cool."

I told him and stepped away.

He was grinning like an idiot again.


"What's __-ah doing these days?" He smiled.

My smile disappeared.

I almost forgot about her.


It wasn't fair.


Everything led to her and Taeyang.

Everything led to them.


He walked around the room, with his hands in his pockets.

"I couldn't get the chance to see her this week. I know you two are always together." 


He stopped walking and turned his gaze to me.

"You know, before I thought you liked each other.

I thought, that I shouldn't in someone's relationship."

He grinned again.

"How in the world didn't I realize, that she was just a good friend?"


A good friend?


That idiot.

She is the love of my life.

She is mine.

Not his.


My heart was broken.

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I changed the title, I'm sorry, but there are just to many stories with the previous title.


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freakandheart #1
Chapter 13: simple and sweet and i think i love it *wink2
Chapter 13: i love it!
Chapter 13: Oh god if it was any longer.
honey, this story is beautiful tho <3
OMG! after reading the description~ I got so hooked! Starting to read it now.
SJCDG205 #5
Chapter 13: Yay! Thanks :) definitely do a sequel!!!! Awesome story
Addicz #6
Taeyang never win
KimMichax123 #7
Chapter 13: YES!!! Please do a sequel of taeyang pleaseee!!! hahahha
I so like it author-nim!!
AHHHHHH~ Are you kidding me? TOP as the main character?? God! I can't wait to check that out!! ohohoh!!
I love you author-nim! Fighting!!!!!!!
SJCDG205 #8
Chapter 12: Great story! Quick suggestion though, the font is awesome, but the color makes it really hard to read, think maybe you could put it in black? Thank you! Loved the ending, keep writing!!
Chapter 12: ~Wooh! This story is worth reading! I Love it author-nim!! (^o^)/